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    Why email marketing should be the cornerstone of your digital strategy

    In today’s growing digital world, everyone relies on a variety of channels as a means of communication, education, entertainment, and shopping. However, depending on your target demographic, the amount of time spent online varies, giving even more opportunities for marketers to reach their audiences through digital strategies. That being said, a business can only invest in tactful strategies that keep revenue coming in, and since some digital marketing efforts take time before they start to make money, many rely on email marketing as a crucial cornerstone in their digital strategy. Let’s break it down.

    What is email marketing? 

    Email marketing is the act of sending a mass message to a group or list of contacts through email. While most emails are sent to incentivize potential and current customers to make a quick purchase, some include business updates, industry announcements, and inventory restocks. While many business owners successfully formulate and send their own e-newsletters, most utilize professional email marketing services to help them create click-worthy content that attracts their target audience.  

    What are the advantages of email marketing? 

    While every digital marketing tactic has its own advantages, if we had to pick one that brings the most business value, it would be email marketing. Why? Well, email marketing offers an unbeatable return-on-investment (ROI) when compared to other types of marketing channels. That being said, while email marketing gives consumers less opportunity for engagement, it does offer business owners the opportunity to connect and grow with their audience, while tweaking their approach based on clicks and views. 

    Why you should sign up for email marketing services

    You wouldn’t attempt to repair your vehicle’s engine without the right set of knowledge and skills to put everything back together in working order, would you? The same rule applies to your company’s email marketing. As a top contributor to the success of your business’s digital strategy, here are some reasons why email marketing is worth the investment.

    • Email offers great return-on-investment
    • Email allows business owners to incorporate other marketing techniques (ex. social platforms)
    • Email allows you to connect with larger audiences all at once
    • Emails possess a longer lifespan than most social posts
    • Email is a great way to tailor content to new and existing customers

    Are you ready to launch ongoing email campaigns and start collecting valuable customer data? Drop a comment below to share with other readers.

    How do newsfeed algorithms work on popular social platforms?

    People everywhere rely on social channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep them connected with their loved ones as well as admired connections like celebrities and organizations. However, each time you log onto these networks it isn’t impossible for you to see every single update from all your connections, which is why today’s social channels have gravitated towards an algorithm-based feed to better the experience for each user. 

    What is a social media algorithm?

    A social media algorithm is a compilation of rules and data that work together to decide what a user will see on their chosen platform. Each social media website utilizes a unique, ever-changing algorithm for every person’s account, which means that no two people will possess the same updates, news, and posts on their feeds. 

    How does Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm work? 

    Facebook is the largest social media platform to date, studying user’s behaviours to ensure that the content shown is what that person is most interested in. But, how does Facebook know what its users like? Well, the Like button works as the epicentre of Facebook’s user experience, allowing each user to personalize it based on who and what they enjoy most. The Like button also works as a form of positive reinforcement, allowing users to click like on content that’s shared by friends and family. Over time, all of this data governs how each newsfeed operates. 

    How does Twitter’s Timeline algorithm work?

    Below is a breakdown of the data that determines the social media algorithm:

    • Relevancy score: There are hundreds of variables that an algorithm takes into account when it picks each user’s posts. Things like the user’s history of likes, clicks, comments, shares, hides, or marked spam are all stored and used to predict future content. More specifically, the algorithm predicts outcomes by giving content a relevancy score, which sorts your social media content and places it on your feed for optimal engagement. 
    • Prioritizes friends: Did you know that you can boost the posts that you want to see more of on your account? The people you interact with most often on Facebook are given priority over other Facebook users, which means that you won’t be concerned about missing important updates from the friends and family members that you care for the most. This is done by categorizing a person or page by clicking “see post” and unfollowing the people or pages that you don’t want to see as often. 

