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    How small businesses are keeping up with the revolution of digital marketing

    Digital marketing, like many technology-based fields, is constantly changing and evolving to keep up with the times, and as business owners, it’s paramount that you understand your reaching potential if you wish to stay ahead of the curve of your industry. While reading about various online strategies is a great start to grasp some understanding of digital marketing affairs, dipping your toes in efforts like search engine optimization, blogging, and social media are better ways to connect yourself with the outside world and increase your web traffic and conversions. 

    Adopting keywords in their website text 

    Whether business owners decide to take a stab at writing their own page content or they hire a professional digital marketing agency to handle the cultivation of some vibrant wording, it’s through the use of keywords that they’re able to compete with some more prominent names in the business. 

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing technique that uses determined keywords, in an increased quantity, to improve organic results for searches on a variety of online engines. This means that the more you use a popular word, phrase, or expression, the more likely your content will be able to crawl up search rankings and increase its visibility to potential customers. 

    Take some time to find out which words work well for your business by making a list and each time you write, use a few keywords and supplement them organically within the text. Keep in mind that while you want to use them as much as possible, it’s important to not make your content too wordy by overusing phrases to the point that the context doesn’t make sense, and therefore defeating the purpose of marketing altogether.

    Actively blogging helpful, informative content

    The more purposeful content you possess on your website, the easier it will be to establish your credibility and assert a certain degree of expertise within your industry. Just like we mentioned above, establishing keywords will allow you to achieve a more prominent search result position and when those keywords are sprinkled throughout informational content, it shows that you’re willing to share some knowledge without asking your customers for anything in return. This gives the impression that your brand is more than a store, but instead, a business that focuses on loyalty to achieve higher conversion rates. 

    While a blog is a space to let your creative juices flow, it’s also the area where you can engage with website visitors, while also giving them content that is promotional and shareable. Use it to tell a story that will draw in your target audience by evoking emotions, keep it mid-length, and ensure that the writing is quality and not just a juggled mix of in-depth how-tos! 

    Using the power of social media 

    Social media plays an important role in the life of most businesses and most people’s personal lives, which means that you should be utilizing its power to expand your reach. While providing you with a fantastic customer service tool, managing your social media channels is an easy, relatively inexpensive way for you to meet your potential customers on their level and start life-long relationships by becoming the go-to source for their individualistic needs. However, the key to social media is consistency, and when you don’t have the time because of your other business ventures, your audience is left out to hang, becoming disinterested by your lack of content. So, ensure that you’re always in the loop by sharing informational and helpful subject matter that’s mixed with some occasional advertising and promotions. Not only will this increase your organic growth, but it will build up your relationships with your community and establish a network that will payout in the future. Thus, if your life as a business owner has proved to be busy, consider hiring a professional digital marketing agency to handle your social media affairs by managing your channels and answering customer questions.

    Do you own a small business? How are you keeping up with your industry competition? 

    3 ways to change up your digital marketing strategy to go with the flow of the coronavirus pandemic

    With most physical storefronts closed to fend off the spread of the virus, many customers have averted their attention to online shopping, allowing them to remain at home and have their items delivered safely to their front doors. So, while e-commerce operations have always been popular, the extended closures have attracted turnabout consumerism from those who may have never considered the conveniences of online shopping before. Thus, to keep up with the demand and remain prevalent in your industry, it’s time to invest in and change-up your digital marketing strategy to captivate and invite new, networked clientele. After all, catering to their needs may turn them into recurring customers post-pandemic.  

    Take advantage of consumer immobility 

    It has become increasingly challenging to grab hold of both essential items, let alone trivial products that bring happiness to your everyday life, which is why it’s a paramount time for e-commerce businesses to start reaping the benefits. Online shopping is safer for the elderly and immunocompromised, as well as just a regular family who’s concerned about contracting the virus while fulfilling the items on their much-needed shopping lists. So, in a time where we’re being told to stay home as much as possible, e-commerce is the ultimate, safe-guarded way for consumers to purchase merchandise. Although, the real question is which digital marketing strategy efforts would work best to further your chances of increasing business conversions online?  

    Search Engine Optimization will get you noticed

    Whether you possess a small or large budget, SEO is one of the most valuable digital marketing tactics for business owners who’re trying to get noticed above their competition. This optimization process helps to increase the quality and quantity of your website traffic by expanding its visibility to users who’re searching for specific keywords using popular search engines. While you can pay the big bucks to purchase a paid ad placement, a professional digital marketing company can work with you to climb the ranks and achieve this on a tighter budget.

