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    Digital marketing growth hacks to consider

    Like anything, the tricks of the trade are something that’s generally learned over time, making experienced digital marketing agencies the experts when it comes to SEO and e-commerce. And while it’s important to start developing your own set of skills as you grow into your role as a business owner, it’s also significant to scale your digital operations to generate successful campaigns. After all, money is what makes the business world go around and if you don’t possess the know-how to utilize industry growth hacks your budget may start to dwindle faster than you anticipated. So, here’s are some tips for those seeking first-hand insight into how to grow their startup companies. 

    Create long-tail content 

    If you’re unfamiliar with the phrase “long-tail”, simply think of it as the holy grail for SEO and e-commerce. Using long-tail content as part of your website’s marketing strategy, which includes URLs, page titles and meta descriptions, is a great way to build authority and increase the organic traffic that’s coming to your site. For example, think about all the different combinations of words that people type into search engines every day and then think about how people describe what they’re looking for. Finding specific search terms and adding them to your content helps these people find what you’ve written, increasing the likelihood of them clicking the other parts of your site. So, we recommend that you always consider keywords when formulating your content, because it holds the power to climb the online rankings.  

    Run blogs as Google dynamic search ads

    While most e-commerce business owners are running search or display ads on Google, you could be the one who drives traffic strategically by using content pages you’ve already created. For example, if you went ahead and focused on our tip above, you would have implemented long-tail keywords within your content. If this is the case, your blog is already ranking organically somewhere in the search results. Content-focused pages rank higher than pages with no copy, so using your blog can help to increase your high-quality score. Thus, if you want to increase your chances of receiving clicks, give this tip a try and see how it works out for you!

    Follow up with potential shoppers

    Once you generate more traffic and increase your leads, you should create a means of following up with clickers. While it can be difficult to personally target each person, it’s easy enough to use some form of marketing automation to do it for you. We recommend using email marketing as your way to connect to your target audience. Start by creating a series of emails to engage with these leads, including subjects like product information, customer testimonials, and even something that tells the story behind the brand. All of this content is valuable and can work as a channel to reach your prospecting clientele. 

    We hope the above ideas will help you to get on track and start scaling up your business. However, since new hacks are readily growing, if you aren’t keeping up with the changes, it’s easy to lose the customer’s interest. That’s why sometimes it makes more sense to leave the work to the professionals.

    Which SEO and e-commerce hack did you find the most interesting? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

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