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    Why your business website needs a blog

    A blog might not seem like the most important investment for your online business, but it has the potential to benefit your brand in a variety of ways. So, if as an e-commerce entrepreneur you’ve been wondering about whether your website needs a blog, the answer is a yes! Posting industry-relevant content, how to’s, and generic information reads frequently help businesses improve their search engine optimization (SEO), drive traffic to their online storefronts, build a roaring audience, engage with consumers, and ultimately, drive conversions. 

    How does blogging work to improve your SEO?

    When someone searches for a key term, phrase, or set of words in the hopes of finding more information on that item or service, your e-commerce business must appear high on those online search engines so that customers can find your websites organically. When you possess a company blog, each post that’s published creates additional pages for search engines to index. In addition to valuable content and relevant keywords, internal links are also helpful to include in your blog entries, as they help bots to crawl your website more effectively. So, be sure to invest in an SEO strategy that will help you to achieve a favourable ranking. 

    Bring your website some added traffic

    Now that you understand how SEO works to attract shoppers, you can also recognize how your blog will help you to bring in some additional traffic. When your e-commerce website has an active blog, the helpful, high-quality content gives shoppers a reason to peruse your website and may even encourage them to return regularly or subscribe to your online e-newsletter if they like what you have to say. It’s always best to use your blog to assert yourself as an industry leader by providing tips, tricks, and trends, rather than just sales content if you want to attract high-quality traffic.  

    Build up your audience

    Having an e-commerce blog that features a variety of excellent content will help you to build a reputation with your brand, which in turn, builds a sense of credibility and trust among consumers. So, as first-time shoppers and long-standing customers continue to read and comment on your blog, they may even make a point to consider you for future questions they have or even better, trust in your blog to provide them with some feedback you need. 

    Engage with your consumers’ long term

    Some business owners consistently experience a variety of diverse shoppers while others build a rapport with returning customers that have grown to know and love their product. Whichever side of the business spectrum you specialize in, there’s no arguing that blogging is an invaluable tool that will continue to share important information about new arrivals and established products, events that your company may be hosting, expos you will be attending, promotional offers for consumers to snag, and even tips about the industry that may interest your audience. Also, don’t forget to include a thoughtful call-to-action at the bottom of your piece to invite customers to comment and start some dialogue with other readers. 

    Does your e-commerce business have a blogging strategy? Since Trek Marketing specializes in creating SEO-friendly content for businesses of all sizes, we encourage you to reach out and contact us with any questions you might have. 

    How to write copy for email

    Writing is a time-consuming process and it can prove to be even more challenging when you’re attempting to use copy to persuade an audience to take action. Whether your list of email subscribers is comprised of first-time shoppers or you possess a large number of long-standing customers, this direct line to their inbox can work as an incredibly beneficial, digital marketing tool. That’s why you need to continue reading to learn about how to effectively write some engaging email copy

    Nail your email subject line

    Many consumers subscribe to a business newsletter after a single purchase and often forget to continue to check their promotions folders for later content and sales. This is part of the reason that your subject lines need to be powerful. The headline of your email should basically be an equivalent of the copy — interesting, right to the point, and inspire the readers to take action. So, if you aren’t ready to put a lot of time into creating an engaging tagline, it’s time to learn about the digital marketing art of eCommerce copywriting for emails

    Here are a few pointers that are used by professionals to craft quality subject lines:

    • Subject lines should be short and sweet. Research shows that the best open rates are those with between six to ten words. 
    • Action verbs are needed in a subject line to enable an authoritative approach and a sense of urgency. 
    • Email is a personal medium and users appreciate when the fields of the subject possess their name or the company’s name to make things more intimate.

    Keep your content personal

    Just like how shoppers enjoy a personal touch to the email’s subject line, the copy of your newsletter should also exuberate a sense of exclusivity. For example, you could write an email that’s addressed to hundreds, thousands, or millions of people, or you could position the content as if you’re writing to a single person. Talking directly to your customers keeps things conversational and exciting, while also explaining that you want them to shop, take advantage of a sale, or read your latest blog submission. By nature, emails are intended to be private and personal, so if you want the copy within your business newsletters to resonate with the consumers that read them, you’ll need to approach them on a personal level. 

