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    3 creative ideas that will help you to promote your next virtual event

    Effective event communication and promotion are all about creating a strategy that your audience understands and can be involved with. However, it can be challenging to come up with virtual event ideas that offer a unique way of branding and pushing your message out into the world. Aside from a basic call-to-action (CTAs), the three options listed below possess great power to maximize the impact of your promotions, and here’s how.  

    Build a landing page for your virtual event

    Whether the virtual event that you’re hosting is free or ticketed, it’s important to plan to ensure that it gets the attention it deserves. One of the best ways to collect a list of attendees is to create a high converting event landing page where you can place messaging, branded images, graphics, videos, and other necessary information about your virtual event. Not only should this page be clickable and searchable directly from your website, but you can send your customers an email and/or invite them through your social platforms. Reaching out to your target audience is when you use a mix of digital marketing strategies. Plus, landing pages allow you to collect names and emails, along with other information about customers that can be used for segmentation at a later time. 

    Share on community groups

    Word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful tools for spreading the news about an event. Needless to say, when that event is taking place online, it’s best to use virtual community groups to leverage the right amount of interest. Alongside your branded social media platforms, there are other forums, such as Reddit and Discord, that you can use to promote your event. Excite your target audience by creating posts leading up to the event, and be sure to post images and clips from past event streams to generate added hype.  

    Collaborate with influencers

    You don’t need to be running out of virtual event ideas to utilize the power of social media influencers to promote your brand. Not only do influencers offer business owners the ability to tap into an expanded audience reach, but if chosen strategically, the partnership could offer the business a wide variety of new customers. Be sure to reach out to someone whose profile and experience align with your brand’s area of focus and ensure that your promotion is done on a platform where your potential customers can find you.

    Are you unsure of what to expect from your influencer? Start by introducing your needs and discussing how they can partner with you and what their rates are. Some influencers don’t expect to be paid but may request an exchange of services (ex. Free products to try). 

    Do you know any other virtual event ideas that you believe our followers should try? Drop a comment below to share your knowledge. 

    How to make your social campaigns more festive for St. Patrick’s Day

    While St. Patrick’s Day was first celebrated as a means of commemorating Christianity in Ireland, it has since evolved into a celebration of culture and heritage everywhere. Whether you enjoy grabbing a pint of Guinness, eating up some bangers and mash, or simply indulging in the traditional sound of Celtic music, the holiday is a great way to engage and entertain your audience with vibrant marketing ideas. Here are a few that we recommend if your social campaigns are lacking festive assets. 

    Run a promotion where customers can save some “green”  

    If you’ve been looking for a great way to segway into a sale, St. Patrick’s Day could be your business’s perfect opportunity. Not only is this festive occasion super lucky, but since it’s one where gifts aren’t needed, it’s a time where shoppers can reward themselves instead. One of the easiest ways to advertise an upcoming promotion is via social media. Whether you want to create and share a St. Patrick’s Day graphic or advertise a product that also happens to be green, there are many ways that your business can keep your audience engaged (and entertained!). 

    If you aren’t confident in your ability to shamrock-and-roll a brilliant St. Patrick’s Day campaign, Trek Marketing can assist you will your social media marketing management for this holiday and any upcoming events. 

    Host a St. Patrick’s Day giveaway or contest 

    Everyone loves a good freebie! As a business owner, contests are a great way to engage with your audience and gain train that will increase your following. While advertising your giveaway on your website is bound to create hype, we also recommend sending out an email and posting about it on your social channels for quicker and easier exposure.

    Your social media marketing management team will encourage you to include some rules that are directly beneficial for your business such as: must be following all social media accounts, must like and save social media posts, must comment and tag friends on social media posts to gain entries, and for additional entries, please share the post on stories. This creates the ultimate traction among all applicants and gives their friends an option to follow you as well. Be sure to also include contest dates and let followers know that unfollowing the account(s) will exclude them from future giveaways. 

    Post behind-the-scenes photos and videos

    Whether you take a few snaps of your team packaging post-promo orders or a couple of clips of your warehouse, these types of behind-the-scenes content give customers a better understanding of how you coordinate your business, helping to build strong relationships with customers and leads. This is especially important whenever there are holidays and you can show off your festive workspace! 