    Social Media Marketing gives you a voice 

    Since many professions have been laid-off until the economy can offer them a return-to-work solution, more and more users are spending additional time perusing their social media accounts. Now, since social channels are riddled with information and advertising, it can be difficult for you to get organically noticed, which is why a social media marketing strategy could benefit your online business. When you have a regular posting schedule you’re able to maintain a professional online presence and slowly build up trust with targeted users who choose to follow your accounts. The best part about social media marketing is that you’re able to answer customer questions promptly and offer immediate feedback to those who may have had a negative purchasing experience in the past. 

    Email Marketing drives brand awareness

    Promotional sales, company briefings, and product information are best delivered through a disclosed, professional email. After all, new and recurring customers have the choice to opt into these announcements and through some targeting and personalization tactics, businesses can increase their traffic, analyze metrics to see what’s working and optimize their time and budget effectively by organizing campaigns that will perform and reach well. It’s always best to work alongside a digital marketing agency to find an email strategy that will allow you to boost sales and build more prominent brand recognition! 

    Which of the three strategy suggestions above have worked wonders for your e-commerce business? Drop a comment below to share your experience with our readers.  

    Your simple guide to marketing ROI

    Whenever an e-commerce business is looking at which digital marketing efforts to invest in, the first thing they should determine is their return on investment (ROI). The ROI allows you to project which efforts are becoming profitable for the company and at the most basic level, concludes which transactions are making the most revenue. So, if this is the first time you’ve heard digital marketing and ROI in the same sentence, it’s worth carrying out the equations yourself to test which investments your business is most benefiting from. 

    What is marketing ROI? 

    Return-on-investment (ROI) is a performance measure that’s used to calculate the efficiency of marketing investments. The ROI is directly measured by the amount on return there is on a particular investment, after subtracting the initial investment cost. 

    How do you calculate your ROI? 

    If you’re looking to calculate your businesses’ ROI, you’ll need to input your numbers into a simple formula — the benefit (or the return) of the investment is subtracted by the cost of the investment. The result should be then expressed as a percentage or a ratio. 

    Understanding your ROI

    Once you complete your ROI calculation you will be able to use it as a rudimentary gauge to understand the profitability of your investment. So, whether your company is looking to start up some search engine optimization or invest more in pay-per-click advertising, the calculation will help you to interpret the opportunities available before you. This gives you a better understanding of how much you can afford to invest in marketing monthly and be able to calculate your return on that investment to know if you should be putting more money into your digital strategy. 

    For example, if an e-commerce business owner invests $250 in email marketing, to calculate their ROI, they would need to determine their profits of the investment. So, if one of their monthly newsletters made $1,000 and it cost $125 to create (two newsletters monthly are $250 total, $125 each), the calculation would be, $1,000 – $125 = $875, which means their ROI is 87.5%. 

    How to get in contact with a profitable ROI marketing agency

    When you’re on the hunt for an ROI marketing agency that’s dedicated to increasing your e-commerce conversions, it’s also a good idea to consider non-financial elements as well. These could include how the company is getting you likes and follows on your social channels, traffic to your website or even how well their copy is increasing the trust among your target audience. While all the above are not immediate returns on your initial investment, they do indirectly boost the potential for purchases and allow you to better develop your customer relationships long-term. 

    Do you have more questions about your marketing ROI and how to strategically use it to increase your conversions? Drop a comment below and we will do our best to answer your questions. 

    How to write for social media

    The world of social media is basically an endless attempt to get noticed in a realm of constant competition. So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to wield your words wisely, expand your following, and gain post interactions through development of strong writing skills. 

    Why is important to write well for social media?

    Anyone can post, write, and share content on social media, but crafting compelling copy takes skill and thoughtfulness. So, whether you’re in charge of writing the content for your business’s social pages or you’re starting a career that requires you to write for various social networks, it’s important to invest your time in the task so that you can reap the rewards and benefits. 

    What are the mechanics of writing for social media? 