    Carefully and creatively choose your wording

    Conversations, unless in an academic setting, are spoken in a tone that’s easily comprehensible. This means that your copy should be informal and chatty rather than filled with a large amount of industry jargon. ECommerce copywriters are efficient in using content to focus on the benefits rather than the features, which when you’re letting shoppers know about a sale, is incredibly advantageous for businesses. This allows the focal element to be on products and services and how they can enrich the lives of subscribers — for example, welcome emails, new product lineups, discounted promotions, and gift ideas. 

    Pay attention to your word count 

    The consumer doesn’t possess the same attention span to information as they once did, and with that being said, your emails should be kept short and sweet. The reality is that you’re competing with other businesses to get noticed in an email inbox, which means that your content may only get skimmed in passing. So, it’s important to get right to the point as soon as possible. Be sure to break up your copy by using some white space and attention-grabbing images, as huge blocks of text can become hard to read and get your point across. 

    What other elements do you look for in cordial-written email? Drop a comment below to add something to our list!

    What can emojis do your marketing strategy

    The use of emojis is a great way to personalize your business promotions and with World Emoji Day (July 17) just around the corner, it would be beneficial for you to learn how to incorporate these visually attractive icons as a means of brand communication. Chances are that your target marketing communicates using emojis as a way to cut down words and convey their emotions on various social media platforms. So, why haven’t you started using them to convey a richer understanding of your products and services? 

    What is emoji marketing?

    Emoji marketing is a visual engagement tool that can be used within your professional digital marketing strategy to drive social engagement in a way that impacts each consumer differently. While innovative brands likely already have experience using graphics and copy to creative inviting advertising, emoji marketing is a fairly new concept that has managed to bridge the gap between assorted demographics. 

    Emojis, also known as emoticons, are cute, cartoon pictures that convey more information in a single character than an entire sentence of copy. However, the best part about emojis is their capability to portray intent and mood (ex. puns, jokes, or realism). Nevertheless, if you’ve been looking for ways to give your brand a friendly, humanistic element, emoji marketing could present a more favourable way to be broadcasting your message.  

    What are the benefits of marketing with emojis

    Before we skip to how emoji marketing can further the professional development of your digital marketing strategy you will need to decide which platforms would best connect to your audience. Aside from ensuring that emojis are supported, you will need to brainstorm how to effectively promote them so that they promote shareability among consumers. 

    Benefits that come from effective emoji marketing:

    • Works as a fun way of promoting a brand, product, or service.
    • Personally interact with each consumer. 
    • The information or message is perceived in different ways.
    • Sometimes nonverbal information can be processed differently.
    • Works to provide a more emotional form of communication. 
    • Increases user engagement.

    Tips to consider in your next emoji marketing campaign

    The use of emojis in your professional digital marketing strategy requires finding the right balance between the marketing message, the intent of the advertisement, and the emotion you’re attempting to portray. It’s always best to use emojis to convey something that you want to be memorable or stir emotion with your audience. 

    Here are some things that need to be considered first: 

    • Research your audience: Not every demographic perceives emojis marketing the same, so you will want to select emoticons that fit the right persona for your brand. Be sure that there are no alternative meanings for the emojis you’ve used before integrating them within the message. 
    • Context and relevance are everything: Ask yourself, “Will my target audience understand the intent of this message, does it resonate with their needs and lifestyle, and will they express interest.”   
    • Use emojis in moderation: It can be easy to get carried away by using too many emojis in your marketing message, so be sure to not go overboard by creating a cryptic message that may be overlooked. 

    What did you learn about emoji marketing and how it works with your professional digital marketing strategy? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

    How does digital marketing increase your e-commerce sales?

    An effective digital marketing strategy accomplishes many goals — developing a better online ranking, increasing brand awareness, and building a bigger following — but none are as important as increasing your online sales. So, if you’re hoping to drive more customers to your website and achieve a higher conversion rate optimization, you need to understand what you should be doing to help out your business. 

    Understanding conversion rate optimization

    It’s the job of digital marketing professionals to show their worth by breaking down to business owners how conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps to increase traffic and online sales to their e-commerce websites. But first, they must understand what CRO is and how it works to benefit their online sales strategy. 

    It’s considered a conversion when a consumer visits your website and completes a desirable action. This could include purchasing a product or service, filling out an online request form, clicking through to the website to find out more information, or calling your business. Digital marketing professionals monitor these actions using Google Analytics and complete reports for their clients to determine how improvements can be made to improve sales. They use a simple formula: conversions/website visitors multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. For example, if your e-commerce website has 17 conversions from 1,000 visitors to the page, your conversion rate is 1.7%. 

