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    4 digital marketing ideas for Halloween

    The spooky season is upon us! Whether you handle your business’ digital marketing or you work for an agency, there are so many creative and frightening ways to orchestrate Halloween marketing campaigns in 2021. So, if you were looking for the perfect way to break out of your traditional digital marketing mold, take a leap this year and start brewing up some creative Halloween-inspired marketing ideas.

    Curated videos that celebrate the chilling season

    We’re living in a digital age where many people are learning to engage with brands and businesses through video content. Since this type of digital marketing gets the most organic engagement, it’s important that your business learns to utilize video regularly—the same goes for Halloween marketing campaigns. Consider taking a stab at creating a product, service, or even staff-related video but be sure to include a spooky twist. Even if this strategy doesn’t offer scary-good conversion right away, it shows that you’re an edgy, up-and-coming company that’s committed to catering to societal trends. 

    Display ads that target a more devilish theme

    When creating a pay-per-click ad, it’s important to create personalized displays that meeting the browsing habits of your target audience. That said, building an ad that does all of the above is easy, but breaking the mold of a typical advertisement to get the attention of viewers can be challenging. It’s ingenious to give your PPC campaigns a little revamp by adding a creepy message, using a frightful font, or even changing the colours to orange and black to reflect the theme of traditional Halloween marketing campaigns. Your next data-driven campaign could use a little hocus pocus. 

    Social posts that are eerie-sistably boo-tiful 

    While sending a shoutout to Halloween day-of is the easiest way to get into the spirit of the season, giving your campaigns some added spooky energy leading up to the special day is far more exciting and memorable. That said, as soon as October rolls around, you’re in the clear to formulate some devilishly dark social media posts. Whether you do a quick disguise of your product with some enchanting props, snap a photo of it out in a pumpkin field, or simply advertise your service with a ghostly touch, there are so many opportunities to jump onto the bandwagon with a social media Halloween marketing campaign. 

    Blog posts that brew spooktacular ideas

    Since content can take a bit of time to create traction and spur engagement, it’s best to get on this opportunity as soon as possible, especially if you’re hoping to boost your SEO with a Halloween marketing campaign. The spooky season is a time of year for trendy searches since lots of people are on the hunt for the perfect costumes, decor, and party ideas. So, if you can find a way to create some spooky blog posts while using keywords that are trending, you can find a way to stay relevant during Halloween Google searches. 

    What is your favourite option from our suggestions above? Drop a comment below to share. 

    What’s the difference between SEO content writing versus SEO copywriting?

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing practice that enhances a search query for a website or page’s ranking order by improving its visibility on popular search engines like Google or Bing. Since the number one goal of SEO is to improve the user experience, this practice allows search engines to display the most relevant topics, products, and services based on the searched keywords. That said, if you want to take your website to the next level it’s important to employ the correct style of writing to achieve your desired results. 

    What is SEO content writing?

    Based on the explanation of how SEO works in the introduction above, it’s easy to see how SEO content writing plays a key role in where a page or website will be positioned. When users are on the hunt for specific information, they enter their queries into the search engine hoping to find places where their questions will be answered, problems will be solved, or where they can be entertained or educated on a specific subject. Creating high-quality, key-word focused content that ranks well in these search engines will help to generate organic traffic to the desired website or page.

    What is SEO copywriting?

    On the contrary, SEO copywriting is slightly different than SEO content writing. While it’s capable of doing many of the same things, the primary difference is that SEO copywriting is used to convert traffic into leads and sales. 

    While the two types of strategic writing often have the same result, listed below are some examples of how you can distinguish between them:

    • SEO content writing gets the page found, whereas SEO copywriting explains it in more professional detail.
    • SEO content writing is sometimes repetitive to get a higher ranking, whereas SEO copywriting is higher quality. 
    • SEO content writing drives the search intent based on keywords, whereas SEO copywriting distinctively expands on the website’s page, service, or product information. 

