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    Popular trends in the realm of digital marketing that continue to stay relevant

    In today’s evolving digital landscape there’s an assortment of big business tactics that have proven to be beneficial to e-commerce companies. While generating results can be a challenge at first, many businesses are choosing to showcase a variety of digital marketing techniques to continue to flourish in their trade, and some of these popular trends are expected to remain relevant in the digital marketing industry for quite some time. 

    Digital influencing is becoming more common

    While some large-scale e-commerce brands have the budget to invest in a celebrity influencer, most can often use the funds towards another professional digital marketing service. However, it’s important to know the power of digital influencing as a business owner and how it can be useful when utilized by smaller influencers that have built their own community followings.

    For example, while it’s unlikely that you will be able to afford a celebrity like Steven Tyler as your brand’s digital influencer, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find a micro personality that possesses an impressive following. In fact, some of the best ROI on sponsored content comes from local superstars! Instagram is one of the best social media platforms to outsource a digital influencer, allowing you to check out their content and ensure that they would be a good fit that aligns with the values of your company. 

    Podcasting is continuing to grow 

    For those of you who don’t know, podcasting is a steaming application of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to their personal devices for easy listening. Overwhelmingly enough, this form of broadcast has skyrocketed in popularity, with more and more businesses utilizing this technology as a form of digital marketing.

    As an e-commerce company, here are some things to consider before creating a podcast: 

    • Try talking about building your brand: Take a humorous or professional stance and establish yourself as an authority on the topics you discuss. 
    • Educate your current customers: Discuss industry-relevant news in an attempt to attract new clientele and answer the questions your current shoppers may have. 
    • Consider having a sporadic podcast: Unless you have a professional digital marketing agency handling your scheduling for you, consider podcasting once a month to provide some comfort to those loyal listeners. 
    • Take questions and offer answers: The ultimate goal of your podcast is to have customers tune in to what you have to say and if your content is important and interesting, consumers will feel that they’re in good hands with your in-depth, descriptive conversations. 

    The development of an intuitively designed website 

    While elements of web development and design have immensely changed over the years, the majority of business owners understand that a good website is needed to successfully market their company online. After all, what’s the point of investing in the strategic efforts of search engine optimization if the landing pages the visitors are directed to are slow and lack a positive user experience? Since a poor web design can cripple your digital marketing efforts, decreasing leads, conversions, and even your current customer’s trust in your expertise, when you hire a professional digital marketing agency to thoughtfully create your web content, consider the benefits of web design as part of your budgeted investment! 

    Which of the above popular trends do you feel is most useful in digital marketing? Drop a comment below to compare your opinions. 

    How to use digital marketing for the insurance industry

    In today’s digital age, insurance marketing trends rely on the internet as their key to success, and with companies slowly improving their approach towards digital marketing strategies, new tools are being used to retain and attract new customers. Below are a couple of important tips that insurance companies can use to improve their brand presence using digital marketing as their strategy. 

    Utilize a variety of social media channels to advertise your brand

    Many established insurance brands invest their efforts into offline marketing services like billboards or newspaper advertisements, but it’s incredibly beneficial to use a mix of both traditional and digital marketing approaches if you’re hoping to reach new clients. That being said, it has become essential for insurance companies to expand their online footprints to appeal to the younger demographic, which includes a presence on a variety of social media platforms and channels. Creating a channel on YouTube or a business page on Facebook offers a different type of consumer reach, and since every platform has its own charm, it’s important to utilize each component that’s offered. Take advantage of the fast-paced ability to provide customer service and enjoy a breezy communication style that gives you ample opportunity to solve any issues the customers are experiencing.  

    Since insurance marketing trends show that social media is the ultimate source of traffic and new customers, it’s important for you to create an official, verified account where customers can reach professional representation with queries, complaints, and positive reviews. Chatbots are also a great choice for businesses who are left answering the same basic questions, simply pre-program some responses into the system and provide immediate, detailed information with the addition of a request to speak to a representative for further questions and assistance. 