    How can you increase your digital marketing conversions? 

    Since the average consumer spends almost four hours a day using their smartphone, the potential to increase your online conversions is huge when you implement a digital marketing strategy. However, the first step towards a higher conversion optimization rate is to demonstrate a good first impression to your consumers. 

    The way you approach elements like customer service responses, website copy, and social media content gives an impression of the level of service and value your business brings to the table, and it’s always important to inspire confidence when you’re asserting your brand as a leader in your industry. 

    The next thing you can do is create an easy conversion point. This means that once a visitor is convinced to make a purchase, don’t rely on them to have to search high and low to find that conversion point. It’s important to include multiple ways for them to meet those conversion points, meaning that if you send out an e-newsletter, they can click on the product, on a button that says “buy now”, and even if the consumer clicks on the title of the product within the same area. This will make potential customers more likely to take action and create less confusion on how to buy. 

    Another consideration to increase your digital marketing conversions is quite simple, value all your callers, as picking up the phone to answer their questions or concerns may encourage them to carry out their online purchase. Online shoppers are conditioned to look for a telephone contact number rather than email and wait for a response, so if you’re fixated on improving your CRO, put your phone number where it can be easily found and consider measuring your call conversions (how many people call to ask about a sale or purchase) as well! 

    Lastly, if you or the professional digital marketing agency you hire is already doing all of the above to increase your e-commerce sales, considering leveraging digital ads as a way to increase your online conversion rate. Paid ad platforms such as Facebook and Instagram convert well and are worthwhile if you’re hoping to draw in a target audience demographic that spends ample time on these external social platforms. After all, not all digital marketing conversions require you to make changes to your website.

    What did you find most interesting about the above content? Drop a comment below to start a conversation with other readers. 

    How to shoot product photos for your online store

    Graphics are one of the most important elements of your e-commerce website and whether you choose to take the images of your merchandise yourself or hire a professional digital marketing agency to assist you with their product photography service, it’s by far one of the most important investments for your business. After all, since your shoppers are unable to touch, smell, and taste your products, why not offer them the best viewing experience? 

    What device should you use?

    The first step to snapping some high-quality photos is understanding the capabilities of the device you’re shooting with. Whether you’re relying on the first-rate features of a digital signal-lens reflex (DSLR) camera or the surprisingly impressive characteristics of your smartphone, professional-looking product shots can be achieved whichever direction you choose to go.  

    For those who have invested in a DSLR, you should strive to learn about your camera’s capacities and always attempt to capture your product images using the manual feature, as this will allow you to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO of your camera and find the perfect combination for your shoot setup. On the other hand, smartphone cameras are also a great choice for high-quality photos, allowing you to easily frame and crop the images as needed and make multiple adjustments during the production stage. Just remember to take advantage of the auto-focus feature and tap on the focal point of your image before snapping the shot.

    Keep your device steady

    It is easy to overlook this important element when you’re attempting to take sharp images for your e-commerce website, so keep in mind that a fool-proof method to capturing clear and crisp images is to use some sort of tripod or mount along with your device’s timer (this will allow the camera to stabilize). Many product photography services will offer the ability to perform more dynamic shots during a product shoot and steady the camera by keeping it tight up against the neck. They also utilize the centre of the tripod as a makeshift monopod, which can help to stabilize the camera while enabling some added flexibility for the photographer. 

    Use a white background

    Part of having a good setup requires you to use a white backdrop, which will reflect the light onto the product you’re shooting and prevent colour spills. This will also enable your camera’s white balance calibration to remain on point and create a seamless experience and final product image. 

    Take advantage of natural light and consider using a reflector 

    Both novice and experienced photographers are aware of how well natural light works to enhance a photo and will work to utilize spaces with multiple windows to get the best indirect vibrance. However, the colour and intensity of natural light can change throughout the day, and if you have a lot of products to photograph, you will need to be organized and work quickly to avoid inconsistency in the images. 

    Professional product photography services are beneficial because they possess the skills and tools needed to avoid harsh shadows and properly distribute the light. Also, they often use artificial light sources when natural light isn’t as available and even go as far as to use a reflector to ensure that the product is gleaming perfectly for when the photo is taken. 

    Do you know any other DIY techniques for product photography? Drop some samples below to start a conversation. 

    Why SEO, content, and email marketing work well together

    While most digital marketing disciplines possess the power to complement each other, none make as dynamic of a connection as the virtuous cycle between search engine optimization, content marketing, and email marketing. Find out how these core web vitals help shoppers to engage with your brand and return to your online store to make purchase after purchase. 