    Your Twitter Timeline consists of a stream of tweets from the users you follow. If you’re very active on Twitter and have a lot of celebrities and friends that you care about, then your algorithm can be organized based on two approaches: “Show Me The Best Tweets First”, “Best Tweets” or the “While You Were Away” feature.

    Below is a breakdown of the data that determines the social media algorithm:

    • Show Me The Best Tweets First: This feature ranks your content based on relevancy rather than listing tweets chronologically. Based on what you’ve liked or engaged with recently, Twitter will put the tweets that it thinks you will find most interesting at the top of your timeline.
    • Best Tweets: This feature requires the user to opt-in and select content from specific users to indicate these will be the best tweets. Then, the user can refresh the timeline to have any of these tweets added to the top of their feeds.
    • While You Were Away: This feature has been added to allow users the flexibility to be away from checking their feeds without FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s completely determined by user engagement and can be turned off for users that don’t check with Twitter feeds often.

    How does Instagram’s feed algorithm work?

    This quickly evolving platform is becoming a hot spot for digital marketing, which means that it’s important for small businesses to understand how the social media algorithm works for this channel. 

    Using machine learning to aggregate six key factors, Instagram determines the content that’s the most relevant to the user.

    • Interest: This is based on prediction data that measures the type of content of posts you engage with most often. 
    • Frequency: This is measured by how often you use the app to determine what posts you want to see when you open the app again. 
    • Following: The more accounts you follow, the less likely you’ll be to see everyone appear in your news feed. 
    • Recency: How recently was the post published? This impacts if it will appear in your newsfeed. 
    • Relationship: Who shared the post and what connection do you have to them or their content? This can easily be influenced by tagged photos, engagements, or direct messages. 
    • Usage: The time you spend on Instagram also has a great effect on the content that you see on your feed.

    Do you need someone to help you to manage your company’s social media networks? Trek Marketing offers a social media marketing management service for businesses that want to outsource their social content and have a team member available to answer customer questions and comments. 

    Which of the above three social networks do you spend the most time on? Drop a comment below to share.

    How to use Google Adwords for your business

    There are a lot of expenses that come with e-commerce operations and since most small business owners don’t have access to endless marketing resources, it’s important to select the best advertising methods to start generating revenue. So, since it can take months to increase your organic search ranking through the use of search engine optimization (SEO), we recommend investing in pay-per-click advertising campaigns like Google Adwords to get yourself started. 

    What is Google Adwords?

    Google Adwords is a pay-per-click online advertising platform developed by Google where advertisers can bid to display brief ads, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. These ads can be placed in the results of search engines (ex. Google Search, Bing Search) as well as non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos. Google Adwords also works as a keyword tool, allowing users to target specific words or phrases they’re hoping to target to get their ads highly ranked on various search results pages. 

    How does it work?

    It all starts with a query. When a user searches for something on Google, it will look at the Adwords advertisers pool and determine whether there will be an auction for those terms. If one or more advertising is bidding on keywords that Google deems are relevant to the search, it will trigger an auction. This is where the advertisers will identify which keywords they want to bid on, how much they’re willing to spend, and create groupings using these keywords that can pair with their ads. Google then does the work by entering the keyword from that advertiser’s account, along with their maximum bid. 

    If you’re wondering how Google determines which ads are shown where, once an advertiser has entered into an auction, Google will look at two key factors to determine ad rank: maximum bid and quality score. The maximum bid is the set price the advertiser specifies for that keyword, whereas the quality score is a metric that determines how useful the ad is to the user (max bid x quality score = ad rank > position). 

    The auction is run billions of times each month. This allows results that users find relevant to their searches and advertisers to connect with potential customers for cheap.

    What are the top advantages of using Google Adwords?

    Google Adwords is a powerful keyword tool when it comes to advertising your business online. Listed below are a few advantages that you can enjoy on this paid marketing platform.