    Harness the power of “reactions” on Facebook

    There was a time when users could only select “like” on Facebook content, however, now there are six additional ways that they can respond: “love”, “angry”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad”, and more recently, “care”. These reaction buttons harness a lot of value for businesses as they allow brands to gauge the interest or feelings about how their followers are reacting to a particular topic. If you’re finding lots of “angry” or “haha” reactions to relevant, important content, perhaps it’s time to consider social media marketing management in your strategy budget. 

    Which of the following suggestions did you find most useful for the upcoming holidays? Drop a comment below and let us know.

    How to market for the travel industry

    Are you ready to get your digital marketing efforts recognized within the travel industry? If so, you aren’t alone. With spring quickly approaching people are starting to research and book their yearly travel plans. This means that you need to be ready for those searching for cheap travel deals, flights, and hotels. Here are some ideas on how you can win over consumers.

    Monitor search stats

    Leisure travellers go on a couple of trips per year, which means they must do regular research before those vacations can be booked. Each month, search engines such as Google and Bing see millions of searches using keyword varieties pertaining to many types of travel. 

    Here are some that have proven to be most popular:

    • Airline tickets
    • Airline reservations
    • Hotel and motel reservations
    • Vacation packages
    • Car Rentals
    • Cruises

    Since most customers plan ahead when booking a trip, it’s important that you plan your digital marketing strategies well in advance. Whether you manage an airline, a luggage company, or hotel digital marketing, all efforts should be catering to months ahead, while also considering last-minute travellers. 

    Understand the customer journey

    While it would be great if shoppers searched for a travel-related keyword, saw your paid search ad, clicked, and immediately purchased, the reality is that each customer journey is far more complex than that. In fact, one person may have hundreds of interactions with travel brands while researching a single trip. 

    Here are four key moments where you should aim to win over your customers using your chosen digital marketing strategies:

    • The dream stage: This is where those who are thinking about planning a trip find ideas and inspiration on where to go and what to do. While it isn’t easy to capture conversions during the dream stage, you can make an impact that will help them to consider your product or service when it’s the booking stage. 
    • The organizing stage: Once people get past the dream stage, the organization stage is where they’re in deep consideration mode. The destination has been selected and the next steps are choosing a hotel or airline to book, often based on location, cost, and timing. While there’s not much you can do to change the cost and timing as an airline, with hotel digital marketing, you can amp up your creativeness to excite shoppers about your location. 
    • The booking stage: Now that customers have made their decision, they’re ready to make reservations. This would be a great time to upsell your other services. For example, if you operate a hotel, perhaps tour packages, room upgrades, dinner reservations, and/or massage packages would be options to market at this point. 
    • The experience stage: Tied into the booking stage, the experience stage is where you have an opportunity to offer further interactions with your customers. Whether this is a further chance to upsell a service, offering a discount for a later time, or waiting until the service has been performed and asking for a review, the experience should never go overlooked. 

    After two years of limited travel through a global pandemic, people are thinking more and more about how they will be using up their vacation time. By understanding the above key moments you can influence the customer journey and increase your digital marketing conversions.

    Target the right audience

    The demographics of your target audience should be a strong consideration in your digital marketing efforts. Whether your product and/or service caters to families, seniors, or women versus men, things like age and income are also very important. For example, if your hotel wants to promote family travel, we recommend targeting women between the ages of 35 to 49. This is because they’re often the ones doing most of the research and booking. Also, be sure to write your ads or other hotel digital marketing efforts from the perspective of the buyer person to create emotion that will encourage clicks and conversions. 

    Is your business ready to welcome travellers again? Drop a comment below to share your plan with us. 

    Will you be trying these 3 digital marketing consumer trends?

    Every year we experience revolutionary digital marketing trends that help to lay a foundation for the future of online advertising. That said, after two groundbreaking years for online shopping, 2022 is only expected to continue the rise with social shopping adding to the momentum. With these new and exciting developments to the digital world, it has become more important than ever to ensure that your business is communicating with its audience. Listed below are three of the key digital marketing consumer trends to be mindful of in 2022. 

    Work on creating some short, punchy videos

    Whether you’re more familiar with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, it’s clear that the landscape of social media has shifted in favour of short and punchy video posts. Since it would be challenging to ensure that your business is relevant across all of the above platforms, we recommend selecting one or two to focus on. Short videos zero in on our fast-paced way of life, which is a direct reflection of the way we consume content. Digital content needs to possess a simple message while also presenting content that’s engaging by asking consumers to participate; examples include the start of a viral dance move, a challenge, or a survey, but at the very least, encourages them to leave a comment. The best thing about these types of social videos is that all business owners have access to creating content like this with the help of their smartphones. Start by filming a few candid videos of your business, some behind-the-scenes, DIY, and other unpolished videos by using the apps to crop, create, and add audio to make it more appealing to your target audience. 