    While essential elements of good writing involve well-developed diction, punctuation, grammar, and editing, there are some other technical considerations that you need to consider when you’re writing posts across an assortment of social media platforms

    • Character limits: Each social channel has its own character limit, which means that you may have fewer opportunities to get your point across. For example, Twitter allows 140 characters, whereas Facebook can have 63,206 characters per post.  
    • Hashtags: These social media phenomena allow users to follow a trending, grouped hashtag or simply look for certain themed posts. Keep in mind that you should be using them on Twitter and Instagram where they’re popular and sparingly sprinkling them through your Facebook or LinkedIn posts, as they’re becoming more popular on these networks. 
    • Purpose: Understanding why people use a particular social platform is one of the key things to consider when you’re crafting creative content. For example, Instagram is a highly visual platform, which means that you should stick to graphics and write copy that’s short and sweet when you’re posting on this network. 
    • Voice and tone: Just like you want to assert your voice as a leader in your niche industry, you also want to create a consistent experience for your audience on social media. To determine this, ask yourself questions like, “is my target audience local or widespread, professional or casual, young or old.” 
    • Emotional language: While you want to write your content using words understood in mainstream social interactions, it’s important to also consider emotional language to drive a more thought-provoking engagement. 

    How do you sell your product or services on social media? 

    The main reason that you’re on social media as a business owner, aside from conducting your own personal affairs, is because you believe that life would be better if everyone used your product or service. So, when you’re writing on social platforms, it’s important to assert that connection among your followers. For example, when you’re composing a new post, consider talking about what your audience’s life is like, then explain how the secret to something better is your product. Next, show them how your product is making your statement a reality. Ensure that you’re also grabbing their attention by provoking an interest, making them intrigued to learn more. When you take the time to generate desire, your readers will feel inclined to take action, which leads to further growth for your company and more social media conversions. 

    All this being said, are you lacking the ability to compose writing that’s clear, concise, compelling, and credible? If your business affairs could benefit from less hassle, then it’s worth investing in a social media agency service that will handle your copywriting and push your posts to the next level. Contact Trek Marketing today!

    Which of the above technical considerations are you wildly creative with? Drop a comment below to spark a conversation with other readers. 

    Why you should build an entrepreneurial culture for your business

    Employees at Trek Marketing consider it to be the best marketing agency in Vancouver because of the opportunities for advancement and the attention that goes into the entrepreneurial culture of the business. While it’s important to find a good fit in a company that will value your skills, experience, personality, and goals for the future, it’s equally essential to enjoy what you do. So, let’s knab the office dynamics that allow a business to extend above and beyond. 

    What is the definition of entrepreneurial culture? 

    First, let’s break down the two words separately so let we can properly understand the meaning of it when it’s used in this context. The term, “entrepreneurial” means the qualities that are needed to succeed as a business owner, whereas the term “culture” refers to an organization or group of people that have set followed habits and values. So, when you combine the two terms to an eco-system of shared values and beliefs within the members of the same organization, which includes attention to detail, commitment, future goals, and hands-on management. 

    Why should a business focus on entrepreneurial culture? 

    Culture is probably one of the most important elements that a company can build from the ground up. It begins from the day the business opens its doors and carries onwards over time, reflecting the values that the owner first establishes to their employees. It’s the entrepreneurial culture that invites staff to perform to the best of their abilities, which ensures continued growth within the organization. So, if managed properly, your entrepreneurial culture will spark higher performance, while also encouraging autonomy, risk-taking, and out-of-the-box thinking. Plus, employees tend to enjoy their work more when their needs are consistently met at their workplace! Developing a great relationship with coworkers and the company will also make them independent, team-oriented and more productive. 

    What are the bases of entrepreneurial culture? 

    Whether you want to be the best marketing agency in Vancouver or around the world, it starts with the creation of the foundation for your entrepreneurial culture: 

    • Commitment to the people: Your workforce holds a powerful place in the expansion of your business. Remember to support the professional development of your staff, celebrate their achievements, and have fun. 
    • Commitment to the business: Your interests should closely align with your business because work should never just be a paycheck. 

    Employees will better enjoy their time in the workplace if they fit into the company culture. 

    How can you better understand a company’s culture? Drop some tips below to help our readers access the entrepreneurial culture of a workplace before experiencing it firsthand. 

    How to create a visual pathway through your marketing emails

    It’s far easier to declutter an email rather than struggle trying to make it navigable, which is why when you possess a clean design, readers are more inclined to take action! You can have the biggest fonts, brightest colours, and most powerful graphics, but nothing will elude a drifting eye if your marketing email is unorganized and ineffective. So, if you’re on the fence between hiring a digital marketing company to orchestrate an email marketing service or simply taking matters into your own hands, here are some tricks that may help you to decide if the workload is manageable for your time constraints or if it should be passed onto the professionals. 