    • Targeting is more precise: This ensures that each ad is only displayed to users that are more likely to become potential customers. With the ability to filter audiences based on geographic location, age, gender, and more. There’s even a feature that allows the targeted audience to see the ad on specified devices or at certain times. 
    • You only pay for results: With Google Adwords, businesses only pay for the clicks their ads get, rather than the impressions. This advertising model only costs money when the targeted user takes action. 
    • Performance can be easily tracked: Whether you want to track the number of users that view and click your ad, those taking action, or those spending money, Google Adwords is the perfect tool to increase profitability. 

    Do you need help setting up and managing your Google Adwords account? Once you determine your budget, it’s time to speak with one of Trek Marketing’s Client Success Managers. 

    What do you think is the most advantageous part of using Google Adwords for your business? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    These marketing tactics will help you to build your law business

    In a world where we are constantly finding new ways of doing things, like providing legal assistance, you must adapt your strategy to find new clients and meet the needs of those returning for your services. Digital marketing has continued to be useful for businesses in the modern age, which is why we’ve listed four marketing tactics that your law firm needs below.  

    Put effort into branding 

    While there are many ways to improve your digital marketing efforts, all avenues lead back to building a brand that clients know and trust. Without strong branding, people will be reluctant to consider your company in their search for legal guidance. That being said, when we refer to branding, we aren’t just referencing your company logo. Branding is a collective impact or lasting impression that’s seen, heard, or experienced by the consumer who has come into contact with your business and its products or services. In managing your branding, you have the power to create the effect passed onto your current and future customers. 

    Since most people don’t have experience searching for lawyers, and there are likely many firms in your area, it’s important to use digital branding as your way to set yourself apart from the competition.

    Optimize your practice’s pages

    Since law firms can specialize in a different area of law, all of your companies’ services must be covered on the website with seamless accessibility for all users. 

    Whether you need help creating content or are hoping to find out more about local SEO services and how they optimize your website for faster viewing, we recommend that you start by making a budget, setting some business goals, and researching how SEO-friendly copy will help you to bring in the traffic you need. 

    *Keep in mind that if your law firm services more areas than your immediate location, you will need to use location keywords to offer you the best chance of ranking high for more terms. 

    Keep up with the content

    No matter what type of legal advice prospecting clients are searching for, aside from relying on the word-of-mouth of their peers, most people will first research before they settle on a firm. Since creeping your Google search ranking and expanding your company reviews are both ways to help people land on your brand, you need to be prepared to show them what you’re made of. 

    Producing professional, informative content is a great way to advertise to potential clients that you’re knowledgeable about your field and willing to answer any questions they may have before committing to work with you. To ensure that you answer all of the right questions, consider local SEO services to be sure your content offers the best resources.

    Harness the power of email marketing

    When you’re looking to expand your law business, it’s important to keep in touch with your current clients and potential customers as much as you can. By getting started with email marketing, you can be sure that you’re staying in their minds and continue to offer support through the distribution of free e-content.

    Once you become comfortable with your email strategy, whether you’re doing it on your own or seeking assistance from a professional digital marketing company, you can segment your email list into groups to cater to customers at different stages (ex. Returning clients, new customers, or those needing more information on your services). This will ensure that your emails are more likely to reach the right people with relevant, important updates about your law firm. 

    Which of the above marketing tactics is the most promising option for your law firm? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    Have you considered podcasting as part of your content marketing strategy?

    In a world full of businesses looking to make their mark, a well-developed content marketing strategy is essential for reaching and converting a prospective audience. The modern informational age has been ramping up for quite some time, and while delivering content regularly is the gold standard, consumers also expect that content to be available in a variety of formats, with the option to select the method that best connects them with your brand. So, if you want current and future customers to hear your entrepreneurial “voice”, be sure to consider using podcasting as part of your content marketing strategy. 