    Ensure that your content is telling a story

    This recurring digital marketing trend is key for a brand looking to market new and existing products. E-commerce selling in the modern landscape requires business owners to dig deep, believe in their products and/or services, and continuously show why what they offer is between than the competition. Part of your delivery should involve some form of storytelling, whether it be debunking myths about your industry, explaining how the product solves consumer problems, or showcasing testimonials through your social stories. While these efforts might not result in direct sales, they’re a great way for brands to put consumer needs at the front and center! 

    Exhibit privacy, transparency, and trust-building 

    Digital marketing trends are at an all-time high, which means that online advertising is also in overload. This means that more consumers than ever are concerned with the interaction that can happen with suspicious content. This is why it’s important to prepare your business for tighter privacy restrictions that may alter the way that they can track users’ behaviour. On that note, Google announced its curtailing of third-party cookies by 2023, which means that many marketers are going to be forced to reevaluate their strategies. While this is not the end of data-driven content, it could be the end of targeted advertising, with a new era springing forth in the trust and transparency between company and consumer. 

    Be sure that as a business you’re communicating with customers about the data that you collect and what it’s used for. This makes it easy for consumers to opt-out if they want which formulates a great foundation for a customer relationship. 

    Which of the above digital marketing trends would suit your business best? Drop a comment below to share.

    How to create attractive and engaging content

    Content marketing has quickly become a strategic approach for businesses looking to share valuable and relevant information with customers within their industry. While it may be easy to share content on your blog, social media accounts, and through email, developing great content that stands out on a consistent basis to your audience is the only way to develop your content marketing strategy. Listed below are some steps you can take to help your produce content that will reach and engage with your target consumer. 

    Know your audience

    Identifying your target audience allows you to look beyond the basics. Things like their demographics, psychographics, and behaviours help to understand the type of content that may interest them. Content creators visualize their audience before adapting marketing personas that help to establish a composite of the reader. Whether it’s the topic of a blog, a social media post, or an email, knowing your audience before creating the content will do wonders in attracting them to it. 

    Ensure that your headline is powerful 

    The headline of your blog, social media post, or email is the hook that catches and lures in the customer. While it needs to be consistent with the information that you want to present, it should also exhibit actionable keywords that help with your search engine optimization (SEO) while also utilizing language that’s attractive to the audience. 

    Tell a story

    Part of creating engaging content is using a series of words to tell a story. You shouldn’t just jump into your piece without first setting the stage nor should you simply stop writing because you’ve reached your minimum word count (unless it’s a social post, of course). All content should have a beginning, middle, and end if you’re hoping to attract and engage with your audience.  

    Provide useful information that’s quick to read

    Online shoppers are time-crunched and may have just come across your digital marketing efforts while aimlessly perusing the web. All that matters to them at that moment is what your content is doing to educate, inform, or entertain them. Many customers are consuming content while on the go, in short spurts of time between other activities. Be sure to use simple words, write direct sentences, and use an active voice in your content. 

    Are you in need of a content creator? Trek Marketing offers a wide range of digital marketing services that work to develop your business’s content. 

    What type of content attracts you as an online shopper? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    How to write the ultimate email subject lines

    Professional writers and digital marketing professionals know the importance of email subject lines. However, for those that write dozens of emails as a method of daily communication, it can be easy to forget its importance before clicking send. Since the subject line determines how quickly a recipient responds, either by opening, reading, or purchasing, reaching out to potential clients needs to be approached with the utmost care. Continue reading for nine tips to writing email subject lines, whether for email marketing, customer service responses, or beyond. 

    Tip #1: Write your email subject lines first

    While attempting to articulate virtual communication, it’s super easy to forget the subject once the email is written and proofread. That said, when email subject lines are forgotten, those emails are much more likely to go unread or get lost in spam/promotions folders. When crafting a new email, from the moment you click create, you have an intention on what you’re writing, so before anything else is jotted down, consider the subject line as your first task. 