    Ensure that your emails have white space

    There’s nothing worse than an email design that’s so overcrowded that customers fail to see the information message or promotion. So, to avoid creating visual clutter, be sure to add lots of white space, and keep a section of the email unused with blank areas to break up your text, typography, and images from fading into the background. Also, while you want to include all the relevant information on your email template, it’s important to tame down your copy, as the chances of everyone opening your email to click will lower if they’re stuck reading too much. 

    Layout your email using the F design

    While it’s the golden standard followed by many companies with email marketing services, many first-time business owners simply aren’t equipped with the knowledge to know how to arrange the elements. Readers should be able to skim through your email by way of a visual pathway and laying out your copy and graphics in the shape of an F allows them to start in the top left corner, move over to the right and then continue vertically down the page. Why does this layout method increase conversions? Well, our eyes are trained from when we’re young to read from left to right, so, it’s only natural for us to continue to follow that pattern in other aspects of our lives.

    Carefully place your call to action

    While most emails are formulated with purchasing in mind, some are simply informational and could contain industry changes or business matters, which is why it’s important for you to position your call to action in a place that effectively correlates to the visual pathway of the consumer. Whether your “shop now” button is placed above the fold or below it to build them up to an incredible offer, it’s worth trying both methods to see which one works for your digital marketing strategy.  

    Are there any techniques that you use to help your subscribers see your messages? We would love to hear your ideas, so, share them below. 

    Why is photography important in digital marketing?

    Business owners and manufacturers have effectively used advertising to drawn attention to their products and services for centuries, however, it wasn’t until the dawn of modern marketing that customers were able to see the hype that they were buying into. So, since upscale photography is now an integral part of our everyday lives, find out how you can be using it to help boost your digital marketing strategies

    Why does digital marketing rely on profound imagery? 

    A picture is worth a thousand words and if you’re trying to catch the attention of consumers, it’s important to utilize photography to increase their interest and engagement. 

    Here are some interesting statistics to support imagery in digital marketing

    • Articles that contain relevant images average about 94% more in total views than articles without. 
    • Press releases that contain photos get 15% online than text-only ones. 
    • 60% of online consumers say they prefer to contact businesses that possess an image in their online listing. 
    • About 70% of e-commerce shoppers say that an image will help them with their purchasing decision. 

    How can your business utilize photography on Instagram? 

    Instagram is a growing advertising platform and while you should make it your mission to stay as involved as possible, it’s always best practice to post featured photos of new and sales-based products to encourage Instagrammers to browse, shop, and even like and comment on your images. 

    If you aren’t well-versed on Instagram, it’s important to know that there are several ways that you can draw in potential shoppers. For example, using already trending hashtags is a great way to start luring in the people that may enjoy your products or services and when you create a branded hashtag, you’re able to narrow your focus and potentially even start a trend of your own. Alas, stories are another great way to increase your popularity on Instagram. These 24-hour, 5-second clips give ample opportunity to advertise and show off your company’s energetic personality. Of course, aside from adding filters, text, stickers, and emojis, you can also archive your favorite submissions into highlights that will sit on your profile page for easy clicking. Lastly, while creating an abundance of content increases your opportunity for success, ensure that your photos, hashtags, and text are engaging, giving passersby the suggestion to comment and share your feeds. Who knows? You might be able to use your photography skills to create a massive following or you may want to seek out product photography services to grab hold of some snaps that are worth sharing online! 

    What skills do you need to photograph for digital marketing? 

    There’s more to professional photography than simply clicking a button and if you’re hoping to use vibrant imagery in your upcoming digital marketing campaigns, here are a few aspects to consider.  

    • Creative Imagery: Not everyone has an eye for creativity and if you want customers to notice your product images, you’ll want to take photos from a variety of angles. Think outside the box and use distance, colour, and surroundings to your advantage. 
    • Lighting: Whether you use natural lighting or studio lighting, you’ll need the right type of illumination to showcase your product effectively. After all, nobody wants to see a dark image that hides the quality of your product’s features. 
    • Editing: A raw image often lacks the professional quality of an edited image so be sure to enhance your photos and videos before placing them in your digital marketing campaigns.

    Do you still need help taking photos? You may want to consider hiring a digital marketing agency to handle product photography services for you. 

    What is the most alluring feature that a product photo can have? Drop your opinion below to collaborate with other readers.

