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    Why hire a copywriter for e-commerce?

    If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a professional copywriter, you must read along and discover all the benefits that a qualified wordsmith can offer your online business. After all, aside from vibrant imagery, content is the next far-reaching element of your business page that should be hooking shoppers and encouraging them to carry out their prospecting purchases. Thus, when it comes to copywriting for online marketing you should be outsourcing this position to gain some heightened, credible attraction to your brand. 

    They possess professional writing training

    While every person has an assortment of admirable, special talents, not every individual possesses the ability to articulate themselves in a printed composition. In fact, while most people speak well, many aren’t able to convey their ideas or explanations without leaning on another literary equivalent. Whether this is due to lack of practice, or the absence of copious words knowledge to facilitate copywriting for online marketing, it’s evident that the skill of fluidity and word placement is not a strength that all possess. So, while you may strive to coherently describe your business services and products, a professional copywriter will better understand the importance of sentence structure and word-pairings and are far more likely to avoid the simple mistakes of the untrained eye. Not to mention they also have experience editing grammar and punctuation mistakes, something that you may second-guess due to lack of knowledge and know-how. 

    They write with your audience in mind

    We’ve established that writing, in general, is a unique art form, however, try putting your fingers to your computer keys and saying something that makes your brand develop its voice! It’s important to influence buyers by placing yourself in their shoes. What do they value? What encourages them to carry forth with a purchase? Why should they relate to your brand? Writing for an audience requires a certain degree of cohesive consistency, not to mention an expansive collection of ideas to target them at different angles. Everyone that reads your copywriting for online marketing should find a sense of belonging when they’re perusing through your content, regardless if it’s just product information. 

    You have more time to dedicate to other tasks

    Whether you operate a pint-sized business or a large company, time is of the essence! That’s why it’s essential to invest in smart partnerships that will benefit your e-commerce brand, while also enhancing the time you can dedicate to other important tasks. Copywriting for online marketing is already a long process that involves lots of research and editing, and for those who aren’t gifted with words, lots of extra time is spent re-reading and formulating cohesive sentences. So, instead of wasting your valuable time writing copy for your e-commerce site, how about better spending that time improving your company in other areas that fill a need in your business plan? 

    Here at Trek Marketing, we understand how beneficial having a professional copywriting is to the success of your entrepreneurial success and your future digital marketing campaigns. So, instead of spending the grueling time writing your content, we would be happy to give your brand the voice it deserves

    What do you love most about having someone else write your online content? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

    Looking for some last-minute holiday marketing campaign tips?

    If you’re one of the many entrepreneurs that aren’t quite ready to face this year’s holiday season, why not consider putting an innovative spin on your brand’s marketing? December is a festive time where shoppers are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming influx of holiday-inspired messages, which makes it easy for your campaign(s) to get lost in the noise of the season. So, if you want to generate some added buzz, consider the following tips to ensure that your communication has a quality rather than a chaotic approach. 

    Draw inspiration from your competitors

    Whether your holiday marketing strategy includes some social media promotions, a couple of enticing emails, some extra pay-per-click adverts or all of the above, it’s important to get creative when you’re orchestrating your agenda for the month. Although running a unique campaign is always preferable, when it comes to the holiday season, chances are there’s very little you can do to make your marketing strategy one-of-a-kind, so why not incorporate your brand into a festive year-end campaign that highlights a comparable feel to your competitors, but outshines them in the process? 

    Emphasis seasonal imagery 

    Regardless of what niche industry your business is a part of, brands likely see the holiday season as a time of year to connect to their audience through the use of festive imagery. A prime example of this lies with the graphics you use on your social media channels, emails, and website banners. Since images can visually communicate with your visitors, why not just let them do the talking? After all, setting the tone for the season provides a timely, relevant way for you to get your audience excited about limited-time offers and is a comprehensive way to add a little vibrancy to your holiday marketing strategy.  

