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    Amp up your digital marketing these 3 ways

    Each new year ushers transformation to the world of digital marketing. Thus, digital marketing strategies must constantly undergo a revamp to remain effective in improving customer relationships, visibility, conversions, and growth. Listed below are three ways that you can focus on remaining on top of your business and craft new strategies to achieve your desired results.

    Utilize the social platforms that will benefit your business most

    While harnessing the power of social media is a great way to reach your target audience, we recommend that you not get caught up in the craze. With so many social channels to pick from, you must weigh the pros and cons of each one and select an amount that’s manageable for you or your digital marketing team. It’s way better to be unique and authentic on the platforms where your audience engages most than to overextend your means by trying to post on every single channel. After all, if the demographic you’re advertising to spends most of their time on Instagram or TikTok, doesn’t it make more sense to spend your time creating content there? Maintaining social accounts is a huge task and if you want your digital marketing efforts to be noticed, implement your strategies in a way that best suits your brand’s personality.

    Examples of the top social platforms to implement your digital marketing strategies:

    • Facebook (recently renamed Meta)
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • TikTok
    • Pinterest
    • Snapchat
    • YouTube
    • Whatsapp
    • Reddit

    We recommend selecting two to three of the above options for your small business.

    Tell stories by utilizing your customer reviews

    Not only are business reviews valuable in developing trust with prospective customers, but they can also be used to further your digital marketing efforts. Customer feedback is a gold mine for any sized business. While business owners must listen and respond accordingly when the review requires you to get in touch, positive assessments can be used in so many ways—you can turn these reviews into stories for your blog, create an image with the review copy and place it on your social channels, or simply ensure that the reviews section of your website is up-to-date so that shoppers can read them to help answer some of their questions. All of the above examples will help you appeal to wider audiences through authentic customer feedback. 

    Strive to always be flexible and adaptable with your business

    Some digital marketing strategies might work long-term, while others will be required down the road. Change in any digital space is inevitable, so you need to be ready to jump onto new opportunities and understand that what’s working today might not be the case for tomorrow, next week, or next year. Part of growing your digital marketing strategies is embracing the pace of your niche industry and the nature of an adapting digital world, so be sure you learn how to leverage new tools and trends so that you gain the most success in each of your digital marketing efforts. 

    If any of the above amped-up digital marketing suggestions seems daunting to you or you simply want tips to further your understanding and the direction you need to go, our team of digital marketing professionals is here and ready to answer all of your questions and take on any of the workload proving to be challenging.

    Which one of our amped-up digital marketing strategies are you most excited to work with? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

    Everything you need to know about keywords and digital marketing

    Online visibility is one of the most important ways to achieve high sales and conversions and the measurability requires a strong online presence so that consumers can find, learn, and purchase from your e-commerce business. While there are many ways to get noticed on the wide web, SEO keywords research should be a huge part of your digital marketing strategy. 

    How do keywords relate to digital marketing?

    When consumers enter a query into a search engine like Google or Bing, they type in words or phrases to guide their search. These are referred to as “keywords” and in terms of organic content, whichever websites can best encompass what the user is looking for will pop up as an option for them to click. 

    *Keep in mind that sponsored ads purchase their placement and will always appear at the top, regardless of how well they match your query.

    While this may sound simple enough, search engines use complicated algorithms to assist users with their search results, and there are a wide variety of factors (ex. website credibility, publishing activity, and keywords used) that determine where a website is placed. 

    How do you know which keywords to use:

    • Top keywords are terms that users will search for
    • Relevant keywords should have a connection to your brand
    • It’s important to sprinkle keywords seamlessly by integrating them into all types of content

    We recommend working alongside a Search Engine Optimization expert to assist in your SEO keywords research that you know which terms to focus on and so that you can begin using them strategically throughout your digital marketing content. 

    Are there different types of keywords?

    Yes! There are three types of keywords.

    • Short-tail keywords usually consist of one or two words. These terms are broad and have a high search volume.
    • Middle-tail keywords consist of three to four words and are more specific but might have a lower search volume. 
    • Long-tail keywords consist of four or more words and due to their specificity, the search volume is so low it might only target niche consumers. 

    While it may seem more strategic to opt for keywords that have the highest volume of searches, the best digital marketing strategies use a mixture of types of keywords to ensure they have the highest chance of converting visitors.