    Consumers are always looking for ways to reach new content quickly and conveniently

    While you may already have some working methods in place for reaching your target market, depending on the demographics of your ideal consumer, you may also want to consider how they will best engage with your industry. Although some people prefer to sit down and read their content, others enjoy on-the-go convenience, especially if they’re auditory learners. So, all this considered, a podcast possesses the potential to deliver your messages more quickly and conveniently for some, allowing the consumer to absorb your content by listening to your podcasts in the car, while exercising, or during their downtime. Aside from being a quick and convenient content marketing strategy for listeners, it’s also minimalistic, allowing consumers the ability to listen even when they feel mentally drained after a long day. Plus, since podcasting is usually orchestrated and placed together with consequential episodes, it’s a great way to take complex concepts and strategies and slowly teach them over time in ways that help make them easier to understand. 

    Audio content is far easier for business owners to create

    Unless you’re a professional writer, creating good quality written content takes a lot of time and a good amount of energy. This not-so-easy vice is oftentimes a struggle for e-commerce business owners for a variety of reasons—language barriers, low confidence in their writing skills, or lack of time. However, creating a podcast episode—or any auditory content in general—is far quicker, as you simply need to lay out a quick script, or if you’re confident in the topic, wing it by speaking into a microphone or some headphones. Aside from a bit of editing, creating podcast episodes will allow you to produce a whole lot of content in a fraction of the time it would take to write out and publish that same content. This is a great way to free up your spare time for other tasks that will help to build up your business and content marketing strategy overall. 

    Podcast content is diverse and can be repurposed into other content and formats

    While many types of podcast episodes are accessible through iTunes or other podcast players, your auditory creation can also be repurposed and inserted into a blog post, social media post, or newsletter. A great content marketing strategy is all about producing the most amount of content with the smallest amount of effort, so we also recommend repurposing your podcasts so that they can be delivered through other digital marketing efforts, heightening the chance of your reaching your ideal consumer. Since your audience likely uses multiple channels, it’s beneficial to formulate your content to be sent out on all types of mediums. This offers the greatest opportunity for your brand to connect with customers and utilize your curated content to nurture brand presence, which adds value to your business and those who buy your products or services. 

    Are there other reasons that podcasting belongs in your content marketing strategy? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    How to successfully market for vape companies

    Since there are strict regulations that reduce the options available for digital advertising on vape products, you aren’t able to pay to get ahead on organic searches or to appear on the feeds of popular social media channels. So, whether you’re an e-cig business looking to increase your online presence or a digital marketing agency hoping to add a new industry to their portfolio of expertise, continue reading to learn about how to successfully optimize an e-cig website to market to the masses. 

    Invest in a search engine optimization service 

    For those that don’t know, a professional search engine optimization service should include the following elements: website structure analysis, content analysis, website code optimization, onsite content, and other off-page factors. While there is a lot of work that can be done over time with this service, we recommend heavily investing in the optimization of the online store so that it can appear high in organic searches. This would include keyword research and ensuring that all of the content is unique to elevate the shopping experience. 

    As a starter, here are some popular current keywords for the vape industry: 

    • e-cigs
    • electronic cigarettes
    • Vapors
    • vaper
    • Vaping
    • ejuice/e-juice
    • eliquid/e-liquid
    • vaporizers
    • electronic vaporizer

    Ensure the company has a Facebook page

    Just because the type of vape-related content that can be posted is quite limited, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a company page to regularly post content and engage with your/your client’s followers. Since it can be challenging at times to come up with posts that boost a brand while following Facebook guidelines on prohibited content, you can consider utilizing this channel as a means of connecting to customer’s hobbies and interests while also maintaining a presence that can be engaging through polls, giveaways, and discussions. After all, just because Facebook may not want to take money to advertise vaping, it doesn’t mean they have banned the discussion altogether. 

    While you’re at it, be sure to join e-cig related discussion groups as another means of promoting the online shop strategically avoiding an outright promotional post.

    There are also Reddit communities for vaping

    As another branch of social media marketing, you or your digital marketing team can join a vape-related subreddit to spread awareness of vape culture and perhaps spark a discussion about your flavours or e-cig gear. 