    Content marketing helps to build effective customer relationships

    You’ve probably heard the phrase, “content is key” and when it comes to insurance marketing trends, it’s essential for your business to produce prudent, useful content to ensure that customers will return when their policy needs to be renewed. While staying in touch with returning customers is a feat on its own, it’s also important to attract new customers through the use of content as part of your ever-growing marketing strategy. However, you’re likely wondering how easily this can be achieved? 

    Search engine optimization techniques help to improve the organic reach of your website and are able to improve your brand’s image in the eyes of the consumer. When content is written on your website using target keywords and phrases (this could be within your “About Us” page, blog, or even a product description) your landing page will creep up in the search results, making your website easier to find and more likely to be clicked. 

    Do you have any advice to offer insurance companies on the web? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    What can emojis do your marketing strategy

    The use of emojis is a great way to personalize your business promotions and with World Emoji Day (July 17) just around the corner, it would be beneficial for you to learn how to incorporate these visually attractive icons as a means of brand communication. Chances are that your target marketing communicates using emojis as a way to cut down words and convey their emotions on various social media platforms. So, why haven’t you started using them to convey a richer understanding of your products and services? 

    What is emoji marketing?

    Emoji marketing is a visual engagement tool that can be used within your professional digital marketing strategy to drive social engagement in a way that impacts each consumer differently. While innovative brands likely already have experience using graphics and copy to creative inviting advertising, emoji marketing is a fairly new concept that has managed to bridge the gap between assorted demographics. 

    Emojis, also known as emoticons, are cute, cartoon pictures that convey more information in a single character than an entire sentence of copy. However, the best part about emojis is their capability to portray intent and mood (ex. puns, jokes, or realism). Nevertheless, if you’ve been looking for ways to give your brand a friendly, humanistic element, emoji marketing could present a more favourable way to be broadcasting your message.  

    What are the benefits of marketing with emojis

    Before we skip to how emoji marketing can further the professional development of your digital marketing strategy you will need to decide which platforms would best connect to your audience. Aside from ensuring that emojis are supported, you will need to brainstorm how to effectively promote them so that they promote shareability among consumers. 

    Benefits that come from effective emoji marketing:

    • Works as a fun way of promoting a brand, product, or service.
    • Personally interact with each consumer. 
    • The information or message is perceived in different ways.
    • Sometimes nonverbal information can be processed differently.
    • Works to provide a more emotional form of communication. 
    • Increases user engagement.

    Tips to consider in your next emoji marketing campaign

    The use of emojis in your professional digital marketing strategy requires finding the right balance between the marketing message, the intent of the advertisement, and the emotion you’re attempting to portray. It’s always best to use emojis to convey something that you want to be memorable or stir emotion with your audience. 

    Here are some things that need to be considered first: 

    • Research your audience: Not every demographic perceives emojis marketing the same, so you will want to select emoticons that fit the right persona for your brand. Be sure that there are no alternative meanings for the emojis you’ve used before integrating them within the message. 
    • Context and relevance are everything: Ask yourself, “Will my target audience understand the intent of this message, does it resonate with their needs and lifestyle, and will they express interest.”   
    • Use emojis in moderation: It can be easy to get carried away by using too many emojis in your marketing message, so be sure to not go overboard by creating a cryptic message that may be overlooked. 

    What did you learn about emoji marketing and how it works with your professional digital marketing strategy? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

    How does digital marketing increase your e-commerce sales?

    An effective digital marketing strategy accomplishes many goals — developing a better online ranking, increasing brand awareness, and building a bigger following — but none are as important as increasing your online sales. So, if you’re hoping to drive more customers to your website and achieve a higher conversion rate optimization, you need to understand what you should be doing to help out your business. 

    Understanding conversion rate optimization

    It’s the job of digital marketing professionals to show their worth by breaking down to business owners how conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps to increase traffic and online sales to their e-commerce websites. But first, they must understand what CRO is and how it works to benefit their online sales strategy. 