    Tips to researching the best keywords for your content strategy

    While there are many SEO keywords research tools available, here are some tips to get you started:

    • Brainstorm ideas: What words do you think that your target audience are searching for to find a company like yours? Write down what comes to mind. 
    • Organize your list: Separate your keywords into categories to keep everything organized.
    • Research trending terms: Enter one of your brainstormed ideas into a search engine and then scroll down to look for related searches. These terms might be relevant queries for your target customer and possibly some phrases that are advertised by your competition. 

    How to add keywords to your digital marketing content

    A successful digital marketing strategy requires finding keywords and effectively using them. Since keywords are one of the main resources bringing consumers to your website, it’s important that your content be well-written and easy to read. 

    Aside from content pages and product descriptions, blog posts are another great way to strategically place keywords throughout your website. Just be sure that you add new blog submissions regularly and use the words naturally throughout the posts to achieve a higher organic search ranking.

    That said, here are some other ways to slip keywords into your content: 

    • The titled
    • Subheadings
    • Photo captions
    • Image file names
    • The URL of the post
    • Meta-description
    • Within the first sentence
    • Within the final paragraph

    Do you have any further questions about SEO keywords research and how to implement the terms? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    4 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

    Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or a seasoned e-commerce business owner, there’s no denying that digital marketing is an important investment for anyone who runs a small business. Since digital approaches to reaching target customers aren’t going anywhere, you should know a lot about the tools at your disposal to ensure that you’re working towards building a strong strategy. Below we will share some digital tips on improving your search engine optimization (SEO), building an audience on social media (SMM), and some best practices for utilizing email. 

    Don’t put all your efforts into one area

    While there are many ways a company can market their potential offline—promotion through relevant events and conferences, business cards and/or flyers, or wrap your car with your business information—digital marketing is a more powerful way to promote a small business. Efforts like SEO, SMM, and email marketing are digital channels that allow you to connect and interact with your target audience with sales and conversions in mind. Since all of these digital marketing strategies provide something different for your small business, be sure to spread the budget around and slowly build up each online strategy over time.

    Be smart with data

    There are many insights that can be found within your business metrics if you know where to look. With everything from Facebook reach to website bounce rates and everything in between. That said, the best way to move forward is to focus on a particular metric and see how it has changed over time, then you can add it to your list of upcoming marketing efforts to get you closer to your overall goals. For example, if you’re trying to grow your audience using existing email subscribers, you might want to track the number of clicks a paid ad earns to attract brand-new customers outside your current audience. If you have three new subscribers, your data should let you know with confidence where those emails came from. 

    Interact with your audience in a meaningful way

    You don’t need to only focus on social media when looking to connect with your target audience. Other elements like creating new content pages or sending out polls by email are also great ways to directly access your customer base and train them to rely on your platforms for meaningful, engaging messages. 

    Heavily invest in your SEO strategy

    Copywriting takes new heights when it’s sprinkled with snazzy, industry-relevant keywords that are highly sought after on search engines. While it’s important to retain information to ensure your copy speaks to customers in a language that they understand, possessing the right keywords will ensure your digital marketing efforts for your small business don’t go unnoticed, as search engines will point visitors towards your site. Aside from content curation, savvy SEO services should include time spent on securing backlinks, reorganizing page layouts, and ensuring best practices for headers, URLs, and meta tags to keep up your presence in ongoing searches.

    Keep Track Of Your Competitors

    Whether you own a large or small business, keeping track of your competitor’s marketing efforts should be automatic as it is one of the best ways to gauge how you are doing in the market. This is also your chance to find your edge amongst other small businesses in your niche, therefore getting more pieces of the pie or market share. This strategy will save you tons of marketing budget and time as you can see what’s working and what’s not. Trial and error are expected, especially in digital marketing, but finding ways to gather data without taking risks efficiently is a huge plus.

    Keep Trying New Things

    What’s cool about digital marketing is the avenue and broad stream of opportunities to gather your online presence. Sure, you have to be consistent in your marketing campaigns, but you shouldn’t be afraid to do things differently from time to time. When the market is bombarded with the same marketing strategies all day long, trying to get the same attention, adding a slightly different touch to your marketing efforts makes all the difference. If you’ve been doing well in SMM for a while, try spending some time on Email Marketing and try your luck. You might be surprised by how many opportunities you leave on the table. 

    Know Your Audience

    Before you make any digital marketing efforts, it is crucial to find out who you are trying to target. As you dabble around market segmentation, you’ll find it easier to know where they are and what type of marketing strategies should be best to get their attention. This increases the accuracy of your marketing efforts, saves you tons of budgets, and allows you to spend your focus where it’s needed. Small Businesses will benefit from this strategy as they tend to have a more focused niche than larger companies. Use this advantage to penetrate those untapped markets.

