Did you know that your search engine optimization (SEO) title is your website’s gateway to higher click-through rates? Since the SEO title is a potential customer’s first point of contact with your business, it must work to rank you as high as possible on search engine results pages (SERPs). While simply ranking high allows readers to see you first, it’s typically the title that will capture their attention. This blog will assist you in creating engaging headers, which in turn will take your SEO strategy to the next level.
Tips for creating titles that are optimized
Here we will provide some best practices for coming up with SEO titles and subheadings that will be optimized:
- Utilize a/some keyword(s) throughout the content: Aside from mimicking what competitors are doing, you can invest in your SEO strategy by researching the right keywords to help your content rank better. Be sure to remember that using too many technical words might confuse the reader, so when writing a title, be sure to stick to direct, concise words that are used by the general public. The keyword(s) you select work best when included in the title as well as within the content.
- Consider how long it is: While titles should be descriptive to attract readers, you want to make sure that they won’t get cut short on a SERP.
- Emotional hooks are key: Not only do content titles possess the power to hook a reader emotionally but they should also evoke a response emotionally. For example, excitement or interest. When your title is fun and engaging, a reader thinks, “Oh, I want to know more about that.”
- Don’t forget to sprinkle in your brand when you can: Now, this tip doesn’t mean that every title should include your company name. However, when it’s appropriate to do so, be sure to use add the name and stick to words that fit your brand voice to promote consistency throughout your site.
- Know your capitalization: If you capitalize incorrectly, your title will look spammy and not achieve the best ranking possible. Plus, no one wants to read or take tips from an author who leaves errors in their titles. As a rule of thumb, either capitalize all of your words or just the first one—don’t forget to capitalize the names of people, countries, etc.
Consistency and professionalism are key in formatting the titles that are used within the content on your website. So, if you’re looking to revamp your SEO strategy moving into the new year, consider the above tips.
Which tip did you find most helpful and plan to implement into your SEO strategy? Drop a comment below to share.
Alex Wilks has been working as a copywriter and digital marketing strategist since 2018, with added specialties in social media and email marketing. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Communication, she is a natural content writer with the ability to connect well with her target audience.