    It’s considered a conversion when a consumer visits your website and completes a desirable action. This could include purchasing a product or service, filling out an online request form, clicking through to the website to find out more information, or calling your business. Digital marketing professionals monitor these actions using Google Analytics and complete reports for their clients to determine how improvements can be made to improve sales. They use a simple formula: conversions/website visitors multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. For example, if your e-commerce website has 17 conversions from 1,000 visitors to the page, your conversion rate is 1.7%. 

    How can you increase your digital marketing conversions? 

    Since the average consumer spends almost four hours a day using their smartphone, the potential to increase your online conversions is huge when you implement a digital marketing strategy. However, the first step towards a higher conversion optimization rate is to demonstrate a good first impression to your consumers. 

    The way you approach elements like customer service responses, website copy, and social media content gives an impression of the level of service and value your business brings to the table, and it’s always important to inspire confidence when you’re asserting your brand as a leader in your industry. 

    The next thing you can do is create an easy conversion point. This means that once a visitor is convinced to make a purchase, don’t rely on them to have to search high and low to find that conversion point. It’s important to include multiple ways for them to meet those conversion points, meaning that if you send out an e-newsletter, they can click on the product, on a button that says “buy now”, and even if the consumer clicks on the title of the product within the same area. This will make potential customers more likely to take action and create less confusion on how to buy. 

    Another consideration to increase your digital marketing conversions is quite simple, value all your callers, as picking up the phone to answer their questions or concerns may encourage them to carry out their online purchase. Online shoppers are conditioned to look for a telephone contact number rather than email and wait for a response, so if you’re fixated on improving your CRO, put your phone number where it can be easily found and consider measuring your call conversions (how many people call to ask about a sale or purchase) as well! 

    Lastly, if you or the professional digital marketing agency you hire is already doing all of the above to increase your e-commerce sales, considering leveraging digital ads as a way to increase your online conversion rate. Paid ad platforms such as Facebook and Instagram convert well and are worthwhile if you’re hoping to draw in a target audience demographic that spends ample time on these external social platforms. After all, not all digital marketing conversions require you to make changes to your website.

    What did you find most interesting about the above content? Drop a comment below to start a conversation with other readers. 

    3 ways to change up your digital marketing strategy to go with the flow of the coronavirus pandemic

    With most physical storefronts closed to fend off the spread of the virus, many customers have averted their attention to online shopping, allowing them to remain at home and have their items delivered safely to their front doors. So, while e-commerce operations have always been popular, the extended closures have attracted turnabout consumerism from those who may have never considered the conveniences of online shopping before. Thus, to keep up with the demand and remain prevalent in your industry, it’s time to invest in and change-up your digital marketing strategy to captivate and invite new, networked clientele. After all, catering to their needs may turn them into recurring customers post-pandemic.  

    Take advantage of consumer immobility 

    It has become increasingly challenging to grab hold of both essential items, let alone trivial products that bring happiness to your everyday life, which is why it’s a paramount time for e-commerce businesses to start reaping the benefits. Online shopping is safer for the elderly and immunocompromised, as well as just a regular family who’s concerned about contracting the virus while fulfilling the items on their much-needed shopping lists. So, in a time where we’re being told to stay home as much as possible, e-commerce is the ultimate, safe-guarded way for consumers to purchase merchandise. Although, the real question is which digital marketing strategy efforts would work best to further your chances of increasing business conversions online?  

    Search Engine Optimization will get you noticed

    Whether you possess a small or large budget, SEO is one of the most valuable digital marketing tactics for business owners who’re trying to get noticed above their competition. This optimization process helps to increase the quality and quantity of your website traffic by expanding its visibility to users who’re searching for specific keywords using popular search engines. While you can pay the big bucks to purchase a paid ad placement, a professional digital marketing company can work with you to climb the ranks and achieve this on a tighter budget.