    What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

    SEO is a digital marketing discipline that aims to attract more and higher-quality website traffic from popular search engines like Google or Bing. The practice involves understanding what your prospecting customers would be searching for and providing the appropriate answer to their queries using SEO as the anchoring development behind your content creation. An SEO e-commerce agency will offer solutions for both on-page and off-page optimization to claim opportunities for further engagement. 

    What is content marketing? 

    This form of marketing focuses on creating, publishing, and distributing content to a targeted audience that attracts, engages, and retains long-standing customers. While it seems relatively simplistic, the effectiveness of content marketing is reliant on the creation of compelling content, which gives business real value and customers, a sense of obligation to that business (buy products, support through word of mouth, etc.). 

    What’s email marketing? 

    This practice works to engage past customers and future prospects in a personal way by keeping up the business connection through the delivery of useful, engaging material. While some e-commerce business owners use email marketing to make their customers aware of new product arrivals or best sellers, others take advantage of the digital marketing source to send offers or industry-related content that directly relates to their brand. 

    How do they work together?

    The combined benefits of SEO, content marketing, and email marketing work together to ensure a high-level of e-commerce success. The first element that assists in joining their efforts involves the use of keyword research, which utilizes traffic-driving words to allow your company’s pages to rank higher on search engines. By monitoring popular keywords, and choosing which niche ones to target, you’re able to generate better traffic which could lead to an increase in conversions. How is this done, you ask? By incorporating keywords into your content marketing strategy, you’re able to offer on and off-page SEO optimization, which develops more opportunities for shoppers to purchase from your website. 

    When using keywords to develop content ideas, be sure to expand the wording to include specific details that have the potential to spark further growth down the road. For example, if you own a bakery and are hoping to target vegan shoppers, you need to be more specific with your choice of keyword phrases. While vegan recipes are a good start to crawl your way up Google rankings, your content should include trending words, such as “cauliflower steak recipe vegan”. For savvy marketers looking to go a step further with their core web vitals, you can include an email subscription section on your content pages to encourage passersby to join the list if they enjoy what they’re reading. 

    While it’s easier to see how SEO and content are hand-in-hand, email marketing also plays an important role in your business (as seen in the above example). Once you have selected your targeted words and have incorporated them into your marketing content, you will then want to further your campaign by creating an email that is also targeted to your heavily searched phrases. Subscribers then hold the opportunity to share the content that they receive, which can help in establishing backlinks that directly affect the efforts made through your SEO strategy. So, aside from asserting yourself as an industry leader, you’re able to use all these digital marketing efforts to rapidly grow your email list, which allows your audience to organically advertise, bringing your business around in a full circle back to your original SEO creation. 

    Do you have any further questions about how an SEO e-commerce agency establishes your brand through digital marketing? Drop a comment below to spark a conversation. 

    Our guide to copywriting for conversions

    Digital marketing is a multifaceted business and for those looking for a viable and profitable method to grow your brand, we recommend professional e-commerce copywriting. Since PPC campaigns, email marketing, social media management, and SEO optimization are all content writing methods that help you to achieve a better SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking, your crafted messaging needs to be compelling enough to encourage the click-throughs. 

    What types of digital marketing rely on good copywriting?

    E-commerce copywriting is one of the most important elements of digital marketing because it envelops all of the text-based content created for a website, as well as the advertising methods to spotlight it. Outside of the obvious elements, there are landing pages, banner ads, directed email campaigns, social media marketing posts, product descriptions, “about us” and “our story” pages, among others. So, since the most successful digital marketing heavily relies on strong, conversational content that speaks directly to your audience, it’s important to hire a writer that invites consumers to engage with your brand. 

    What’s conversion copywriting?

    Now that you understand how many digital marketing umbrellas include copywriting, you’re able to dig deeper to determine how conversion-based writing will encourage shoppers to carry out purchases. 

    It can be difficult to craft concise and purposeful writing, which is one of the many reasons that e-commerce business owners look to the professionalism and expertise of digital marketing agencies. Marketing professionals are better equipped to make highly educated guesses about the type of target audience they’re writing for, and based on their prior experience combined with knowledge of the field, they’re able to craft copy that can also reflect brand identity!