    A breakdown of Per-Per-Click Advertising for eCommerce

    Arranging and coordinating your pay-per-click marketing (PPC) schemes can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if your campaigns are being formulated by inexperienced writers who are not enveloped in the trends of your industry. So, if you want to pave way for the best potential success and allow your advertising to grow and refine your e-commerce brand, you need to understand the breakdown of how relevant, exhaustive, and expansive this popular marketing tactic is and just how it can drive traffic to your amazing, e-commerce website. 

    What does professional pay-per-click marketing include?

    While many factors contribute to how successful your pay-per-click marketing campaigns will be, one of the best things you can do is hire a company to manage it professionally. Needless to say, it’s worth knowing how the following fundamentals contribute to your eCommerce business.

    Pay-per-click marketing is a way of buying visits to your website rather than attempting to earn those visits organically. There are also various forms of PPC, including search engine advertising, click-based adverts, and keyword campaigns. Search engine advertising allows e-commerce brands to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links so that when someone is searching for something related to what your business is offering, your website pops up. On the other hand, click-based adverts can also appear in advertising spaces and each time they’re clicked, the brand pays the owner of that space for sending potential visitors to their site. The cost can vary on this particular form of PPC, but can also result in a hefty profit. Lastly, keyword campaigns include researching what terms are being used in the industry of the business and intelligently targeting them for clicks. All of the above are important and essential ways that you want to start using pay-per-click marketing successfully, however, it must be orchestrated the right way. 

    • Keywords: This refers to a collection of words or phrases that show a relation to your business, products or services. These keywords will help to bring you a higher quality of traffic and if selected uniquely, can easily knock out the competition.
    • Landing page quality: Once you’ve crafted your PPC ads through the use of tight, keyword groups, you must then create optimized landing pages using persuasive content with tailored copy and a clear call-to-action.
    • Quality score: The quality and relevance of your keywords and landing pages affect your PPC campaign, and advertisers with better scores will get more clicks at a lower cost. 
    • Creativity: Pay-per-click marketing is being competitively used by many companies everywhere, so enticing copy and designer-quality ads will demand the clicks that you deserve and ensure that you’re getting the best bang for your buck. 

    Pay-per-click marketing campaign suggestions

    Digital advertising can prove to be a complex endeavor when you’re looking for effective ways to thrive within your competitive industry, so, here are a few tips that we’ve gathered that’ll help you perform successful PPC marketing.  

    • Keep things simple: Your purchasing process on your e-commerce site should be straightforward and uncomplicated. How easily is this done? Well, a seamless product search and navigation are a great start to get your shoppers to their specific needs. 
    • High-resolution images: If your product photos or page banners are low-quality, chances are that shoppers will just bypass buying altogether. So, be sure that all of your images are bright, clear and taken from many angles. 
    • Great copy: Everyone loves to read about the products they’re perusing before committing to their purchase, likely because it’s important to make sure that a specific product meets their needs. That’s why thought-provoking, edited copy is another great way to better your chances of encouraging an e-commerce transaction. 
    • Upgrade your shopping cart: It should be easy for your customers to change their item quantity, remove an item and to calculate their shipping and tax costs.  
    • Offer multiple payment options: Whether you credit cards, PayPal or even newer technologies such as Google checkout to make your purchases, your customers will appreciate the options. 

    Once created, new PPC campaigns will need to be managed regularly to ensure that they’re still effective. New keywords should be added to expand the reach and landing pages should be refined to include modified content, so, if you’re not ready to be evaluating your performance and improve the activity, let a professional digital marketing company handle the upkeep for you. 

    What do you find most interesting about this method of digital marketing? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

    Why hire a copywriter for e-commerce?

    If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a professional copywriter, you must read along and discover all the benefits that a qualified wordsmith can offer your online business. After all, aside from vibrant imagery, content is the next far-reaching element of your business page that should be hooking shoppers and encouraging them to carry out their prospecting purchases. Thus, when it comes to copywriting for online marketing you should be outsourcing this position to gain some heightened, credible attraction to your brand. 

    They possess professional writing training

    While every person has an assortment of admirable, special talents, not every individual possesses the ability to articulate themselves in a printed composition. In fact, while most people speak well, many aren’t able to convey their ideas or explanations without leaning on another literary equivalent. Whether this is due to lack of practice, or the absence of copious words knowledge to facilitate copywriting for online marketing, it’s evident that the skill of fluidity and word placement is not a strength that all possess. So, while you may strive to coherently describe your business services and products, a professional copywriter will better understand the importance of sentence structure and word-pairings and are far more likely to avoid the simple mistakes of the untrained eye. Not to mention they also have experience editing grammar and punctuation mistakes, something that you may second-guess due to lack of knowledge and know-how. 