    Tip #2: Keep it short and to the point 

    Email is one of the modern forms of communication and its intention is to professionally pass along information quickly and concisely. That’s why it’s important to keep your email subject short and punchy. Since a typical email inbox will reveal about 60 characters, use this space to get right to the point in about six to eights words so that the receiver knows what the email is about without even having to click it. 

    Tip #3: Be sure to place the most important words at the beginning

    When receivers will glace at their inboxes some will read through every email, others will look for key phrases to catch their attention or pass up on opening emails until later. That’s why bold email subject lines are so important. Since many other e-commerce businesses are sending their emails at the same optimal open times, you can squash out competition for sales by working hard to create a compelling email header. 

    Tip #4: Tap out the filler words

    While we always encourage writers to take punctuation and grammar seriously, when it comes to writing email subject lines, don’t waste time by writing unnecessary filler words like “hello”, “thanks”, or “nice to meet you”. You can save that for the email if it absolutely must be there. 

    Tip #5: Be clear and specific about the topic

    Many business owners will attempt to draw in their audience by using misleading email subject lines, and we do not believe this practice demonstrates trust with the consumer. In fact, we think building a strong foundation relationship is far more important, which is why writing clear, specific headlines will draw the right attention from the right people. 

    Tip #6: Consider the keywords you’re using for search filtering

    People that readily use their emails may have filters and/or folders set up to manage their inboxes, which is why you can harness this narrative by including keywords related to your topic that can easily be searchable later on. After all, even if your sale or product alert isn’t applicable anymore if an email receiver wants a reminder or your business, whatever the reason, shouldn’t you make it as easy as possible for them to find you down the road?

    Tip #7: Mention deadlines 

    Whether you’re inviting your email list to take advantage of an upcoming sale or announcing an item in your online store that’s available for pre-order, if your message has any deadlines, be sure to consider them in the subject line. Not only does this express a sense of urgency but it will have to avoid the pitfall of a user thinking they’ve missed out simply because of your lack of communication. 

    Tip #8: Avoid using all caps

    Some e-commerce business owners think that capped words are a great means for getting the attention they deserve, but we’re here to explain why this method in email subject lines sends off the wrong impression. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling! Since no one enjoys being yelled at, we recommend that you utilize dashes, colons, and/or exclamation points to separate any thoughts and avoid using full capped words. 

    Tip #9: Reword your work

    Like anything you write, always remember to reread over your email subject lines before they’re sent out. One of the biggest, and avoidable, mistakes you can make is copying and pasting for a large group of receivers, but forgetting to change the same or tailor the copy for each reader on the other end. Do yourself a favor and don’t be in a rush or you risk looking unprofessional and careless.

    While we don’t currently offer a service to write email subject lines for every email that a client wants to send, we do offer an email marketing service, which aside from a great design filled with content, our team member also creates a header and/or subject line using all of the above tips. 

    Do you have any other email subject lines’ tips? Drop them in the comments section below to share with our readers. 

    Important digital marketing tips for promoting Boxing Day sales

    Since Boxing Day is just a few nights of sleep away, we recommend bookmarking this blog and reviewing it next summer so that you can sort through its contents, pull some ideas, and prepare your holiday digital marketing strategy a few months in advance. After all, the holiday season really starts at the beginning of November, which means that you need to find ways to attract shoppers early for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day, and beyond. 

    Competition is high during the holiday season, making it challenging to promote your brand to stand out from the rest. However, with a well-developed digital marketing strategy, you’ll be well on your way to boosting traffic, conversions, and revenue using the following various channels and techniques

    Launch some shopping ads

    If your e-commerce business sells physical products it’s important to launch a shopping campaign as part of your digital strategy. Shopping ad campaigns help give customers a presentation of your products along with prices and offered discounts. These types of ads are also visible on search engine result pages, making it easier to attract targeted traffic to your website. That said, we recommend that you start your ad campaigns at least a few weeks before the holiday you’re targeting (for example, December 1 would be a good deadline to set if you want to launch a Boxing Day ad campaign). 

    Create engaging copy

    While there are a variety of ways to bring traffic to your website during the holiday season, festive copywriting is a great way to stand out when competition is high. Whether you choose to put new content right on your homepage, under the description of your products and/or services, or through your social accounts, it’s important to write copy that ties in with the holiday season, and if you can, include sales and discount information as well. 