    How is it done, you ask? Well, if a large campaign is in the development stages, the ad budget is split between two separate e-commerce copywriting approaches. This allows professional agencies to A/B test, which runs each variation on different sections of the website’s landing page. Eventually, this will weed out which type of copy performs better and is then more appropriately optimized to increase conversions. This is the only way to truly hit the perfect combination of creativity and increased click rates. 

    What else should be considered when creating kick-a** copy?

    For those who may not know, aside from coming up with catchy ways to describe products and services, content that’s created for the web must also be optimized using SEO. This means that content will need to include industry key terms in the titles, subheadings, and within other areas of the text so that the copy is easier to find within the midst of other content that’s available on popular search engines. Aside from encouraging shoppers to click, SEO-based content also helps to increase conversions. 

    However, considering the above, another key to compelling e-commerce copywriting is how the copy is written. Here are some other strategies to consider: 

    • Using an active vs. passive approach.
    • Creating catchy, curiosity-piquing headlines and meta descriptions. 
    • Asking readers questions.
    • Using descriptive language. 
    • Doing your research.
    • Edit, edit, edit. 

    In your opinion, what’s the key to e-commerce copywriting? Drop a comment below to share. 

    Logical Position Marketing Agency Alternative

    Logical Position is a marketing agency with offices across the United States including three offices in Oregon, and offices in Nevada, Texas, Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, Colorado, and Arizona. Much like Trek Digital Marketing Agency, Logical Position is certified in Google Advertising as well as Bing advertising. This means that customers of both Trek Marketing and Logical Position have access to industry-leading experts. Logical Position touts their advertising prowess as well as their Search Engine Optimization abilities with the marketing agency seemingly not excelling at one discipline at the expense of the other. Whereas, Trek Marketing’s search engine marketing experts have trained extensively so that you have a dedicated expert no matter whether you’re looking to kickstart your online advertising or increase your online visibility through organic search. 

    The US-based marketing agency’s case studies show that they’ve had some success for their clients, however, some of their organic search results left us wondering what more could have been done. For example, the internet marketing agency’s work for BlendJet saw the brand’s revenue and conversions increase by 75 percent and 63 percent respectively. And although those numbers are quite satisfactory, our team is sure that more could have been done to see those numbers increase by close to or over 100 percent year over year. For example, our work for Seattle Furniture store, Digs Showroom, saw their revenue grow by over 180 percent year over year and their average order value increased by 106 percent over the same time period. That means by choosing Trek Marketing over Logical Position, the eCommerce website owners were able to rake in thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, more than what they would have with the latter internet marketing agency. 

    And although the Oregon-based marketing agency touts good numbers for their clients’ return on ad spend, none of their numbers are as impressive at the 1000+ percent returns on advertising spend that we’ve managed to deliver for some of our digital marketing clients. So, in short, while Logical Position could help your business out, you’ll almost certainly not be earning as much revenue consistently with them as you would with the amazing digital marketing experts at Trek Marketing. 

    Both of the marketing agencies specialize in search engine optimization, pay per click advertising and management, digital marketing strategy, paid social media advertising, email marketing as well as creative solutions such as video advertising, display advertising, and graphic design. However, thanks to Trek Marketing’s amazing partnership, eCommerce website owners can also have their website development problems solved by the talented website designers and developers at the award-winning, Numinix Web Development. So, whether it’s an API that you need developing, a website that needs rebuilding, or you want to increase the page speed for user experience, you can trust that Trek and Numinix can get the job done correctly the first time.

    Start your journey to online sales success by contacting Trek Marketing today and discover how we can help you generate revenue and reach your goals.

    How to handle customers displeased by long waiting times, delayed shipping amid the pandemic

    You’ve been living amid life-changing events and it’s important as an e-commerce business owner to focus on providing professional digital marketing and to be mindful of the situation around you to revamp your services accordingly. Such initiatives will boost your company’s reputation and also help to improve the overall experience for your clientele. After all, putting customers before the profits will give you the power to earn their respect and loyalty. So, if you’ve been on the receiving end of some displeasing calls or emails lately, perhaps it’s time to consider a change in the way you handle purchaser complaints. 

    Write personalized emails to your customers

    While automated communication will give you some added time to dedicate to other tasks, these types of emails lack personalization and have the potential to lose much of their meaning. That’s why personalization is an essential marketing practice that should be used for both your new and long-standing customers! Aside from ensuring that they’re recognized and valued as individuals, personalized emails tend to stand out from the generic sales pitches in your inbox with highly relevant and tailor-made content that strengthens your customer relationships and even increases the likelihood of being opened and clicked.