    They write with your audience in mind

    We’ve established that writing, in general, is a unique art form, however, try putting your fingers to your computer keys and saying something that makes your brand develop its voice! It’s important to influence buyers by placing yourself in their shoes. What do they value? What encourages them to carry forth with a purchase? Why should they relate to your brand? Writing for an audience requires a certain degree of cohesive consistency, not to mention an expansive collection of ideas to target them at different angles. Everyone that reads your copywriting for online marketing should find a sense of belonging when they’re perusing through your content, regardless if it’s just product information. 

    You have more time to dedicate to other tasks

    Whether you operate a pint-sized business or a large company, time is of the essence! That’s why it’s essential to invest in smart partnerships that will benefit your e-commerce brand, while also enhancing the time you can dedicate to other important tasks. Copywriting for online marketing is already a long process that involves lots of research and editing, and for those who aren’t gifted with words, lots of extra time is spent re-reading and formulating cohesive sentences. So, instead of wasting your valuable time writing copy for your e-commerce site, how about better spending that time improving your company in other areas that fill a need in your business plan? 

    Here at Trek Marketing, we understand how beneficial having a professional copywriting is to the success of your entrepreneurial success and your future digital marketing campaigns. So, instead of spending the grueling time writing your content, we would be happy to give your brand the voice it deserves

    What do you love most about having someone else write your online content? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

    3 SEO techniques that should be avoided altogether

    The ultimate goal of search engine optimization is to increase an e-commerce site’s usability so that it can start bringing in the right people through popular search engines. While site owners should be investing their efforts into optimization to create a high ranking for a particular key term or phrase relevant to the industry, if they’re looking to create impactful raw traffic, they will also want to accommodate a variety of SEO techniques to drive clicks and make their business more noticeable online. That being said, since there are so many resources out there that tell you what you need to do, it’s also important to know which efforts should you be avoiding altogether. 

    Don’t blame performance drops on algorithm updates

    While sometimes a performance drop happens suddenly because of how frequently these updates occur, you shouldn’t resort to blaming Google for your low rankings or drop in organic traffic. In fact, performance drops can occur for a variety of different reasons. 

    Some common reasons for organic performance drops include: 

    • Newly discovered technical issues on the e-commerce site
    • Significant content changes to the e-commerce site
    • Seasonality (higher traffic October to December)
    • Competitor changes 
    • Manual actions

    Keeping the above possibilities in mind is important as you don’t want to always blame performance errors on algorithm updates. 

    What to do instead?

    Several SEO techniques allow you to bounce back from organic performance drops, however, here are some quick tips that you should investigate to allow your site to start hitting the algorithm

    • Check your coverage report in Google Search Console.
    • Run a site crawl to check for structural changes.
    • Run an automated audit on your SEO tool of choice to check for any hidden errors. 
    • Check robots.txt for any new disallow directives. 
    • Run a fetch and render to see how Google is rendering your site.
    • Have a look at your changes tool in the Wayback Machine.
    • Install an activity log plugin to track your site changes.
    • Investigate your Google Analytics and start analyzing pages. 

    Don’t duplicate location page copy 

    If you’re in charge of developing location page copy for a large-scale company that possesses many locations, it’s important to create unique copy for each location, even though it can be time-consuming. While it may be easy enough to just duplicate the copy and change a few things here and there, we highly advise against this. One of the best SEO techniques that you can utilize for better local ranking performance is to write some text that’s unique so that you increase your chances of getting noticed. So, don’t be lazy, simply find some inspiration for your writing so the task isn’t as tedious as it seems.  

    Don’t pay for links

    In the field of search engine optimization, link building is a set of two words that are used to describe an action aimed at increasing the number and the quality of inbound links to a website, intending to increase that page’s SEO ranking. So, while link building is incredibly beneficial for an e-commerce company that’s looking to get noticed, quality and relevance are even more essential, which is why you should never pay for your influence in the industry. It’s easy to pay and guarantee your place among a series of backlinks but link building is more favorable if it’s within well-known publications and written by people who admire its importance. We recommend investing in a partnership rather than appearing in paid features because noteworthy publications have a greater chance of organically growing a backlink profile.

    Are there any other SEO techniques that are often used but shouldn’t be? Drop a comment below to share your expertise with our readers.