    Social Media Marketing gives you a voice 

    Since many professions have been laid-off until the economy can offer them a return-to-work solution, more and more users are spending additional time perusing their social media accounts. Now, since social channels are riddled with information and advertising, it can be difficult for you to get organically noticed, which is why a social media marketing strategy could benefit your online business. When you have a regular posting schedule you’re able to maintain a professional online presence and slowly build up trust with targeted users who choose to follow your accounts. The best part about social media marketing is that you’re able to answer customer questions promptly and offer immediate feedback to those who may have had a negative purchasing experience in the past. 

    Email Marketing drives brand awareness

    Promotional sales, company briefings, and product information are best delivered through a disclosed, professional email. After all, new and recurring customers have the choice to opt into these announcements and through some targeting and personalization tactics, businesses can increase their traffic, analyze metrics to see what’s working and optimize their time and budget effectively by organizing campaigns that will perform and reach well. It’s always best to work alongside a digital marketing agency to find an email strategy that will allow you to boost sales and build more prominent brand recognition! 

    Which of the three strategy suggestions above have worked wonders for your e-commerce business? Drop a comment below to share your experience with our readers.  

    How to create a visual pathway through your marketing emails

    It’s far easier to declutter an email rather than struggle trying to make it navigable, which is why when you possess a clean design, readers are more inclined to take action! You can have the biggest fonts, brightest colours, and most powerful graphics, but nothing will elude a drifting eye if your marketing email is unorganized and ineffective. So, if you’re on the fence between hiring a digital marketing company to orchestrate an email marketing service or simply taking matters into your own hands, here are some tricks that may help you to decide if the workload is manageable for your time constraints or if it should be passed onto the professionals. 

    Ensure that your emails have white space

    There’s nothing worse than an email design that’s so overcrowded that customers fail to see the information message or promotion. So, to avoid creating visual clutter, be sure to add lots of white space, and keep a section of the email unused with blank areas to break up your text, typography, and images from fading into the background. Also, while you want to include all the relevant information on your email template, it’s important to tame down your copy, as the chances of everyone opening your email to click will lower if they’re stuck reading too much. 

    Layout your email using the F design

    While it’s the golden standard followed by many companies with email marketing services, many first-time business owners simply aren’t equipped with the knowledge to know how to arrange the elements. Readers should be able to skim through your email by way of a visual pathway and laying out your copy and graphics in the shape of an F allows them to start in the top left corner, move over to the right and then continue vertically down the page. Why does this layout method increase conversions? Well, our eyes are trained from when we’re young to read from left to right, so, it’s only natural for us to continue to follow that pattern in other aspects of our lives.

    Carefully place your call to action

    While most emails are formulated with purchasing in mind, some are simply informational and could contain industry changes or business matters, which is why it’s important for you to position your call to action in a place that effectively correlates to the visual pathway of the consumer. Whether your “shop now” button is placed above the fold or below it to build them up to an incredible offer, it’s worth trying both methods to see which one works for your digital marketing strategy.  

    Are there any techniques that you use to help your subscribers see your messages? We would love to hear your ideas, so, share them below. 

    How can email marketing drive your business?

    While social media marketing, PPC advertising, and blogging have proved to be effective digital marketing tactics in the world of e-commerce, one should never underestimate the power of email marketing. After all, what better way is there to retain and market to existing customers? So, if you’re looking to drive business to your company, consider the following elements of a successful newsletter strategy

    Get shoppers to subscribe 

    One of the best ways to increase traffic and conversions on your website is by creating promotional and informative newsletters to go out to your list of subscribers. Of course, to orchestrate this type of successful marketing, one must first be approved by the consumer. Email providers, such as Gmail and Outlook possess advanced spam detection which offers users protection against unsolicited spam. This means that if you’re a reputable business owner, you’ll need to entice your online visitors to place their emails in your subscription tab so that you can get to work creating crafty newsletters. Another way that retailers can capture email addresses is by requesting first-time purchasers to opt-in to their newsletter service. Carrying out an online purchase often involves an included email to give shoppers their tracking and customer service information, so once the consent tab is ticked off, consider this consumer a part of your email marketing list! 