    How do you hire someone to handle both SEO content writing and SEO copywriting?

    The truth is, depending on the needs of your project, you may want to hire an SEO specialist to manage your organic traffic needs and a copywriter separately to use keywords to write optimized content. While an SEO specialist understands search engines and knows how to write relevant copy that drives clicks, attracts backlinks, and directs users to an internal page, they aren’t always the most effective when it comes to writing content with an intent to drive conversions, which is why it’s essential to have both people collaborating to find the best success.

    What do SEO specialists do:

    • Increase keyword rankings
    • Drive clicks from search engine results pages (SERPS)
    • Attract high-authority backlinks
    • Convert visitors into buyers or leads

    What do copywriters do: 

    • Write SEO-friendly blog posts using keywords
    • Write SEO-friendly service pages using keywords
    • Handle SEO business content
    • PPC landing pages
    • Link-building content
    • Provide guests posts

    Choosing the right digital marketing team to work with is essential for the success of your online business, so be sure to read reviews of the company and look through the online portfolio

    Did you learn anything new after reading our blog above? Please share the information in the comment section below. 

    4 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy and shouldn’t wing it

    It’s 2021 and there’s no questioning that digital marketing is becoming a must for growing businesses around the world. Whether it’s through SEO, email marketing, Google Ads, or blogging, crafting a digital marketing strategy is crucial if you hope to compete in your industry. Aside from hiring a full service digital marketing agency, the information below can help you understand the benefits that digital tools possess when combined with a kickass strategy.   

    What is encompassed within digital marketing?

    While the realm of marketing is vast, a full service digital marketing agency utilizes large amounts of technology and digital tools to achieve a wide range of marketing objectives. 

    These tools may include: 

    • Online search engines 
    • Mobile apps
    • Websites
    • Social media pages
    • Email
    • SMS marketing
    • Digital partnerships

    The key to integrating the above digital marketing strategies is to create some business goals with clear benefits that meet your future objectives. This will ensure that each strategy possesses an incentive aimed at growing your business.

    Reasons that you need digital marketing

    There are so many ways to improve your customer relations and outreach through the use of digital marketing. Listed below are some benefits:

    1. Measure success: With the use of traditional advertising methods, it can take a long time to analyze the progress your campaign has made, but with the help of digital marketing solutions, you can complete progress reports in a few hours through the use of digital analytics tools that bolster your digital efforts. Leads, conversions, and impressions are just a few of the tools that you can use to measure your companies success and the best part is that you can optimize your strategies as you go.
    2. Levels the playing field: Whether you own a tiny startup or a small, established business, it can be challenging to compete with the big brands. Although promising digital marketing can give your name recognition by adding a little flair to some cost-effective ad campaigns. Using elements such as Google Ads and SEO trends, over time you will generate strong customer relationships and have more visitors flocking to your website. 
    3. Reach a large audience: The internet is a vast network filled with tons of impressionable users, so it doesn’t matter how big your brand is, all that matters is that you use the right digital marketing tools to help you make valuable impressions. Social media marketing is a great way to reach your target demographic and if your level of reach is strong, you can use information collected in your campaigns to target customers outside of your general geographic region. 
    4. Increase revenue: The purpose of any digital marketing strategy is to lead to increased revenue, and with trusted customer relations, your followers will spread the word to their friends and family, helping to generate more online conversions. Even a simple shoutout holds the power to draw more people to visit your site, which offers a greater chance for you to make a sale. 

    Are there other reasons that you feel should be included in our list above? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    What is SMS marketing and how does it work?

    With the ubiquity of smartphones in recent years, wouldn’t it make more sense to drive engagement through a more direct marketing approach? While email marketing and social media marketing strategies are great for high engagement rates, SMS marketing helps businesses close the gap and is the perfect method for emerging marketings. Continue reading to learn more about this powerful, communicative strategy. 

    What is SMS marketing?

