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    How to use Google Adwords for your business

    There are a lot of expenses that come with e-commerce operations and since most small business owners don’t have access to endless marketing resources, it’s important to select the best advertising methods to start generating revenue. So, since it can take months to increase your organic search ranking through the use of search engine optimization (SEO), we recommend investing in pay-per-click advertising campaigns like Google Adwords to get yourself started. 

    What is Google Adwords?

    Google Adwords is a pay-per-click online advertising platform developed by Google where advertisers can bid to display brief ads, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. These ads can be placed in the results of search engines (ex. Google Search, Bing Search) as well as non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos. Google Adwords also works as a keyword tool, allowing users to target specific words or phrases they’re hoping to target to get their ads highly ranked on various search results pages. 

    How does it work?

    It all starts with a query. When a user searches for something on Google, it will look at the Adwords advertisers pool and determine whether there will be an auction for those terms. If one or more advertising is bidding on keywords that Google deems are relevant to the search, it will trigger an auction. This is where the advertisers will identify which keywords they want to bid on, how much they’re willing to spend, and create groupings using these keywords that can pair with their ads. Google then does the work by entering the keyword from that advertiser’s account, along with their maximum bid. 

    If you’re wondering how Google determines which ads are shown where, once an advertiser has entered into an auction, Google will look at two key factors to determine ad rank: maximum bid and quality score. The maximum bid is the set price the advertiser specifies for that keyword, whereas the quality score is a metric that determines how useful the ad is to the user (max bid x quality score = ad rank > position). 

    The auction is run billions of times each month. This allows results that users find relevant to their searches and advertisers to connect with potential customers for cheap.

    What are the top advantages of using Google Adwords?

    Google Adwords is a powerful keyword tool when it comes to advertising your business online. Listed below are a few advantages that you can enjoy on this paid marketing platform.

    • Targeting is more precise: This ensures that each ad is only displayed to users that are more likely to become potential customers. With the ability to filter audiences based on geographic location, age, gender, and more. There’s even a feature that allows the targeted audience to see the ad on specified devices or at certain times. 
    • You only pay for results: With Google Adwords, businesses only pay for the clicks their ads get, rather than the impressions. This advertising model only costs money when the targeted user takes action. 
    • Performance can be easily tracked: Whether you want to track the number of users that view and click your ad, those taking action, or those spending money, Google Adwords is the perfect tool to increase profitability. 

    Do you need help setting up and managing your Google Adwords account? Once you determine your budget, it’s time to speak with one of Trek Marketing’s Client Success Managers. 

    What do you think is the most advantageous part of using Google Adwords for your business? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    How small businesses should aim to manage their digital marketing

    When the words digital and marketing are placed together inconsequential order, they refer to the innovative trend that delivers advertising through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. While there are insights and strategies that business owners and marketing professionals both follow, when you’re first starting out, your e-commerce business is likely focused on getting the word out and establishing a network within your niche. So, if you’re hoping to uncover the secrets and endeavors that grind the gears of a successful digital marketing scheme, the best way to approach the process is by researching as much as possible on the subject matter. This means that as a small business owner it’s your job to read anything and everything there’s about professional digital marketing

    Why professional digital marketing is important to small businesses? 

    Most businesses thrive through the use of professional digital marketing, but small businesses greatly need it to get noticed in the first place. After all, regardless of whether you’re entering an established industry or a new niche, if you want to become the focus of consumer attention and stand out from your competitors, you’ll need a digital marketing strategy to help you carry out your business goals. 

    Let’s face it! Shoppers are abundantly online on the hunt for the next product to make their life more simplistic and enjoyable. So, when you’re first starting out, you’ll want to establish your target audience so that you’re able to cater to various digital marketing efforts that are best suited to a particular demographic of people. Think of your ideal customer and assign an age range that you’re going to steer towards, then ponder whether their gender, cultural values, and interests play a role in how you will appeal to them. If you’re finding the basic efforts of digital marketing too complicated, a few dollars can go a long way towards your company’s success. Whether you hire an agency to create a Facebook ad or write your weekly blog submissions, all digital marketing can be carried out on a budget. 

    How should you start your digital marketing efforts?

    Digital marketing can be intimidating and confusing for first-timers, but the good news is that with a little guidance and patience, you can learn marketing tactics for your businesses by observing the way other businesses do theirs — run campaigns based on the season, orchestrate a sale around a major calendar event and toss around a few times of day to do your social posting and see what gets the most attention. This trial and error period has great potential to yield positive results and for those who don’t have the time to meddle with what-ifs, you can hire a professional agency to do the experimentation for you.  

    That being said, since digital marketing is a key brand-building tool, here are some ways that you utilize its potential. 

