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    3 SEO insights that Google Analytics offers

    google analytics for seo

    Are you new to the game and looking to learn a few simple, yet useful insights you can take from Google Analytics to help identify opportunities within your organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy? There’s a wealth of information right at your fingertips to help identify performance and optimization issues.  Check out these three high-level actionable insights that may help you to improve your organic strategy.

    Utilize/create custom segments

    Using segments helps you to learn more about the users who are visiting your website and how they’re engaging with it. These features allow you to see traffic by channel, visitors who have completed goals, and vast demographic data, including further customized segments created from many facets of user data, such as time spent on site, visits to specific web pages, location of visitors, etc. 

    Another insightful segment to explore when utilizing Google Analytics for SEO purposes is to create an audience tab. To do this, navigate to Audience > Interests > Overview to find a display that examines the following three interest reports: Affinity categories, in-market segments, and other categories. This will allow you to look at a graph showing what percentage of users are shoppers and of these shoppers, what percentage have an interest in certain products or services. To dive even deeper, you can navigate from there to the Demographics tab under the Audience tab to view the age and gender of your website’s users. 

    Monitor mobile traffic

    Anyone in e-commerce knows the importance of mobile traffic is huge, however, rather than simply monitor mobile traffic to your site, Google Analytics allows users to monitor the engagement of these mobile visitors. 

    Here are some features that you can assess: 

    • Add a mobile segment and you can view the number of mobile conversions at the individual page level. 
    • Monitor your mobile bounce rate so that you can hone in on potential issues on a certain page. This is an incredible benefit SEO opportunity offered through Google Analytics. 
    • Compare both mobile and desktop bounce rate metrics to differentiate between the two types of experiences. 
    • Compare new and returning mobile users to see if there’s any value in the content that translates to a one-time customer or recurring client. 

    Focus on site search

    If there is a search bar on your website there’s an enormous SEO opportunity that Google Analytics can offer you! Aside from learning about what visitors are looking for once they reach your website, you can also gain insight into how many people are searching for the same items. Also, if a large percentage of your search traffic is relying on the search bar, this is a strong indication that your main navigation features on the website are lacking and not providing visitors with a clear idea of the location of what they’re searching for. 

    Another opportunity, especially on the SEO side of things, is to take the terms that are frequently searched for and generate a page with a good amount of information to make sense of that term. If the term is a product or service, use this as an opportunity to create insightful content that will benefit your shoppers and also consider highlighting the product or service prominently on your website to generate more clicks and create easier accessibility.

    What did you find most interesting about SEO and how it works alongside Google Analytics to reveal incredible insights about your business? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

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    1. SwiftChat Live Chat App

      Google Analytics is a great tool that can help make your SEO efforts more meaningful and focused.