    By definition, SMS marketing means short message service marketing. This technique uses text messages (SMS) to communicate time-sensitive offers, updates, and reminders to customers who have consented to receive these types of messages from your business. While SMS marketing is a great way to enhance your digital marketing strategy, it’s no for everyone, which is why it’s important to analyze how it’s done and emulate if it would work for your target audience before investing the time and money into developing a platform to send out texts. How’s that for proactively developing a relationship with your digital marketing strategy

    What are some industry best practices for SMS marketing?

    As consumers become more attached to their phones, text message marketing for small businesses can quickly become the most direct line of contact and effective form of communication. 

    Here are some rules for SMS marketing:

    • Ensure that your contacts have opted in to SMS: Like any type of digital marketing, you need to receive permission from your customers to send them straight to their phones. 
    • Be mindful of the time you’re sending: Unlike email, which is likely only checked by users a couple of times a day, when a text message is received, people tend to open these messages almost immediately. So, when you’re crafting texts, ensure that you’re not disturbing your contacts at odd hours. 
    • Don’t forget to include your company’s name in your message: How awful would it be if your text message generated a lot of interest, but the users couldn’t remember what businesses they’re subscribed to. 
    • Combine text message marketing for small businesses with other elements of your digital marketing strategy: There are a variety of channels to interact with consumers, so be sure they tie together to create a marketing communication system that works to build up these customer connections. In our professional opinion, both SMS marketing and email marketing complement each other quite well!

    What is SMS marketing used for?

    There are two types of messages that you can send with SMS marketing, a campaign message that is linked to coupons or an upcoming event or a transactional message that is triggered by a certain behaviour (order confirmation, shipping notification, etc.). However, text message marketing for small businesses can be used in several ways.

    • Short-term promotions for retail and other e-commerce businesses
    • Urgent updates about events or customer orders
    • Appointment reminders
    • Internal alerts

    Are you ready to start SMS marketing? If you have any further questions about how it works, please drop them in the comments section below. 

    How to create a click-worthy email

    While generating sales is an important component of any digital marketing campaign, it’s equally important to connect with your audience and create an engaging atmosphere that formulates a step beyond a simple business relationship. Email marketing is a great way for companies to generate a loyal following, which is why today’s submission will focus on the best ways to create a click-worthy email

    Step #1: Define your purpose

    Every email that’s sent from your company should have a specific purpose in mind before it’s created. While that purpose may vary from company to company, its effectiveness will depend on the newsletter’s ability to educate, entertain, convince, or persuade the receiver to take action, whatever that action may be.

    Not only does your purpose help you to create cohesive newsletter content, but it also helps to define which metrics will determine success for your email campaign. This is why the best email marketing service involves a team member taking the time to analyze the data and deciding what other purposes will keep the business moving forward. 

    Step #2: Determine your content

    We’re living in an era where people don’t take too much time out of their days to sift through lengthy content, which is why emails need to be quick at covering their topics before the reader loses interest. In looking for topics, a good place to start is your blog. Hunt for articles that have received lots of traffic and then design an email featuring content around that. Next, look to the comments sections of your website and/or social media channels to see what questions and themes arise. These areas will be filled with topics of interest that will make a great subject for your upcoming email. 

    Step #3: Select a tone

    Now that you know what to write about, it’s time to decide how to write it. It isn’t interesting to read a monotone article, so be sure to determine your voice before you put your fingers to work. For example, if your brand’s tone is energized and lively, the newsletter should not be written in a factual tone with large words or statistics. The best thing you can do is put yourself into the shoes of your audience and try writing in a way that makes a connection. 

    Step #4: Have a custom newsletter template created

    While there are many pre-made email templates out there, none will offer the same level of professionalism as something that’s customized to your branding. Our partner company Numinix designs emails from scratch and once you have the template on your email marketing account of choice, you can reuse it for all your future campaigns, or if it’s within the budget, opt to spend it on the best email marketing service there is

    Also, keep in mind that what looks great on your desktop computer may not look the best on a smaller smartphone screen or across multiple browsers, so be sure to check screen size and resolution before clicking send or schedule. 