    So, during these unprecedented times where your supply may be on backorder and postal services are shipping essentials first, be sure to reach out to your customers to let them know that while things are a little slower than usual, you’re working around the clock to keep business moving and to provide the same standard of service. 

    Provide customers with lots of updates

    Whether your manufacturer is behind on fulfilling business orders or your shipped delivery are being delayed, you need to continue to update your customers with their new estimated delivery times. While both of the above examples are things that are beyond your control, it’s important to take ownership by apologizing for any inconvenience that may be passed onto the consumer. Some business owners even consider overestimating their shipping dates, that way if they adjust the delivery date to something sooner, customers are happy with the speedier level of service. So, since shoppers often base their purchase decisions on an expected arrival date, it’s important to put yourself in their shoes and be honest about the quickness of your turn-around time.

    Seeing that it has been a few months since the start of the pandemic, and most shoppers are settled into the new system, they should anticipate their purchases to have flexible delivery times. However, sending off a quick update is a great means of satisfying customer service and helps to remind shoppers that you appreciate their business and are dedicated to ensuring that their order arrives as soon as possible. 

    Use the power of social media to relay information

    Just like you’re able to spread the word about a new product or service by using your social media channels, you’re also able to discuss shipping delays. Be sure to present your updates using a lively energy, especially if the discussion presents an issue that impacts your customers. For example, we recommend selecting an image that’s personable and full of expression to be paired with a short, sweet explanation, “While the shipping and delivery of your orders may be experiencing delays, your order will be worth the wait!”  

    For those who don’t know how to probably word or respond to customers through social media, you should also consider hiring a professional digital marketing agency to manage your campaigns and ensure that your brand followers receive the help and attention they need until we get back to a new normal. 

    Do you have another communicative means for dealing with unhappy customers? Drop a comment below to have it added to the list.

    3 strategies to boost your brand awareness

    Developing your brand awareness is very important in an era that’s so heavily digital. While it’s essential to look into the most popular ways to market your business, many efforts and strategies that won’t be suitable for you due to the size of your company or the cost. So, pay attention to which professional digital marketing strategies fit the criteria for your business to give your brand the boost it needs to become a competitive go-to for online shoppers. 

    Master the fundamentals of curated content 

    Consistent, high-quality content is the backbone of all e-commerce businesses and while alternative types of brand awareness are important, most professional digital marketing strategies aren’t quite as capable of catering to the consumer. While an exceeding amount of internet users think that the word “content” is only attributed to the thought-provoking text on the “about us” and “our mission” pages, they’re forgetting that it can also refer to other textual, visual, or aural features such as how-to videos, vibrant graphics, and the descriptions written under each product or service section, which together make up a huge portion of what they see on the website. So, when you’re on the hunt to establish brand awareness and increase your website’s visibility above your competitors, having good quality content will give you the advantage you need to greatly impact those who stumble onto your website. 

    However, since there are so many important elements that need to be addressed to organize and manage page content, it’s paramount for you to consider hiring a company that works with good content writers. Let’s get started by upping your content game!  

    Establish good SEO techniques 

    While a good content strategy creates a positive experience for shoppers, a solid search engine optimization strategy (SEO) is an investment that can get your brand noticed. SEO is a professional digital marketing strategy that has the power to funnel an increase to the quality and quantity of the traffic coming to your website through organic search engines. So, while things could be slow-moving to start, SEO is one of the most cost-effective ways for businesses to increase their online conversions and maintain their brand’s presence. 

    Professional digital marketing companies use keyword-based research in their writing to assist clients with bringing in new visitors and potential customers. This type of investment allows them to effectively get the most out of the service by keeping within a set budget and reaping the rewards of increased click-throughs.

    Don’t be afraid to collaborate

    There are always others who may know more than you, which means whether you decide to join a social media group for business owners or simply work alongside hired professionals, scoring any sort of experienced collaboration is a great method to help you to learn how to boost your brand awareness. For example, many businesses collectively partner up with other brands that offer different products from a similar industry (outdoor clothing vs. sporting goods store). This allows you to coordinate cross-promotions, social mentions, and a further reach which can offer you more advantages down the road. Also, from a financial point of view, collaborations are exponentially more feasible, as often they are free between the joining parties. So, if you can’t find a partner online, contact a professional digital marketing agency and ask if they will do a mention for a mention!

    What ways have you boosted brand awareness for your business? Drop a comment below to share your success.