    If you want to go the extra mile you can also take the time to design a landing page to match. Not only will this boost Boxing Day sales, but it will offer page users a place to click that leads them directly to the holiday hype. Plus, there are many ways to make the landing page appealing by opting to have promotional rewards and offers, a beautifully designed banner, and even a countdown clock to show urgency and prompt visitors to take advantage of a time-sensitive discount. 

    Set up remarketing campaigns

    It can be challenging to boost your sales during the holiday season when many other businesses are doing are attempting to do the same. That’s why you need to recapture the people who have shown interest in your products or services before. Remarketing campaigns allow you to easily advertise interested consumers while also retargeting existing customers who are likely to convert. Emails are also an effective channel to do this. Simply make a list segmentation filled with customers who have recently purchased and let them know about your Boxing Day offers! 

    *Before you run or schedule a campaign to promote holiday offers, be aware of the right time to achieve the best results from your target audience. If you need help using Google Analytics or social media insights and/or other tracking tools to promote your digital marketing strategy, Trek Marketing is here to help with your holiday planning!

    Are there any other ways that you prepare for the approaching holidays? Please drop them below to share with our readers. 

    Have you considered AI as part of your brand’s digital marketing strategy?

    Digital marketing has vastly grown in popularity as e-commerce business owners expand their hunt for the best methods and channels to distribute their products and services to the online masses. That said, with such an expansion, artificial intelligence (AI) has made leaps to help marketing professionals perform their jobs more efficiently than they could just a few years ago. Needless to say, since AI can be used in several ways, it’s important to determine which processes hold more value for your marketing campaigns before you invest in any type of AI-related experience. Continue reading to find new ways that you could be using AI in marketing. 

    AI predictive features add personalization 

    AI is a great resource for data collection—instead of manually sorting through each customer interaction, businesses use AI programs to compile the information into easy-to-read reports. So, why can’t businesses owners and marketing professionals alike use it to make smarter decisions for their campaigns?

    Think about times where you’ve shopped a website that was set up to offer personalization. Elements suggesting that you may also like other products is an AI customization that makes each visit unique to the consumer based on their search history and previous purchases. This not only improves the customer experience but also ensures that what’s displayed is more likely to fit the needs of the shopper, resulting in more sales, engagement, and site traffic.

    AI improves content creation

    Much of digital marketing involves creating consistent, fresh content to post on a website, making category pages and blogs an essential part of any marketing strategy. Depending on the industry, consumers may even rely on content (reviews, testimonials, etc.) to reassure their decision to make a purchase. While there’s no arguing that content is key, brainstorming topics ideas is both challenging and time-consuming. 

    With the power of AI, marketing professionals can analyze consumer behaviour on these pages through a machine learning system that provides feedback to improve future content. For example, elements such as time spent on page providers writers with some insight into how far the reader is delving into the content and where they can place photos and/or videos to increase this engagement. 

    The use of chatbots and natural language processing (NLP)

    Natural language processing (NLP) is a form of machine learning that understands, analyzes, compiles, and creates human speech. Many businesses utilize this type of AI in marketing, whether it be as a chatbot technology or as an aid when writing emails and/or blogs. 

    We’re living in a world where chatbots understand a consumer’s basic request and can respond to them based on the specific keywords or phrases provided. These AI tools make it possible for businesses to provide 24/7 service, answering questions for customers around the clock and providing long-tail sentences for those who may not be savvy with their words. 

    Trek Marketing works in partnership with Numinix Web Development using AI practices to make our client’s businesses thrive. Want to find out more? 

    Do you use AI in any of your marketing strategies? Drop a comment below to tell us more. 

    Everything you need to know about keywords and digital marketing

    Online visibility is one of the most important ways to achieve high sales and conversions and the measurability requires a strong online presence so that consumers can find, learn, and purchase from your e-commerce business. While there are many ways to get noticed on the wide web, SEO keywords research should be a huge part of your digital marketing strategy. 

    How do keywords relate to digital marketing?

    When consumers enter a query into a search engine like Google or Bing, they type in words or phrases to guide their search. These are referred to as “keywords” and in terms of organic content, whichever websites can best encompass what the user is looking for will pop up as an option for them to click. 

    *Keep in mind that sponsored ads purchase their placement and will always appear at the top, regardless of how well they match your query.

    While this may sound simple enough, search engines use complicated algorithms to assist users with their search results, and there are a wide variety of factors (ex. website credibility, publishing activity, and keywords used) that determine where a website is placed. 