    Here are some popular forums that are active: 

     Opt for email marketing 

    Email marketing remains to be a paramount digital marketing tactic spanning a variety of niche industries. So, whether your business or client is excited about sending informative content or wants to use e-newsletters as a method for offering discounts, you will need to start by building a list and encouraging social followers and current customers to subscribe using their emails. 

    Whatever digital marketing tactics you use, it’s important to get closer to your audience if you hope to grow your business. Are you ready to speak with a digital marketing agency that has experience working with vape companies? 

    What other ways have you found success digitally marketing e-cig businesses? Please share your expertise in the comments section below.

    How to create an effective digital marketing plan

    A digital marketing plan equips online business owners with an essential roadmap to achieving their most crucial brand objectives. Since it’s a tool that helps to guide marketing activities to generate the best results, it must be organized step-by-step and reviewed at multiple points in the lifespan of your business venture, which is why most entrepreneurs opt to have a professional digital marketing company handle their plan for them. 

    Why do you need a professional digital marketing plan?

    Are you looking for a way to reveal new opportunities, grow, and expand your reach? While every business owner has the potential to dabble with digital marketing, those hoping to connect with their audiences and establish a unique brand identity need an in-depth and detailed approach that is usually only achievable through a strategy formulated by a professional digital marketing agency

    So, for those asking themselves, “Do I need a professional digital marketing plan,” the answer is always yes, and here’s why:

    • While a business owner can formulate goals and work towards those objectives, a professional digital marketing agency will draw up a consumer-competitor analysis and create a plan that focuses on the entire environment surrounding the brand including context and current market situation. 
    • Intended objectives are achieved quicker with the help of a professional digital marketing agency, especially since they have separate departments that coordinate together. 
    • A coordinated digital marketing plan contains strategies and actions that are put in place to carry out campaigns. 
    • Measuring the results of actions is one of the most overlooked tasks of business ownership which is why it’s important to include it in a professional digital marketing plan. 

    Now that you know what to expect from a professional digital marketing plan, below are some advantages that it can bring to you and your company:

    • You will gain in-depth knowledge of the market and your target audience. A good marketing plan allows time for a research phase which creates a scope of your business challenges and how to respond to them. 
    • Digital marketing actions can align with departments working towards the same brand objectives. 
    • Allows you to budget for the resources that are most effective for your business strategy. 
    • Improves internal communication so all those involved can easily coordinate future goals.
    • Improves client communication by outline the elements that will meet their needs and expectations. 

    How our professional digital marketing agency creates an effective digital marketing plan: Step by step

    1. Analysis and starting point: 

    Creating an effective digital marketing plan starts by analyzing the current situation of the company and coordinating time towards market research. During this phase, we aim to answer questions such as, “What could be a unique selling position for this company” and “What is the competition doing and how can we compare”. 

    2. Create objectives

    Success is achieved when objectives are met. When the phase commences, the objectives of the company need to be concrete, detailed, measurable, realistic, and time-bound. Based on these parameters, we will create a professional digital marketing plan that will reach new markets, increase brand awareness, and improve your company’s return-on-investment (ROI).

    3. Develop a buyer person

    It’s important to paint a picture of your ideal client, even if it involves defining a profile for more than one type of product or service user. This includes determining the age, gender, income level, occupation, and place of residence. This will allow us to develop a professional digital marketing plan that creates a better understanding of your brand-to-consumer relationship. 

    4. Content plan

    Every professional digital marketing plan requires an outline of the type of content that will be distributed. While it can follow a variety of formats, your content should align to the above buyer persona(s) and be incredibly focused to increase website conversions. This phase should also include the addition of search engine optimization (SEO), which is the backbone of content creation, dedicated to structuring the website to direct valuable traffic. 