    Step #5: Choose your subject line

    The first line of communication from your company to your customer is the subject line that pops up in their inbox, and since most people receive multiple emails per day, it’s important that yours stand out above the rest. The best way to compete for someone’s time and get your email opened is to make a solid impression with an eye-catching subject line that entices users to click through. Ensure that it’s catchy, clear, and advertises exactly what the receiver can expect rather than using a click-bait technique that will jeopardize your trust with your potential customer. 

    Step #6: Utilize segmentation

    All of the best email marketing services strategize their emails but segmenting audiences to ensure that the right content reaches the right people. That being said, even the smallest list can reap the rewards of segmentation, increasing your response rate and in turn, increasing your sales and conversion rates. Segmentation not only allows you to create audiences based on their unique tastes but also enables you to slightly alter the email’s appearance by changing small elements such as the content or subject lines. 

    Our email marketing service caters to the niche of each client by strategically developing a monthly plan geared to update our clients’ successes and climb the ladder in their industry. 

    Do you have any other questions about creating a click-worthy email? Drop them in the comments section below for a prompt response. 

    2 digital marketing trends to keep an eye on

    While it seemed like the world was stopping at the beginning of 2020, there has been a lot of e-commerce growth since then, paving the way for a variety of promising digital marketing trends to continue evolving far into the future. Those that shopped online pre-pandemic have continued to support this method of acquiring goods and services and for individuals who preferred the in-person experience, many are now comfortable with e-commerce and have become a huge part of the digital revolution. Needless to say, whether you work for an online marketing agency, run an e-commerce company, or simply enjoy perusing digitally for your shopping needs, it’s clear that many digital marketing trends are progressing and revamping the buying process for consumers everywhere. 

    E-commerce sales are at an all time high

    Many businesses that were digitally equipped throughout the pandemic saw their sales soar to an all-time high, with the rise of smaller chains and startups heavily investing in their digital marketing efforts to grab the attention of online audiences. Those that were brick-and-mortar only also jumped into the digital world in order to survive while they awaited the return of their traditional foot traffic. Needless to say, this influx to the digital marketing ecosystem is a great trend for business owners who are prepared to build their brands a powerful online presence. 

    Prompt shipping methods are necessary 

    Shipping has become a growing digital marketing trend that has reshaped the way that businesses interact with their customers. There was once a time where shoppers would get excited simply having the ability to have purchases shipped directly to their homes. Those days have come and gone! Consumers now see shipping as a service they shouldn’t have to pay for and they also expect a much quicker fulfillment. 

    As a result, many businesses rely on fulfillment centers to manage their inventory and streamline any returns to ensure they’re able to keep up with their competitors. Some also offer curbside pickup and free shipping for the ultimate convenience. While shipping can never truly be free, business owners are able to strategically select local fulfillment centres and increase the selling prices of their products to combat these challenges. 

    What other digital marketing trends have you been experimenting with since 2020? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    Why do business owners need to be more cyber vigilant with their marketing strategies?

    With technology vastly advancing every day, it’s becoming increasingly important to find new ways to protect your business against the threat of cyberattacks. While virtual assets such as customer information and company financials are at risk, your brand’s reputation is another element that requires businesses to be more aware of cyber-vigilance. So, are you ready to learn about how to better secure your online shop? 

    Bots can affect your marketing strategy

    A bot is a software program that operates on the internet and performs repetitive tasks. While most bot traffic is good, some bots have a negative impact on a website or application and will maliciously attack to collect data. So, if you’ve got a killer marketing strategy, you need to be cyber vigilant to ensure that you’re protected. While Google Analytics can do some of the work for you, this program will miss things that the human eye can catch, which is why it’s always a good idea to have a professional take a look at your digital marketing efforts to ensure good cybersecurity. 