    Ensure you opt for an intelligent design 

    While it’s important to use emails as a key element in your digital marketing strategy, what’s more important is that your newsletter design uses strong visual elements to entice consumers to click and make further purchases. As with most digital marketing efforts, you must know your target audience and create material that aligns with their values. So, by using your email design to create an alluring business-to-consumer space you’re maximizing all the potential that comes with this type of digital marketing. After all, a high-quality newsletter will never go to waste! 

    Content, content, content! 

    Consistency is a necessary part of your digital marketing strategy, however, when you’re crafting high-quality, engaging content, it’s important to make sure that you’re also focusing on ways to keep it unique. Whether you use slick language, clever wording or you simply have a beguiling way to describe a product or service, your target audience will appreciate and likely respond better to well thought out content. Also, we recommend shaking things up by sending out contrived emails that contain industry news, promotional offers or even an email highlighting new item’s arrival. 

    Moreover, when used effectively, e-newsletters can prove to be one of the most effective elements of your digital marketing strategy. However, you must remember to focus on proactively acquiring subscribers, nailing down a stellar design, and delivering engaging content if you’re hoping to start building your brand’s perception through email. 

    How else do you use email marketing to drive your digital marketing strategy? Drop a comment below to share. 

    What Are Some Ways to Keep Your Digital Marketing Team Motivated?

    Working in a marketing space presents new challenges every day which is why you want to equip your team with the best tools possible. The thing is, agency life is demanding, especially if the clients are, which can easily lead to burnt-out staff members. So, what can you do as an employer to keep your team feeling motivated? Let’s take a look.  

    Host team discussions 

    Whether you have daily, weekly or monthly meetings, one of the best ways to keep your team working hard is by opening the floor to discussion. Everyone wants to feel appreciated and heard, and sometimes communicating by email isn’t as efficient as face-to-face interaction. That’s why sitting down as a team is super important. Not only does this create a welcoming atmosphere among employees in your office, but it also allows each team member to discuss projects and campaigns as well as any struggles faced with clients. Looking at what has been and what needs to be accomplished allows achievable goals to be set and knowledge gained in areas that are outside of their expertise. Also, try encouraging your digital marketing agency team to come to your meetings with a few ideas, so that everyone has an opportunity to take the floor and feel involved and engaged.

    Share company results

    You can choose to highlight your company results during your team meetings or simply make upscale announcements through your team chat, however, when there’s a collection of staff performing various jobs that are closely interlinked, it’s always beneficial to let them know that their work performed well and was admired by the client. This is especially important if your digital marketing agency has multiple departments. Not only does sharing results present a challenge for each employee to perform better during the next campaign, but it also motivates your team to help one another achieve success. Whether success is determined by providing each other with interesting topics, helping to optimize past content or simply going over performance reports, it’s impactful when each person feels the need to be accommodating and helpful so that the entire office is driven to work smarter. 

    Celebrate the wins

    The first step to celebrating wins starts with sharing company results, although the next step is recognizing your teammates. Toss aside the mindset, “what have you done for me lately?” and remember to praise even the smallest accomplishments. 

    Here are a few ways that you can show your appreciation: 

    • Say, “thank you” at the next team meeting
    • Write a personalized note congratulating a staff member
    • Give a small, appropriate gift (gift card, extra vacation day, etc.)
    • Host a happy hour event

    Provide ongoing training 

    It’s no secret that employees that are valued are likely to stay at a company longer. That’s why providing ongoing training can show your team that you’re invested in their development. Training can come in the form of industry presentations or exercises and extend to conference and event invitations. Whatever route you choose to follow, notify your staff that you’re committed to their growth and help them to build up their skills.

    What keeps you motivated while working? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    3 Things to Consider for An International Digital Marketing Strategy

    Are you looking for the right information to scale your digital marketing strategy to an international level? While traffic and profitability are given attributes that will validate your company’s potential to grow across waters, some elements may need to be tweaked to increase your popularity as you grow. That’s why you should analyze the following three components to help you reach your business goals. 

