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    Good Grammar Is a Marketing Must

    blogging and content creation

     blogging and content creation

    You can start out with a fantastic business idea, develop some state-of-the-art products and increase the connection with your customers, but if you don’t take the time to cultivate your grammar skills, your business’s respectability will appear incredibly sloppy. That being said, if you’re the one writing for your business, a red flag will rise in regards to your professionalism if you aren’t taking the time to proof-read your blogging and content creation. So, in the spirit of National Grammar Day (March 4), we want to emphasize a few tips to keep in mind when you’re trying to catch your typos and dangling modifiers. 

    Proofread your writing

    It can be incredibly easy to just hit publish after you finish writing your blogging and content creation without taking any additional time to re-read and edit. So, if you’re wanting to promote expertise in your writing style, it helps to take the time to check over your work in order to catch any stray punctuation errors or misspelled words. After all, the content on your website should embellish an experienced image.

    Another way to tackle proofreading is to have a second set of eyes look over your work. Often times it can be difficult to catch our own mistakes so having another person, preferably someone with writing experience, will leave you with some sharper, more refined diction.

    Needless to say, if you don’t have anyone that’s available to help you immediately, try using a grammar and punctuation tool to help proofread over your work. Nobody’s perfect, so it’s important to condition your time to allow for quality checkups.

    Keep an eye out for any malapropism

    The word malapropism is used to refer to the use of an incorrect word in the place of a word with a similar sound there are several examples to consider when you’re keeping an eye out for these grammatical errors. For example, you could have accidentally used a word that sounds the same as the word you meant to use, but means something completely different, like the words “tandem” and “tantrum”.

    Another example that’s commonly mixed up is the definitions of the following speech words “there”, “their” and “they’re”. These contractions mean very different things and can easily be incorrectly interchanged when you’re rushing to finish blogging and content creation. Take the time to re-read your writing and perhaps even say it out loud so that you can catch these tedious, incompetent mistakes.

    Watch your apostrophes

    In case you’ve forgotten your elementary school English lectures, here’s a quick primer. An apostrophe should only be used after a noun to make either a possessive (Jack’s sandwich) or a contraction (Sally’s going to the park, a contraction of “Sally is going to the park”). Always remember that an apostrophe should never be used to make pronouns possessive (hers, its, theirs), but they can be used it to make a pronoun into a contraction (It’s sunny, you’re awesome, they’re angry).

    Well, there you have it! A little refresher on some common grammatical copy mistakes. If you’re still stuck when it comes to grammar and feel as if you need some advanced help, considering consulting with a professional digital marketing team and sort through your writing with a fine-tooth comb before it’s published for the world to see.

    In your opinion, what is the most frustrating part of grammar? Tell us in the comments section below.

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