    Emotionally charge your communication

    The holiday season is one of the most important and profitable times of the year for many e-commerce businesses, so why not add an element of human touch to your communication? Your choice of wording in your social media posts, emails, and homepage text should invoke emotion and inspire action (purchases) and loyalty (recurring purchases). In other words, your holiday content is most effective when it’s tugging at the heartstrings of potential shoppers. 

    If you’re still struggling to find the time, dialogue, or imagery to pair with your thought-provoking, holiday marketing, we encourage you to speak with a representative from our digital marketing team to get yourself joyously ready!

    Do you have any other tips that are could apply to a last-minute campaign? Drop a comment below to share.

    Digital marketing growth hacks to consider

    Like anything, the tricks of the trade are something that’s generally learned over time, making experienced digital marketing agencies the experts when it comes to SEO and e-commerce. And while it’s important to start developing your own set of skills as you grow into your role as a business owner, it’s also significant to scale your digital operations to generate successful campaigns. After all, money is what makes the business world go around and if you don’t possess the know-how to utilize industry growth hacks your budget may start to dwindle faster than you anticipated. So, here’s are some tips for those seeking first-hand insight into how to grow their startup companies. 

    Create long-tail content 

    If you’re unfamiliar with the phrase “long-tail”, simply think of it as the holy grail for SEO and e-commerce. Using long-tail content as part of your website’s marketing strategy, which includes URLs, page titles and meta descriptions, is a great way to build authority and increase the organic traffic that’s coming to your site. For example, think about all the different combinations of words that people type into search engines every day and then think about how people describe what they’re looking for. Finding specific search terms and adding them to your content helps these people find what you’ve written, increasing the likelihood of them clicking the other parts of your site. So, we recommend that you always consider keywords when formulating your content, because it holds the power to climb the online rankings.  

    Run blogs as Google dynamic search ads

    While most e-commerce business owners are running search or display ads on Google, you could be the one who drives traffic strategically by using content pages you’ve already created. For example, if you went ahead and focused on our tip above, you would have implemented long-tail keywords within your content. If this is the case, your blog is already ranking organically somewhere in the search results. Content-focused pages rank higher than pages with no copy, so using your blog can help to increase your high-quality score. Thus, if you want to increase your chances of receiving clicks, give this tip a try and see how it works out for you!

    Follow up with potential shoppers

    Once you generate more traffic and increase your leads, you should create a means of following up with clickers. While it can be difficult to personally target each person, it’s easy enough to use some form of marketing automation to do it for you. We recommend using email marketing as your way to connect to your target audience. Start by creating a series of emails to engage with these leads, including subjects like product information, customer testimonials, and even something that tells the story behind the brand. All of this content is valuable and can work as a channel to reach your prospecting clientele. 

    We hope the above ideas will help you to get on track and start scaling up your business. However, since new hacks are readily growing, if you aren’t keeping up with the changes, it’s easy to lose the customer’s interest. That’s why sometimes it makes more sense to leave the work to the professionals.

    Which SEO and e-commerce hack did you find the most interesting? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    What are content calendars and how can they be used?

    Let’s face it, cultivating creative content for your webpage and social channels isn’t as easy as it may seem. While your digital advertisements, high-quality graphics, videos and memes may be enticing to some degree, with the influx in brands and competition, there’s a likely chance that you won’t get noticed. However, the best way that you can combat this business hurtle is by building yourself a standard content calendar. Whether you’re a content specialist or a business owner who’s looking for ways to revisit your content strategy, using a content calendar is one of the best ways for you to keep organized, reflect your brand and provide engaging subject matter that’s both coordinated and formed around important dates, upcoming holidays and seasonal sales and promotions. How else do you expect to keep up with the pace?

    What is a content calendar?

    We define a content calendar as a shareable resource that allows the content specialist, business owner, or digital marketing team to plan all content activity and to visualize the content that is up for distribution. Usually created using a calendar-based format, the content calendar has several business benefits:

    • Access to the resources: Everyone who’s involved in the digital marketing content strategy process will have access to what’s being published when it’s being published and where it’s being published.
    • Avoids duplications: Because everyone is aligned with access to the content calendar, duplicate content is easily avoidable. 
    • Provides a well-round, visual representation: Whether you plan a week, a month, or a season ahead, a content calendar creates a clear vision of how your content with be distributed. 
    • Plan content milestones: Key events and important dates should always be a focus in your digital marketing content strategy. So be sure to use a content calendar to check off all the seasonal celebrations. 
    • Spot content gaps: Planning allows you to gain a sense of what needs to be planned and gives you more time leading up to deadlines. 
    • Plan ahead: One of the biggest benefits of creating a content calendar is the ability to organize far in advance, allowing you to pre-schedule your content. 