    Add Visuals to Your Content

    Most of you might agree that content remains the king when marketing. However, the types of content today are pretty different compared to previous years. You may notice that a lot of visual content is the ones that are taking giant leaps, whether in video format or simply adding related images in blogs. Statistics show that including visuals in your content increases more than 80% of the engagement and 20% or more clicks. Creating content with images makes it more shareable than just plain texts. Think of images as icing on top after writing a very insightful and exciting copy.

    Be Consistent With Your Brand

    Being consistent with your brand and what you’re brand is standing for is an excellent way to gain and keep loyal customers. Flexibility is essential in Digital Marketing, but your small business’s mission and vision should remain consistent as it grows with your followers. Always look at the bigger picture and create marketing efforts that you think will last the test of time and stay relevant for years to come.

    Good Customer Feedback for Social Proof

    Have you ever bought a product before without even thinking twice just because your friend bought the same thing? Most of you can probably relate to this. This is the power of feedback. Say you successfully led your potential buyers to your landing page. One of the first things they’ll look for is the reviews. Making efforts to get as many good quality reviews as possible is one of the best ways to grow your business.

    Do you have any questions about our digital marketing tips for your small business? Drop a comment below for a prompt response. 

    4 ways to boost your SEO with the season

    There are a variety of ways that shoppers find new businesses to purchase from. While some utilize referrals from loved ones, most leverage the power of the wide web as an effective way to discover new storefronts. Whether those shoppers make their purchases online or simply use the power of search engines to lookup places near them, people are searching for products and services online every day and your business must harness search engine optimization (SEO) to successfully capture these leads. Below are some of the best ways to boost your SEO for the weeks of fall ahead. 

    Create vibrant seasonal content

    A great way to continuously engage with your audience is by using seasonal content to boost your SEO. Start by doing a little research into what keywords are trending, find a way to relate them to your business, and create vibrant content around them. Whether you plan on hosting a seasonal sale to get rid of older inventory or you’re launching a new product, be sure to find a way to connect with autumn by appealing to the colours of the season. If black, orange, red, yellow, and brown aren’t popular colours for your business, instead customize your messages to include words that match the season instead. 

    Utilize internal links

    Lack of internal thinks in your website content is a missed SEO opportunity. When you want your products or services to be found, highlight those keywords in your relevant content and link them to specific pages or even back to your blog. This lets search engines know that you have something valuable to offer that contains the specified key phrases that will allow your pages to crawl up higher organically in the list of search queries. It’s not only a great way to build your SEO, but also a strategic way to connect with new customers that are on the hunt for your products. 

    Internal linking is a part of Trek Marketing’s local search engine optimization service. This on-site task helps to drive additional traffic to your website and ensures that best practices are followed. 

    Compete for relevant keywords

    While keyword research can be time-consuming, it’s an essential part of your SEO strategy. Needless to say, you do have the option to tag along with trending searches and compete with other businesses for those keywords. Although you will always find more success in building up your content, so be sure to take the time to learn what your customers are searching for this season. 

    Update and add new products and services

    Many businesses have the luxury of attaining new products which with updated content, can starting pulling search engine interest. Needless to say, there are e-commerce companies out there that are constantly remarketing the same products and services, making it challenging to reinvent your content time and time again. Trek Marketing’s local search engine optimization service works on tasks like page layout, page speed, meta tags, and content creation, so even if your brand falls under the second umbrella, you will still have fresh content. 

    Which example will you be starting with to boost your SEO? Drop a comment below to share with us.

    Fall-inspired social media content ideas for your business

    On the hunt for some fall social media post ideas that can offer your business that added edge? Engaging content isn’t hard to create and incorporating seasonality to make those connections sets you up for successful interaction. That being said, below are some fall-inspired content ideas to get your social media marketing strategy started. 

    Incorporate fall images

    A good social media marketing strategy involves harnessing the power of what’s going on around you to build content that’s inspiring and relatable. This means that if you want your social posts to get more engagement and clicks, perhaps offering an autumn vibe might get the attention you’re hoping for. Whether you sprinkle your products among fall colours (red, orange, yellow, and brown) or simply take some seasonal photos with the appropriate scenery (pumpkins, hay bales, and scarecrows), a stockpile of seasonal images is a great way to get yourself notice above other social media posts. 