    How do you know which keywords to use:

    • Top keywords are terms that users will search for
    • Relevant keywords should have a connection to your brand
    • It’s important to sprinkle keywords seamlessly by integrating them into all types of content

    We recommend working alongside a Search Engine Optimization expert to assist in your SEO keywords research that you know which terms to focus on and so that you can begin using them strategically throughout your digital marketing content. 

    Are there different types of keywords?

    Yes! There are three types of keywords.

    • Short-tail keywords usually consist of one or two words. These terms are broad and have a high search volume.
    • Middle-tail keywords consist of three to four words and are more specific but might have a lower search volume. 
    • Long-tail keywords consist of four or more words and due to their specificity, the search volume is so low it might only target niche consumers. 

    While it may seem more strategic to opt for keywords that have the highest volume of searches, the best digital marketing strategies use a mixture of types of keywords to ensure they have the highest chance of converting visitors.

    Tips to researching the best keywords for your content strategy

    While there are many SEO keywords research tools available, here are some tips to get you started:

    • Brainstorm ideas: What words do you think that your target audience are searching for to find a company like yours? Write down what comes to mind. 
    • Organize your list: Separate your keywords into categories to keep everything organized.
    • Research trending terms: Enter one of your brainstormed ideas into a search engine and then scroll down to look for related searches. These terms might be relevant queries for your target customer and possibly some phrases that are advertised by your competition. 

    How to add keywords to your digital marketing content

    A successful digital marketing strategy requires finding keywords and effectively using them. Since keywords are one of the main resources bringing consumers to your website, it’s important that your content be well-written and easy to read. 

    Aside from content pages and product descriptions, blog posts are another great way to strategically place keywords throughout your website. Just be sure that you add new blog submissions regularly and use the words naturally throughout the posts to achieve a higher organic search ranking.

    That said, here are some other ways to slip keywords into your content: 

    • The titled
    • Subheadings
    • Photo captions
    • Image file names
    • The URL of the post
    • Meta-description
    • Within the first sentence
    • Within the final paragraph

    Do you have any further questions about SEO keywords research and how to implement the terms? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    4 ways to boost your SEO with the season

    There are a variety of ways that shoppers find new businesses to purchase from. While some utilize referrals from loved ones, most leverage the power of the wide web as an effective way to discover new storefronts. Whether those shoppers make their purchases online or simply use the power of search engines to lookup places near them, people are searching for products and services online every day and your business must harness search engine optimization (SEO) to successfully capture these leads. Below are some of the best ways to boost your SEO for the weeks of fall ahead. 

    Create vibrant seasonal content

    A great way to continuously engage with your audience is by using seasonal content to boost your SEO. Start by doing a little research into what keywords are trending, find a way to relate them to your business, and create vibrant content around them. Whether you plan on hosting a seasonal sale to get rid of older inventory or you’re launching a new product, be sure to find a way to connect with autumn by appealing to the colours of the season. If black, orange, red, yellow, and brown aren’t popular colours for your business, instead customize your messages to include words that match the season instead. 

    Utilize internal links

    Lack of internal thinks in your website content is a missed SEO opportunity. When you want your products or services to be found, highlight those keywords in your relevant content and link them to specific pages or even back to your blog. This lets search engines know that you have something valuable to offer that contains the specified key phrases that will allow your pages to crawl up higher organically in the list of search queries. It’s not only a great way to build your SEO, but also a strategic way to connect with new customers that are on the hunt for your products. 

    Internal linking is a part of Trek Marketing’s local search engine optimization service. This on-site task helps to drive additional traffic to your website and ensures that best practices are followed. 

    Compete for relevant keywords

    While keyword research can be time-consuming, it’s an essential part of your SEO strategy. Needless to say, you do have the option to tag along with trending searches and compete with other businesses for those keywords. Although you will always find more success in building up your content, so be sure to take the time to learn what your customers are searching for this season. 

    Update and add new products and services

    Many businesses have the luxury of attaining new products which with updated content, can starting pulling search engine interest. Needless to say, there are e-commerce companies out there that are constantly remarketing the same products and services, making it challenging to reinvent your content time and time again. Trek Marketing’s local search engine optimization service works on tasks like page layout, page speed, meta tags, and content creation, so even if your brand falls under the second umbrella, you will still have fresh content. 

    Which example will you be starting with to boost your SEO? Drop a comment below to share with us.