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    3 ways you can digitally market your travel brand?

    travel marketing

    travel marketing

    Since pretty much everyone loves when they get to escape on a dream vacation, it may seem silly that you need to put to effort into travel marketing at all. However, spring is the time of year when many people start their researching and booking for upcoming getaways and you want your travel brand to start out from the rest. Whether you’re gearing towards an audience looking for a budget hotspot, some family-friendly deals, exotic flight packages or an easygoing cruise line, you need to be equipped with the right advertising tools to stand out above your competition. That being said, do you know of any digital marketing weapons that you can use to win over consumers?

    Email marketing

    Email marketing is a great digital marketing tactic to use if you’re wanting to create some noise about your travel brand. So, if you possess a subscription list, perhaps it’s time to start sending out some emails to inform potential customers about any exciting buzz or promotions that your company has going on. Not only is email marketing an effective way to improve sales conversions, but it also helps to improve brand awareness, build a relationship with your ever-growing audience and increase visibility within your industry. Start your email marketing strategy by sending out two carefully crafted emails per month. These emails could include a special promotion code that will give them a discount if they proceed through with a booking or even a simple email highlighting some of the excursions your brand may be offering at a hotspot destination. If you sell products rather than accommodation services, endorsing a sale is always an effective way to stimulate your marketing strategy.

    Social media marketing

    Social media marketing is one of the easiest, stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms that a business can use to increase their visibility. Needless to say, if you possess time constraints with managing the social strategy of your travel brand, you may be missing out on heightening the experience of your target audience. Successful travel marketing is all about advertising through social channels. Whether you’re geared towards customers on Instagram through the sharing of a creative video story or you post insightful, relatable memes on Facebook about flight delays, each social media channel has something very unique to offer your brand. Don’t miss out on the channeled potential of your business by not utilizing social media marketing!


    Although blogging should be a digital marketing must, it’s often an overlooked element even though it’s probably the most effective way a business owner can build brand awareness. People who enjoy travel usually also enjoy reading and researching all about their aspired destinations, which is why you’re able to utilize this to create relevant and useful content geared towards your target audience. If you’re a suitcase company looking to selling your luxurious products to upper-class businessmen, then perhaps you could write an article such as, “15 things every businessman needs to pack into his suitcase”, outlining how easily it would fit into whichever model(s) you’re wanting to promote. On the other hand, if you run a cute Bed and Breakfast in the Amalfi Coast of southern Italy, then perhaps you could write a story about authentic Italian cuisine, highlighting a few local vineyards and cafes that are must-visits for travelers coming to that particular region. Blogging is all about telling your customers a story without sounding too pushy. It also allows you to create a connection and assert your knowledge within your niche.

    Have you found any of the above suggestions effective for your marketing strategy? Tell us in the comments section below.

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