    Offer a seasonal discount

    Who said that you needed to wait until Black Friday/Cyber Monday to offer your customers a little discount? Whether you want to highlight an upcoming Halloween sale or simply offer a coupon code that can be used until the end of October, shoppers get excited about seasonal savings and are inclined to start their holiday shopping early with the right incentive. 

    Update your followers about the seasonal activities you’re doing

    Consumers love getting an exclusive look at your personal life, whether it be with your friends and family or behind the scenes of your business, so, we recommend incorporating some fall-inspired activities into these types of posts. Share your employee pumpkin carving content, some DIY fall decor that you made for the shop, or even a trip to a local apple picking spot with your family. Also, make sure to ask your followers to comment on what they love doing this time of year as a way to connect with them. 

    Create a guide to fall essentials

    Pretty much any business can have a fall twist with the right imagination, which is why it’s important to separate your products from the ones that can be enjoyed more this time of year. Whether you sell coats, skincare products, or wine, think of an ingenious way to guide the consumer through your products and how they engage with the season. This means highlighting your water-resistant outerwear, products that keep the skin hydrated during cold weather, and seasonal wine flavours!

    Ask questions on social polls

    This is a great way to engage with shoppers on Instagram, especially if you utilize some fun GIFs on the story features. Keep in mind that not every part of your social media marketing strategy needs to be sales-focused, and at times, a greater focus needs to be on engagement and interaction. Ask your followers what their favourite activities are by giving button options for them to click, then once you’ve gathered lots of opinions, share the results back on your stories!

    Which of the above content ideas is most inspiring to you? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    Your 6-point checklist to prepare for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

    Are you a business owner who’s always on the hunt for some digital marketing tips? Since online shoppers love a good deal, if you haven’t started preparing for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, now is the time to get your e-commerce store ready for customers who’re looking to indulge in some pre-holiday spending. After all, seasonal sales are the bread and butter for many merchants and there’s an assortment of ways that you can reach out to new and existing customers using our 6-point checklist below.

    #1 Offer deals in October

    With an influx of people looking to shop online for their holiday purchases, it’s best practice to plan your Black Friday/Cyber Monday strategy in October. This ensures that you have plenty of time to carry out your digital marketing campaigns and provide customers with enticing coupons and special offers that they can use leading up to the shopping holiday. 

    #2 Troubleshoot your site speed

    While it’s never recommended to change your website’s functionality within the months leading up to the holiday season, a lack of speed is a sure-fire way to turn customers off. Before drawing too much traffic to your website through special offers, consult with a web development company to ensure that your website is performing how it should and that the checkout process is ready for orders. 

    #3 Ensure that you have some enticing product and service descriptions

    It’s one thing to have really great products and services, but it’s another when their descriptions tap into the shopper’s emotions, influencing their values, and enticing them to buy. Aside from having SEO-friendly copy to get the traffic you need, we also recommend that your content be professionally written and express some urgency to persuade shoppers who may be uncertain. For example, adding phrases such as “limited time only” or “selling out fast” can make a huge difference in your sales. 

    #4 Cross-sell your products and services

    You don’t just want your customers to purchase the one thing they came for only to leave your site forever. In fact, once they landed on your website, you should use this opportunity to refer them to something that will naturally fit well with their interests. For example, if you own a footwear store and a customer has come in search of shoes, it only makes sense to also offer them some socks. That said, to consolidate your Black Friday/Cyber Monday efforts, you may want to create a specific holiday landing page or the navigation bar to make deals easier to grab for customers who’re ready to take advantage of your cross-selling approach. 

    #5 Utilize social media

    Social selling is a powerful way to prepare for shopping holidays, especially if you don’t own a business with a physical storefront. Whether you run advertisements through Facebook or schedule posts on a variety of channels, it’s important to create hype so that your campaigns reach people within your target market. Also, keep an eye out for trending hashtags that can be incorporated to boost your posts.

    #6 Send out some emails

    While the above digital marketing tips are all great ways to prepare for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, the best way to marketing to loyal customers during this annual event will always be through email to the inbox. Just because your newsletters should be actionable and sent out during the sale doesn’t mean that they can’t be prepared well in advance by having content and images ready to go. That said, if you’re sending out regular emails, alludes to your upcoming sale and leaves hints at what you will be offering for when the time comes.  

    What other points make it onto your prep checklist? Let us know in the comments section below. 