    You want to protect your customer’s information

    While you may not examine your customer’s information daily, its collection is essential to the operation of your business, especially if you have loads of recurring orders. That being said, customer-associated data is very precious and should be stored in a protected order management system to track visitor movements and protect names, addresses, and credit card numbers in the event of a data breach. 

    Since digital marketing is a data-led game, it’s important to carry out security checks to ensure any risks or vulnerabilities within your chosen software are removed. We also recommend that you change your passwords often and keep employee access only to those that require it. 

    Avoid plagiarism of content

    It’s challenging to share content in the online world without the risk of competitors copying your style. While the first step is being aware that plagiarism tends to happen, the next is ensuring that your content creation remains focused on building informative copy that’s written in-house or by a trusted third-party digital marketing company that will write original copy geared towards your brand. 

    If you think you’re a victim, use an online plagiarism checker and once found, contact the offender to have them remove the copy. If they refuse, the next step is to contact their web hosting service with the proof. 

    Remove the risk of brand damage

    Another reason that business owners focus on digital marketing cybersecurity is to ensure their brand’s competence isn’t destroyed due to aggressive or obscene messaging. Many consumers are fixated on a company based on this relationship and if emails or social posts go live with other motives in mind, it can be very challenging to apologize and make a comeback. 

    Are you ready to reduce any threats to your businesses’ security? 

    Have you ever been a victim of a cybersecurity breach? Please share your story in the comments section below with our other readers.

    How to use cross channel insights in digital marketing

    Competition can make or break an online business and if you’re at a crossroads where you feel it’s time to take on a new approach when it comes to strategizing your digital campaigns, cross channel marketing might be just the breakthrough your business needs to better serve your customers! A business needs to move beyond usual resources to find insights that allow them to grow, especially when looking to gain efficiency channel-to-channel. 

    Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO)

    While both of these digital marketing services are good to focus on when you want to increase the sales and conversion rates of your business, one focuses on targeting a niche audience through paid search results while the other utilizes keywords and builds up the organic traffic to the website over time. That being said, cross channel marketing comes into play when the above two services work in conjunction with each other and use the power of high-converting target keywords to focus on building clicks through organic search results. Cross channel marketing also looks at longer-tail variations of targeted keywords and considers the intent of the user who’s searching. 

    While paid search is a low funnel approach that often sees high intent-based users that are ready to immediately purchase, organic search is more likely to draw in information-seeking users that may peruse your website and shop at a later time. With this in mind, both services have the potential to increase the behavior metrics of your website such as time on site, pages per visit, and the bounce rate when working alongside each other. 

    Google My Business and paid search/social

    If your business has the funds to expand your cross channel marketing efforts, there are also some other ways to refine and target your audience! Aside from researching your potential customers interests, geographies, affinities, you can also utilize Google My Business (GMB) data from users that request directions to your brick and mortar location. 

    While it’s always a great idea to nurture your existing customers, GMS insights provide excellent opportunities to expand on paid searches and open new opportunities for modified social targeting. 

    Polling and content marketing

    While polls are not a new concept, in the world of digital marketing, they’re a great way to see what gets your social audience excited! Businesses are able to utilize polls to learn more about their customers and the type of content that they enjoy seeing, topics that interest them, and issues that may worry them. Aside from gaining valuable insights, this type of cross channel marketing also allows you to draw on social engagement to determine a new perspective on where you should invest your time and resources. 

    Are there any other ways that you use cross channel marketing for your online business? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    Why email marketing should be the cornerstone of your digital strategy

    In today’s growing digital world, everyone relies on a variety of channels as a means of communication, education, entertainment, and shopping. However, depending on your target demographic, the amount of time spent online varies, giving even more opportunities for marketers to reach their audiences through digital strategies. That being said, a business can only invest in tactful strategies that keep revenue coming in, and since some digital marketing efforts take time before they start to make money, many rely on email marketing as a crucial cornerstone in their digital strategy. Let’s break it down.

    What is email marketing? 

