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    How to create a click-worthy email

    click worthy email marketing

    While generating sales is an important component of any digital marketing campaign, it’s equally important to connect with your audience and create an engaging atmosphere that formulates a step beyond a simple business relationship. Email marketing is a great way for companies to generate a loyal following, which is why today’s submission will focus on the best ways to create a click-worthy email

    Step #1: Define your purpose

    Every email that’s sent from your company should have a specific purpose in mind before it’s created. While that purpose may vary from company to company, its effectiveness will depend on the newsletter’s ability to educate, entertain, convince, or persuade the receiver to take action, whatever that action may be.

    Not only does your purpose help you to create cohesive newsletter content, but it also helps to define which metrics will determine success for your email campaign. This is why the best email marketing service involves a team member taking the time to analyze the data and deciding what other purposes will keep the business moving forward. 

    Step #2: Determine your content

    We’re living in an era where people don’t take too much time out of their days to sift through lengthy content, which is why emails need to be quick at covering their topics before the reader loses interest. In looking for topics, a good place to start is your blog. Hunt for articles that have received lots of traffic and then design an email featuring content around that. Next, look to the comments sections of your website and/or social media channels to see what questions and themes arise. These areas will be filled with topics of interest that will make a great subject for your upcoming email. 

    Step #3: Select a tone

    Now that you know what to write about, it’s time to decide how to write it. It isn’t interesting to read a monotone article, so be sure to determine your voice before you put your fingers to work. For example, if your brand’s tone is energized and lively, the newsletter should not be written in a factual tone with large words or statistics. The best thing you can do is put yourself into the shoes of your audience and try writing in a way that makes a connection. 

    Step #4: Have a custom newsletter template created

    While there are many pre-made email templates out there, none will offer the same level of professionalism as something that’s customized to your branding. Our partner company Numinix designs emails from scratch and once you have the template on your email marketing account of choice, you can reuse it for all your future campaigns, or if it’s within the budget, opt to spend it on the best email marketing service there is

    Also, keep in mind that what looks great on your desktop computer may not look the best on a smaller smartphone screen or across multiple browsers, so be sure to check screen size and resolution before clicking send or schedule. 

    Step #5: Choose your subject line

    The first line of communication from your company to your customer is the subject line that pops up in their inbox, and since most people receive multiple emails per day, it’s important that yours stand out above the rest. The best way to compete for someone’s time and get your email opened is to make a solid impression with an eye-catching subject line that entices users to click through. Ensure that it’s catchy, clear, and advertises exactly what the receiver can expect rather than using a click-bait technique that will jeopardize your trust with your potential customer. 

    Step #6: Utilize segmentation

    All of the best email marketing services strategize their emails but segmenting audiences to ensure that the right content reaches the right people. That being said, even the smallest list can reap the rewards of segmentation, increasing your response rate and in turn, increasing your sales and conversion rates. Segmentation not only allows you to create audiences based on their unique tastes but also enables you to slightly alter the email’s appearance by changing small elements such as the content or subject lines. 

    Our email marketing service caters to the niche of each client by strategically developing a monthly plan geared to update our clients’ successes and climb the ladder in their industry. 

    Do you have any other questions about creating a click-worthy email? Drop them in the comments section below for a prompt response. 

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