    • Start a blog.
    • Research industry keywords and use them in your content. 
    • Post regularly on a variety of social media channels. 
    • Make your own service/product videos. 
    • Optimize your website so that it looks good on both computer and mobile devices (If unsure, use a web developer for this task). 
    • Build an email list and send them as needed to drive sales and establish relationships with your shoppers. 

    Do you rely on the expertise of a digital marketing company to assist with your business? Share your first-hand experiences with our readers.

    How do you successfully strategize your SEO campaign?

    marketing strategies for SEO

    While there are many branches of digital marketing that are vital in helping businesses grow, search engine optimization holds a next level advantage. SEO has the power to utilize top search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, through the use of organic and paid advertisements. This means that you have an opportunity to research relevant key terms in your industry and use them strategically on your website in order to have your business appear on an organic, online search. And, if it’s within your budget, you can also pay a marketing company to manage your SEO, allowing them to work on getting your website to the top of various search engines. However, while these marketing strategies for SEO have the power to bring success to your business, there are a couple of other ways that you can devise your SEO campaigns to bring your products or services a little extra traction.

    Update your content 

    In order to reap the benefits of your SEO strategy, it’s important to flag your target audience in a larger way. That’s where content marketing can come into play. While you can easily include industry-specific key terms on your home page or services description, if you’re hoping to have your business appear at the top of more search engines, applying this method to the entirety of your website will only prove to be more beneficial. Start by selecting a few popular products to target and then proceed by finding out which words people are using to search for these products online. The next thing you want to do is re-write the meta descriptions and copy for your chosen topics. This will help your organic ranking on popular search engines by allowing customers to find your website with ease.

    Google AdWords is your friend

    If you’re determined to have your business appear at the top of Google search rankings, then you will need to utilize Google Adwords to get you there. While we mentioned the power of keywords when creating your content, Google Adwords allows you to bid on these industry-relevant terms in order to have clickable, paid ads that appear above the organic search rankings on a Google search. So, while you will have to pay Google when potential customers click through to your website from these ads, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to get noticed without having to pay for social media or more traditional forms of advertising.

    While these marketing strategies for SEO have the power to drive customers to make purchases, there are many other digital marketing methods that could also benefit your company. Contact a member from our team to learn how email marketing, social media marketing, PPC advertising or blogging services could benefit your business.

    How did you learn about the importance of marketing strategies for SEO? Drop a comment below to let us know your thoughts.

    Why You Shouldn’t Overlook the Power of Pay per Click Advertising

    PPC advertising

    There are so many methods available to market your online business. While blogging, sending newsletters and spreading the world on social media all prove to be effective cranks turning the wheel towards audience awareness, one of the most advantageous marketing techniques is pay per click (PPC) advertising. Not only does PPC advertising take a close look at your current business objectives, but it will also determine which media channels you’re getting noticed on and will target how to reach your buying consumers. After all, doesn’t it make more sense to pay for an advertising technique that only charges you once a customer has actually noticed your endorsement?

    What is PPC advertising?

    Also known as cost per click, PPC advertising is an internet advertising model that is used by marketing companies to direct traffic to websites. The best part is that the advertiser will only pay the publisher if the ad was clicked on. So, essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your business website, rather than trying to obtain those visits in a more organic way.

    Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC advertising because it allows advertisers to bid for ad placement in the search engine’s sponsored link section. This is determined by selectively choosing relevant keywords that are related to the business or product offering. By getting ahead of organic search results you’re asserting your position as a leader in your industry.  

    What is Google Ads?

    Formally known as Google AdWords, this PPC advertising tool enables businesses to create ads that will appear on Google’s search engines. It operates as a pay-per-click model, which means that every time a search is initiated, Google will pull a few winners from their database to appear in the ad space in the search results. The winners are chosen based on a combination of factors, including the quality of their chosen keywords as well as of amount that they bid. It’s basically an auction to determine which businesses will be seen first.

    Why should you take advantage of PPC advertising?

    • Budget-friendly: Full-on ad campaigns can be expensive and require money allocation before they roll out. PPC advertising allows you to set a small to medium budget and then analyze how your campaign is performing. If you’re starting to create traction and making money, then you can slowly start investing more into your marketing budget.
    • Keywords: PPC advertising helps you determine which keywords are appearing in your industry and allows you to use those words to also create organic traffic.
    • Targets your audience: PPC advertising has the power to help your conversion rates by targeting the audience that’s actually interested in your product or service to click-through to your website. If they click, chances are you’re drawing in the right people.

    Are there any other ways in which PPC advertising is beneficial to business owners? Share your comments with our readers below.