    How do you build a content calendar?

    Content calendars are an essential part of your digital marketing content strategy, so here is how you can go about creating your own.

    • Repurpose past videos, images, and blogs and formulate them to appeal to the current calendar you’re working on.
    • Do some research and leverage the data that you found to create infographics or industry stories. 
    • Tap into the expertise of your colleagues and create a video or audio interview to share. 
    • Utilize whitepapers and reports and add them to your calendar as automated content. 

    Now that you know the type of content that can be repurposed and created, we will show you how to formulate this content into something that can be planned and published. 

    First, download an online calendar or create one using Microsoft Excel and ensure that you’ve highlighted all the important dates that month, including industry anniversaries, holidays and social media celebrations. Then, it’s essential for you to take note of the season or month you’re planning for. For example, if it’s October, you should be looking at your Halloween content plan but also preparing to market for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Remember to give yourself enough time when planning out your content calendar to ensure that when your content is published, it will be at an appropriate time. Once your calendar has been filled full of content, start creating it and pre-scheduling it. Once it’s published, you can choose to promote it across all your social channels to track analytics about how your content is getting noticed, at what time people are engaging and which days are working well. After you make note of this data you can tweak the upcoming content in your calendar and utilize what you’ve learned to published more engaging content in the future. 

    Sound too complicated? You can hire content specialists that will handle all the workload for you and even create the calendar for your approval! 

    Do you plan to create a content calendar and integrate it into your digital marketing content strategy? 

    3 ways you can digitally market your travel brand?

    travel marketing

    Since pretty much everyone loves when they get to escape on a dream vacation, it may seem silly that you need to put to effort into travel marketing at all. However, spring is the time of year when many people start their researching and booking for upcoming getaways and you want your travel brand to start out from the rest. Whether you’re gearing towards an audience looking for a budget hotspot, some family-friendly deals, exotic flight packages or an easygoing cruise line, you need to be equipped with the right advertising tools to stand out above your competition. That being said, do you know of any digital marketing weapons that you can use to win over consumers?

    Email marketing

    Email marketing is a great digital marketing tactic to use if you’re wanting to create some noise about your travel brand. So, if you possess a subscription list, perhaps it’s time to start sending out some emails to inform potential customers about any exciting buzz or promotions that your company has going on. Not only is email marketing an effective way to improve sales conversions, but it also helps to improve brand awareness, build a relationship with your ever-growing audience and increase visibility within your industry. Start your email marketing strategy by sending out two carefully crafted emails per month. These emails could include a special promotion code that will give them a discount if they proceed through with a booking or even a simple email highlighting some of the excursions your brand may be offering at a hotspot destination. If you sell products rather than accommodation services, endorsing a sale is always an effective way to stimulate your marketing strategy.

    Social media marketing

    Social media marketing is one of the easiest, stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms that a business can use to increase their visibility. Needless to say, if you possess time constraints with managing the social strategy of your travel brand, you may be missing out on heightening the experience of your target audience. Successful travel marketing is all about advertising through social channels. Whether you’re geared towards customers on Instagram through the sharing of a creative video story or you post insightful, relatable memes on Facebook about flight delays, each social media channel has something very unique to offer your brand. Don’t miss out on the channeled potential of your business by not utilizing social media marketing!