    Use the right marketing methods

    When it comes to investing in your digital marketing strategy, one of the most important things you can do is spend time selecting the most effective and appropriate advertising methods. While some are simply fundamental, others will depend on the type of business you’re running. Let’s discuss some advantageous digital marketing tools that could be favorable for more international opportunities.

    These two are a must, regardless of the type of business you’re operating: 

    • Search engine optimization: allows you to embellish your online presence. While working to achieve a highly searchable ranking is your main objective, it’s also about putting information out there about your business, products, and services. 
    • Social media marketing: is another digital business fundamental that plays a huge role within the consumer market. Since so many people use their social accounts daily, you should be taking this as an opportunity to deliver your marketing messages. 

    Here are some tools that can be added to your digital marketing strategy as your business prospers and grows: 

    • Content marketing: allows businesses to post publishable content that promotes brand awareness, supports search engine optimization keywords, and asserts them as a leader in their industry. The best part is that content comes in an assortment of mediums including, blog articles, videos, memes, images and even diversified text across their website. 
    • Email marketing: is sending marketing materials through email. This can include promotions, informative resources or product information/newsletter. 

    Since all digital marketing methods are time-consuming, consider hiring an agency to handle the campaigns for you. 

    Build relationships

    If you’re hoping to build your company on an international scale then you need to ensure that you’re taking the time to make your customers feel appreciated. These connections can be harder to make when you don’t have the opportunity for intimate, in-person experiences with those who support your business and its products or services. So, the question is, how can you make your customers feel special? A great way to start is by answering their inquiries professionally and promptly. This is because addressing complaints and questions in a timely fashion shows that you have a sense of interest in your business deals and reassures potential or returning shoppers that you’re focused on their needs. After all, first impressions create lasting relationships and contribute to successful business ownership. 

    Monitor and evaluate business decisions 

    Success in international waters is very reliant on measuring the performance of your digital marketing strategy, monitoring your campaigns and evaluating your next course of action. That’s why it’s important to always be updated on what’s happening with your business and to record your progress so that you can make sure that you’re spending your money on the right digital marketing efforts. After all, what you put into your digital marketing strategy should result in increased brand awareness and a bump in sales over time. 

    Do you have any other tips that may help entrepreneurs with their international digital marketing strategies? Drop a comment below to share.

    What are the benefits of integrating SEO with PPC?

    how to market an online business

    How to market an online business has evolved significantly over the last couple of decades, making it harder and harder every day to prove more advantageous than your competition. In fact, today search engine algorithms are faced with cut-throat competition between various brands who’re fighting amongst each other to reach a strong, organic reach as well as top in search rankings. However, not all hope is lost! We’re here to tell you that SEO and PPC is a match made in heaven for those seeking help with their digital marketing strategy. So, let’s learn how to market an online business by integrating SEO with PPC! 

    What are the benefits of this integration? 

    Since every business wants a prime location on Google Search, the best way you can beat out your competition in this vying world is to push them out by combining your SEO and PPC practices. Following strategic SEO practices means that you’re able to increase the quantity and quality of the traffic coming to your website through the use of organic keywords that are researched for your industry. Whereas PPC marketing practices follow an internet advertising model that only pays the publisher if the ad has been clicked on. Both digital marketing tactics increase your chance of conversions and when combined, have the ability to add value to each other.   

    How do the two intertwine?

    Let’s say that you’ve discovered some effective keywords based on researching your industry and you’ve taken the time to rewrite stronger content (using these keywords) within the product copy and pages of your e-commerce site, good job, you’ve been following vital SEO practices. Now, your target audience is able to find your website easier. So, now you can combine these efforts with PPC. To achieve that, PPC is able to offer you a form a remarketing that pre-occupies ad spaces in websites within Google’s network. This means that you’re able to reel in your audience using SEO strategies and re-target them later with PPC’s remarketing feature. It’s the perfect combination to encourage customers to complete their purchase. 

    Still asking yourself how to market an online business? Consider consulting with a professional digital marketing agency if you want to start utilizing SEO and PPC integration. BAM! Take that competition.

    How else do you boost your digital marketing efforts? Drop your ideas below to share with our readers.