    Email marketing is the act of sending a mass message to a group or list of contacts through email. While most emails are sent to incentivize potential and current customers to make a quick purchase, some include business updates, industry announcements, and inventory restocks. While many business owners successfully formulate and send their own e-newsletters, most utilize professional email marketing services to help them create click-worthy content that attracts their target audience.  

    What are the advantages of email marketing? 

    While every digital marketing tactic has its own advantages, if we had to pick one that brings the most business value, it would be email marketing. Why? Well, email marketing offers an unbeatable return-on-investment (ROI) when compared to other types of marketing channels. That being said, while email marketing gives consumers less opportunity for engagement, it does offer business owners the opportunity to connect and grow with their audience, while tweaking their approach based on clicks and views. 

    Why you should sign up for email marketing services

    You wouldn’t attempt to repair your vehicle’s engine without the right set of knowledge and skills to put everything back together in working order, would you? The same rule applies to your company’s email marketing. As a top contributor to the success of your business’s digital strategy, here are some reasons why email marketing is worth the investment.

    • Email offers great return-on-investment
    • Email allows business owners to incorporate other marketing techniques (ex. social platforms)
    • Email allows you to connect with larger audiences all at once
    • Emails possess a longer lifespan than most social posts
    • Email is a great way to tailor content to new and existing customers

    Are you ready to launch ongoing email campaigns and start collecting valuable customer data? Drop a comment below to share with other readers.

    How to successfully market for vape companies

    Since there are strict regulations that reduce the options available for digital advertising on vape products, you aren’t able to pay to get ahead on organic searches or to appear on the feeds of popular social media channels. So, whether you’re an e-cig business looking to increase your online presence or a digital marketing agency hoping to add a new industry to their portfolio of expertise, continue reading to learn about how to successfully optimize an e-cig website to market to the masses. 

    Invest in a search engine optimization service 

    For those that don’t know, a professional search engine optimization service should include the following elements: website structure analysis, content analysis, website code optimization, onsite content, and other off-page factors. While there is a lot of work that can be done over time with this service, we recommend heavily investing in the optimization of the online store so that it can appear high in organic searches. This would include keyword research and ensuring that all of the content is unique to elevate the shopping experience. 

    As a starter, here are some popular current keywords for the vape industry: 

    • e-cigs
    • electronic cigarettes
    • Vapors
    • vaper
    • Vaping
    • ejuice/e-juice
    • eliquid/e-liquid
    • vaporizers
    • electronic vaporizer

    Ensure the company has a Facebook page

    Just because the type of vape-related content that can be posted is quite limited, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a company page to regularly post content and engage with your/your client’s followers. Since it can be challenging at times to come up with posts that boost a brand while following Facebook guidelines on prohibited content, you can consider utilizing this channel as a means of connecting to customer’s hobbies and interests while also maintaining a presence that can be engaging through polls, giveaways, and discussions. After all, just because Facebook may not want to take money to advertise vaping, it doesn’t mean they have banned the discussion altogether. 

    While you’re at it, be sure to join e-cig related discussion groups as another means of promoting the online shop strategically avoiding an outright promotional post.

    There are also Reddit communities for vaping

    As another branch of social media marketing, you or your digital marketing team can join a vape-related subreddit to spread awareness of vape culture and perhaps spark a discussion about your flavours or e-cig gear. 

    Here are some popular forums that are active: 

     Opt for email marketing 

    Email marketing remains to be a paramount digital marketing tactic spanning a variety of niche industries. So, whether your business or client is excited about sending informative content or wants to use e-newsletters as a method for offering discounts, you will need to start by building a list and encouraging social followers and current customers to subscribe using their emails. 

    Whatever digital marketing tactics you use, it’s important to get closer to your audience if you hope to grow your business. Are you ready to speak with a digital marketing agency that has experience working with vape companies? 

    What other ways have you found success digitally marketing e-cig businesses? Please share your expertise in the comments section below.