    5. Determine platforms for business growth

    While the world of social media marketing offers an assortment of platforms for any brand, it’s always best to focus on those that are more adapted to your companies’ objectives. Effective digital marketing planning includes intentions for these social networks and the application of available resources to boost your growing strategy. 

    Are you ready to speak with our team about your digital marketing plan? 

    What stage of the above digital marketing planning process is your business at? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

    Your guide to the dos and don’ts of social posting for Memorial Day

    While we’re a Canadian-owned and operated company that’s based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, many of our clients that are situated in the U.S. rely on us to formulate a social media marketing strategy that caters to their American customers. While Memorial Day is celebrated differently across the country—a day to gather and enjoy the warmer weather, a day to celebrate the unofficial start of summer, and most importantly, a day to commemorate those whose lives were lost during their military service—many businesses use this holiday as a way to show their support and connect with their target audience. So, at the price of potentially posting something that can be misinterpreted as insensitive, here are the dos and don’ts of social posting for Memorial Day.

    A basic approach to get you started

    While your audience won’t remember you being silent on your social channels for Memorial Day, they will remember if you post something insensitive. So, to be sure your branding isn’t affected, here are some things to consider:

    • Treat the holiday with care. Even though many celebrate the day differently, it’s meant to be a somber occasion for the remembrance of fallen military heroes. While the point of your social media marketing strategy is your brand’s messaging, make sure that there is a natural tie-in, such as showing your support for military veterans. 
    • If you’re going to post something fun about kicking off the summer, be very careful about how you craft this message. 
    • If your product availability is still affected due to COVID, be sure to only promote items that customers will have immediate access to. 

    We hope these tips will help your business to better navigate Memorial Day. Continue reading to learn more about the dos and don’ts of this national holiday. 

    Tips to ensure that you have excellent Memorial Day content

    Do: Post something general that recognizes the holiday. 

    Do: Recognize and thank members of the military. If you or one of the employees at your company have served or has a loved one currently serving, be sure to post a photo to add a human element to your content. 

    Do: Mention the start of summer, outdoor activities, or spending quality time with your loved ones. Summer-related content that mentions your brand and not the military is still okay to post. 

    Don’t: Post promotional content mixed with a message about the sacrifices of the military. It takes a poor approach to the holiday and may come across as insensitive. 

    If you’re in doubt about the best practices to manage your social media marketing strategy, Trek Marketing would love to help?

    What are your favorite types of social media posts? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    What to do if your website loses traffic in the May 2021 update

    While there’s an assortment of benefits to Google’s May 2021 SEO update, you may have noticed that the latest algorithm change has affected your page rankings. Since Google is now highlighting search results that possess great page experiences, your business needs to improve on signals such as page load times, mobile-friendliness, HTTPS setups, and more to ensure that you remain easy to spot on the search rankings. Here’s a breakdown of the 2021 SEO update along with some practical tips that you can take to stay on top. 

    What is the Google Page Experience Update and how is it measured?

    Google will now evaluate website pages based on a set of signals—page loading times, the mobile-friendliness of the website, whether the site runs on HTTPS, if it has intrusive interstitials, and if content jumps between page loads. All of the above factors affect the page experience and are considered to be refining metrics that impact the website speed and usability for users. These refinements are referred to as Core Web Vitals. 

    Google’s Core Web Vitals are explained below:

    • Loading times: The Google Page Experience update measures the perceived load time of your website’s pages and ranks it based on how quickly the main website content becomes available. 
    • The interactivity through smart devices: Just like the load time is important, so is how quick the website allows interactions, including between pages on a smart device. 
    • If the website is visually stable: While a website may load content quickly, is the content loading properly? First impressions are a huge factor in the May 2021 SEO update and visual stability is just as important as improving page speed. 

    If your website isn’t optimized for one or more of the above Core Web Vitals, we recommend that you speak with an experienced SEO Specialist to ensure that your efforts are making a positive impact on your organic search results. 

