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    Popular trends in the realm of digital marketing that continue to stay relevant

    In today’s evolving digital landscape there’s an assortment of big business tactics that have proven to be beneficial to e-commerce companies. While generating results can be a challenge at first, many businesses are choosing to showcase a variety of digital marketing techniques to continue to flourish in their trade, and some of these popular trends are expected to remain relevant in the digital marketing industry for quite some time. 

    Digital influencing is becoming more common

    While some large-scale e-commerce brands have the budget to invest in a celebrity influencer, most can often use the funds towards another professional digital marketing service. However, it’s important to know the power of digital influencing as a business owner and how it can be useful when utilized by smaller influencers that have built their own community followings.

    For example, while it’s unlikely that you will be able to afford a celebrity like Steven Tyler as your brand’s digital influencer, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find a micro personality that possesses an impressive following. In fact, some of the best ROI on sponsored content comes from local superstars! Instagram is one of the best social media platforms to outsource a digital influencer, allowing you to check out their content and ensure that they would be a good fit that aligns with the values of your company. 

    Podcasting is continuing to grow 

    For those of you who don’t know, podcasting is a steaming application of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to their personal devices for easy listening. Overwhelmingly enough, this form of broadcast has skyrocketed in popularity, with more and more businesses utilizing this technology as a form of digital marketing.

    As an e-commerce company, here are some things to consider before creating a podcast: 

    • Try talking about building your brand: Take a humorous or professional stance and establish yourself as an authority on the topics you discuss. 
    • Educate your current customers: Discuss industry-relevant news in an attempt to attract new clientele and answer the questions your current shoppers may have. 
    • Consider having a sporadic podcast: Unless you have a professional digital marketing agency handling your scheduling for you, consider podcasting once a month to provide some comfort to those loyal listeners. 
    • Take questions and offer answers: The ultimate goal of your podcast is to have customers tune in to what you have to say and if your content is important and interesting, consumers will feel that they’re in good hands with your in-depth, descriptive conversations. 

    The development of an intuitively designed website 

    While elements of web development and design have immensely changed over the years, the majority of business owners understand that a good website is needed to successfully market their company online. After all, what’s the point of investing in the strategic efforts of search engine optimization if the landing pages the visitors are directed to are slow and lack a positive user experience? Since a poor web design can cripple your digital marketing efforts, decreasing leads, conversions, and even your current customer’s trust in your expertise, when you hire a professional digital marketing agency to thoughtfully create your web content, consider the benefits of web design as part of your budgeted investment! 

    Which of the above popular trends do you feel is most useful in digital marketing? Drop a comment below to compare your opinions.