    Although blogging should be a digital marketing must, it’s often an overlooked element even though it’s probably the most effective way a business owner can build brand awareness. People who enjoy travel usually also enjoy reading and researching all about their aspired destinations, which is why you’re able to utilize this to create relevant and useful content geared towards your target audience. If you’re a suitcase company looking to selling your luxurious products to upper-class businessmen, then perhaps you could write an article such as, “15 things every businessman needs to pack into his suitcase”, outlining how easily it would fit into whichever model(s) you’re wanting to promote. On the other hand, if you run a cute Bed and Breakfast in the Amalfi Coast of southern Italy, then perhaps you could write a story about authentic Italian cuisine, highlighting a few local vineyards and cafes that are must-visits for travelers coming to that particular region. Blogging is all about telling your customers a story without sounding too pushy. It also allows you to create a connection and assert your knowledge within your niche.

    Have you found any of the above suggestions effective for your marketing strategy? Tell us in the comments section below.

    Aside from SMM, how else can you build brand awareness?

    brand awareness

    When it comes to creating brand awareness, social media marketing is a powerful tool that many businesses use to utilize their influence. However, although various social media platforms possess vast advantages to reach a company’s target audience, when it comes to building a brand, the more you diversify your strategy, the quicker and more effectively you will be able to spread the world. That’s why in addition to SMM you may also want to consider the following effective brand building options.


    While blogging can take a long time to generate traction in terms of conversion rates, it has the ability to help spread brand awareness. Not only is blogging a free and easy tool to use but when it’s done right it can be an extremely powerful way to draw customers to your e-commerce website by educating the general public and creating a connection to potential buyers through the expression of your niche expertise. That being said, blog posts should follow a regular blogging schedule and discuss an array of subjects, such as upcoming promotions, how to use your products and other various industry discussions that are taking place on social media platforms or in the news. Blogging isn’t just a weekly journal, it’s a tool to establish a professional feel with your target audience.

    Email Marketing

    Email marketing is a marketing strategy that’s known for its intense ability to generate sales. After all, people are constantly checking their emails and if they receive an exciting, generous promotion, it may give them that little extra nudge to finish placing their aspired orders. That’s why you should offer an email subscription as a way to build up your brand awareness and as a reward to your loyal customers. Email marketing allows subscribers to receive sales, promotions and giveaways as well as establishes a strong, branded connection between the business and each individual customer.

    The Extras

    While social media marketing, blogging and email marketing are all insightful digital marketing tools there are a few other options that you can use to help assist with your brand awareness.

    • Enhancing your customer service: Customers are the beating heart of your business and although having quality products and good marketing is important, an active voice in dealing with questions and concerns will also help you to gain an enhanced brand reputation.
    • Knowing your target audience: Although you want anyone and everyone to buy your products or services, knowing the demographics, values and needs of the audience you’re targeting is essential if you’re going to be able to effectively build your brand. Reaching out to your target audience will create a “quality over quantity” approach to your digital marketing strategy.

    Are there other tactics that you’ve personally used to build the brand awareness of your company? Tell us in the comments section below.

    Tune into these inspiring 4 marketing podcasters

    marketing podcasts

    Staying involved in your niche can prove to be a challenging task when your time is already split up between other business ventures and commitments. However, if you’re on the hunt to up your marketing game or in need of some help understanding new, trending strategies, then they’re some innovative marketing podcasts out there that will allow your team to gain some further insights into the world of marketing and business developments. 

    Moreover, for those of you who may not be technologically savvy, a podcast is a collection of digital audio files that are made available for listening or downloading to your computer or mobile device. They are personalized series that feature regular installments about a wide range of interesting topics. Now, that you’re in touch with the lingo, let’s take a look at some marketing podcasts that you absolutely must keep up with.

    Call to Action

    This marketing podcast focuses on highlighting online marketing success stories and how these real-life achievements can be de-constructed and used on your own marketing campaigns. The weekly show consists of candid interviews with digital marketing professionals and leaders and features tips for improving your conversion rates, optimization, content marketing and more.

    Social Media Marketing Podcast

    As the title of the podcast suggests this podcast helps you learn to engage with your customers through the use of social media profiles. There’s a lot to learn about social media marketing and this talk show podcast breaks down the barriers of the marketing genre and makes it easy for you to listen on-the-go to success stories and interviews as well as some in-depth insight from industry pros.