    There are now visual indicators highlighting the user experience in Google search results

    Now that Google’s Page Experience update is live, you will notice that there are visual indicators in the search results informing searchers if specific websites offer great experiences. These visual indicators act as a reward to the websites that have taken the time to improve their page experiences leading to the update. Any business website that has met all of the Google Page Experience criteria will receive an indicator next to the snippet of context to show that they offer users quality web experiences. 

    What can you do right now to improve your page experience?

    If you haven’t prepared your website for the new ranking factors, it’s an excellent time to improve web performance in the following areas:

    Do you possess all the fundamentals to receive Google’s visual indicator? If not, what efforts are on your upcoming to-do list?

    6 essentials for making the perfect SEO report

    Although implementing search engine optimization tactics is what you do best, creating reports for the clients can sometimes be a daunting task. Since every patron and business possesses their own unique goals, it’s important to provide a robust report that lets them know how well your campaigns and strategies are performing to boost their website. That being said, if you have no idea where to start with your upcoming SEO reports, here are six essential elements that are worth including. 

    #1: Website Traffic

    Since most businesses prioritize increasing organic traffic to their websites, traffic should be one of the first elements highlighted in your SEO report. To show your digital marketing agencies’ value, you will want to utilize the source/medium feature of Google Analytics. This component allows you to pinpoint specifics that can be used within your traffic report, which provides key details about where the traffic is coming from. Not only does this allow you to share your efforts with business owners, but it also enables you to place them on display and offer advice on where time and money can be spent to better the digital strategy in the future

    #2: Conversion rate 

    Your client’s website could have all the traffic in the world, but if visitors aren’t inclined to make a purchase, it may seem like your efforts are wasted. Keep in mind that while it may take some time before your work starts converting, it’s still important to include it all in your SEO report. After all, conversions show how much money the website is making based on your efforts, and in the coming months when ordering increases, you want to ensure that credit is given where credit is due. The best way to illustrate conversation rates to your clients is through goal tracking, which measures how often users are completing specific actions. This includes the open rate, the click-through rate, and the number of conversions on your client’s site. On a side note, once you know the conversion rate, it will help you better explain other details of your report to the client.

    #3: Page traffic

    Knowing that visitors are reaching your client’s website is a great starting point, but it’s even better to know where they’re going from there. Whether someone reaches the website through an organic search result or they find a recent blog post, pinpointing these trends is a fantastic addition to any SEO report. Aside from knowing that your efforts are working, it also helps the client know that it’s worth investing in added content to improve other pages or product/service descriptions on the website.

    #4: Page speed

    While this metric is often overlooked on SEO reports, it’s an important asset like any other highlight. The success of any search engine optimization service depends on the website’s ability to perform and give the user a great experience, and if the site takes too long to load or is slowed down due to an overflow of content, it could be causing critical technical issues to the SEO performance. So, if there is room for improvement, remember to include it in your next report. Your client will thank you for your additional efforts!

    #5: Time on site/bounce rate

    This metric is an extremely important extra that in our opinion, goes above and beyond what’s expected from most SEO reports. While you have already spent time explaining the efforts that are working to increase your client’s website traffic, conversions, and visibility, the time that’s spent on the website and the bounce rate are metrics that delve deeper into the minds of their target audience, giving insights into many areas that have room for improvement. Be sure to check if their landing pages include outbound links and focus added attention on core pages, like pages, and other pages that feature rich content, such as videos. If the website isn’t retaining the user’s attention, perhaps include some ideas at the end of this section of your SEO report. 

    #6: Rankings

    While keyword rankings are the most popular choice, there are other types of data based on a variety of factors like history, personalization, and even where the users are searching from. Be sure to show your value by tracking your position, but also remember to highlight the overall performance of the other elements of your work as well. 

    Are there any other recommendations that you have to ensure digital marketers are crafting the best SEO reports possible? Drop a comment below.