    Marketing Over Coffee

    Just like the title of this marketing podcast suggests, it’s best to tune into this ingenious discussion and get your creative juices flowing with your morning coffee. After all, the host of the show does. That being said, the show primarily likes to focus on traditional marketing methods that work as a good foundation for your marketing strategy and branch off to other topics such as rebranding.

    Copyblogger FM

    If you’re an aspiring copywriter, an entrepreneur or even a digital marketing manager, you would be able to benefit from this particular marketing podcast. The show analyzes the trends of digital marketing and talks about the challenge of changing practices in content marketing, copywriting, email marketing, conversion optimization and so much more.

    If you need help developing your digital marketing strategy, Trek, alongside these amazing marketing podcasts, can help get you on the path to increase your brand’s recognition.

    Are there any other marketing podcasts that you enjoy? Drop their details below to share with our readers.

    Good Grammar Is a Marketing Must

     blogging and content creation

    You can start out with a fantastic business idea, develop some state-of-the-art products and increase the connection with your customers, but if you don’t take the time to cultivate your grammar skills, your business’s respectability will appear incredibly sloppy. That being said, if you’re the one writing for your business, a red flag will rise in regards to your professionalism if you aren’t taking the time to proof-read your blogging and content creation. So, in the spirit of National Grammar Day (March 4), we want to emphasize a few tips to keep in mind when you’re trying to catch your typos and dangling modifiers. 

    Proofread your writing

    It can be incredibly easy to just hit publish after you finish writing your blogging and content creation without taking any additional time to re-read and edit. So, if you’re wanting to promote expertise in your writing style, it helps to take the time to check over your work in order to catch any stray punctuation errors or misspelled words. After all, the content on your website should embellish an experienced image.

    Another way to tackle proofreading is to have a second set of eyes look over your work. Often times it can be difficult to catch our own mistakes so having another person, preferably someone with writing experience, will leave you with some sharper, more refined diction.

    Needless to say, if you don’t have anyone that’s available to help you immediately, try using a grammar and punctuation tool to help proofread over your work. Nobody’s perfect, so it’s important to condition your time to allow for quality checkups.

    Keep an eye out for any malapropism

    The word malapropism is used to refer to the use of an incorrect word in the place of a word with a similar sound there are several examples to consider when you’re keeping an eye out for these grammatical errors. For example, you could have accidentally used a word that sounds the same as the word you meant to use, but means something completely different, like the words “tandem” and “tantrum”.

    Another example that’s commonly mixed up is the definitions of the following speech words “there”, “their” and “they’re”. These contractions mean very different things and can easily be incorrectly interchanged when you’re rushing to finish blogging and content creation. Take the time to re-read your writing and perhaps even say it out loud so that you can catch these tedious, incompetent mistakes.

    Watch your apostrophes

    In case you’ve forgotten your elementary school English lectures, here’s a quick primer. An apostrophe should only be used after a noun to make either a possessive (Jack’s sandwich) or a contraction (Sally’s going to the park, a contraction of “Sally is going to the park”). Always remember that an apostrophe should never be used to make pronouns possessive (hers, its, theirs), but they can be used it to make a pronoun into a contraction (It’s sunny, you’re awesome, they’re angry).

    Well, there you have it! A little refresher on some common grammatical copy mistakes. If you’re still stuck when it comes to grammar and feel as if you need some advanced help, considering consulting with a professional digital marketing team and sort through your writing with a fine-tooth comb before it’s published for the world to see.

    In your opinion, what is the most frustrating part of grammar? Tell us in the comments section below.

    Why You Shouldn’t Overlook the Power of Pay per Click Advertising

    PPC advertising

    There are so many methods available to market your online business. While blogging, sending newsletters and spreading the world on social media all prove to be effective cranks turning the wheel towards audience awareness, one of the most advantageous marketing techniques is pay per click (PPC) advertising. Not only does PPC advertising take a close look at your current business objectives, but it will also determine which media channels you’re getting noticed on and will target how to reach your buying consumers. After all, doesn’t it make more sense to pay for an advertising technique that only charges you once a customer has actually noticed your endorsement?

    What is PPC advertising?

    Also known as cost per click, PPC advertising is an internet advertising model that is used by marketing companies to direct traffic to websites. The best part is that the advertiser will only pay the publisher if the ad was clicked on. So, essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your business website, rather than trying to obtain those visits in a more organic way.

    Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC advertising because it allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in the search engine’s sponsored link section. This is determined by selectively choosing relevant keywords that are related to the business or product offering. By getting ahead of organic search results you’re asserting your position as a leader in your industry.  

    What is Google Ads?

    Formally known as Google AdWords, this PPC advertising tool enables businesses to create ads that will appear on Google’s search engines. It operates as a pay-per-click model, which means that every time a search is initiated, Google will pull a few winners from their database to appear in the ad space in the search results. The winners are chosen based on a combination of factors, including the quality of their chosen keywords as well as of amount that they bid. It’s basically an auction to determine which businesses will be seen first.

    Why should you take advantage of PPC advertising?

    • Budget-friendly: Full-on ad campaigns can be expensive and require money allocation before they roll out. PPC advertising allows you to set a small to medium budget and then analyze how your campaign is performing. If you’re starting to create traction and making money, then you can slowly start investing more into your marketing budget.
    • Keywords: PPC advertising helps you determine which keywords are appearing in your industry and allows you to use those words to also create organic traffic.
    • Targets your audience: PPC advertising has the power to help your conversion rates by targeting the audience that’s actually interested in your product or service to click-through to your website. If they click, chances are you’re drawing in the right people.

    Are there any other ways in which PPC advertising is beneficial to business owners? Share your comments with our readers below.

    Common copywriting mistakes to avoid

    common copywriting mistakes

    Although blogs, social media posts, emails, e-newsletters and web pages vary in technical components, they all require a certain attention to detail. If you are able to avoid the following common copywriting mistakes, you will produce content that better appeals to marketing strategies.

    Addressing the wrong audience

    One of the most important steps in understanding content marketing is knowing your audience. As tempting as it may be to try to sell your services or products to everyone, it’s important to not lose focus if you have a niche market. Determine the target age group, income bracket and other identifying characteristics that your wares are most intended for, then adapt your voice accordingly. Make sure that your tone, vocabulary and hashtags genuinely speak to your main consumers.

    Incorrect formatting

    That extra minute spent on spell-check is well worth the effort! Firstly remember to review proper sentence structure, choice of words (affect vs. effect, etc.) and sub-header divisions. Read content out loud and if possible, ask friends, family, or colleagues to preview and proof-read for you. Increase engagement and attention by breaking up lengthy texts with photos and infographics. And with customers constantly on the go, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, to check for mobile optimization.

    Outdated or incorrect links and content

    Almost everyone has at some point clicked on a link, only to find it broken or non-existent. It is important to make sure that outlinks work and internal links are still relevant. Additionally, headers, subject lines and meta descriptions should reflect the topic. Unless you state that content is explicitly your opinion, review statistics and facts for accuracy. Always remember to properly credit your sources either through hyperlinks or annotations.

    Improper SEO

    SEO (search engine optimization) is not as difficult as it may seem. However, it is necessary to create a balance between keywords to avoid using generic phrases that don’t generate results. Research engaging long tail keywords and implement them organically as if you were having a verbal conversation with your audience. The more that you understand why ecommerce businesses need a blog, the easier that it becomes to develop proper SEO.

    Lack of direction

    Think of engaging with your consumer base the same as establishing a relationship. You should talk about yourself, but remember it’s more about the other person. Don’t be self-centred, forget about a feature > benefit structure and ignore how readers and followers will feel by becoming paying customers. Include clear information and direct CTAs.


    Plagiarism is one of the most common copywriting mistakes, even if it’s done inadvertently. Let your personality come through, to find ways to make content unique and relevant to your business. If you’re still unsure how your words compare to similar posts by others, review them through a plagiarism checker tool.

    Effective content creation takes time. Let us do the work and see how our copywriting and SEO services will enhance your business!