    4 digital marketing ideas for Halloween

    The spooky season is upon us! Whether you handle your business’ digital marketing or you work for an agency, there are so many creative and frightening ways to orchestrate Halloween marketing campaigns in 2021. So, if you were looking for the perfect way to break out of your traditional digital marketing mold, take a leap this year and start brewing up some creative Halloween-inspired marketing ideas.

    Curated videos that celebrate the chilling season

    We’re living in a digital age where many people are learning to engage with brands and businesses through video content. Since this type of digital marketing gets the most organic engagement, it’s important that your business learns to utilize video regularly—the same goes for Halloween marketing campaigns. Consider taking a stab at creating a product, service, or even staff-related video but be sure to include a spooky twist. Even if this strategy doesn’t offer scary-good conversion right away, it shows that you’re an edgy, up-and-coming company that’s committed to catering to societal trends. 

    Display ads that target a more devilish theme

    When creating a pay-per-click ad, it’s important to create personalized displays that meeting the browsing habits of your target audience. That said, building an ad that does all of the above is easy, but breaking the mold of a typical advertisement to get the attention of viewers can be challenging. It’s ingenious to give your PPC campaigns a little revamp by adding a creepy message, using a frightful font, or even changing the colours to orange and black to reflect the theme of traditional Halloween marketing campaigns. Your next data-driven campaign could use a little hocus pocus. 

    Social posts that are eerie-sistably boo-tiful 

    While sending a shoutout to Halloween day-of is the easiest way to get into the spirit of the season, giving your campaigns some added spooky energy leading up to the special day is far more exciting and memorable. That said, as soon as October rolls around, you’re in the clear to formulate some devilishly dark social media posts. Whether you do a quick disguise of your product with some enchanting props, snap a photo of it out in a pumpkin field, or simply advertise your service with a ghostly touch, there are so many opportunities to jump onto the bandwagon with a social media Halloween marketing campaign. 

    Blog posts that brew spooktacular ideas

    Since content can take a bit of time to create traction and spur engagement, it’s best to get on this opportunity as soon as possible, especially if you’re hoping to boost your SEO with a Halloween marketing campaign. The spooky season is a time of year for trendy searches since lots of people are on the hunt for the perfect costumes, decor, and party ideas. So, if you can find a way to create some spooky blog posts while using keywords that are trending, you can find a way to stay relevant during Halloween Google searches. 

    What is your favourite option from our suggestions above? Drop a comment below to share. 

    What’s the difference between SEO content writing versus SEO copywriting?

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing practice that enhances a search query for a website or page’s ranking order by improving its visibility on popular search engines like Google or Bing. Since the number one goal of SEO is to improve the user experience, this practice allows search engines to display the most relevant topics, products, and services based on the searched keywords. That said, if you want to take your website to the next level it’s important to employ the correct style of writing to achieve your desired results. 

    What is SEO content writing?

    Based on the explanation of how SEO works in the introduction above, it’s easy to see how SEO content writing plays a key role in where a page or website will be positioned. When users are on the hunt for specific information, they enter their queries into the search engine hoping to find places where their questions will be answered, problems will be solved, or where they can be entertained or educated on a specific subject. Creating high-quality, key-word focused content that ranks well in these search engines will help to generate organic traffic to the desired website or page.

    What is SEO copywriting?

    On the contrary, SEO copywriting is slightly different than SEO content writing. While it’s capable of doing many of the same things, the primary difference is that SEO copywriting is used to convert traffic into leads and sales. 

    While the two types of strategic writing often have the same result, listed below are some examples of how you can distinguish between them:

    • SEO content writing gets the page found, whereas SEO copywriting explains it in more professional detail.
    • SEO content writing is sometimes repetitive to get a higher ranking, whereas SEO copywriting is higher quality. 
    • SEO content writing drives the search intent based on keywords, whereas SEO copywriting distinctively expands on the website’s page, service, or product information. 

    How do you hire someone to handle both SEO content writing and SEO copywriting?

    The truth is, depending on the needs of your project, you may want to hire an SEO specialist to manage your organic traffic needs and a copywriter separately to use keywords to write optimized content. While an SEO specialist understands search engines and knows how to write relevant copy that drives clicks, attracts backlinks, and directs users to an internal page, they aren’t always the most effective when it comes to writing content with an intent to drive conversions, which is why it’s essential to have both people collaborating to find the best success.

    What do SEO specialists do:

    • Increase keyword rankings
    • Drive clicks from search engine results pages (SERPS)
    • Attract high-authority backlinks
    • Convert visitors into buyers or leads

    What do copywriters do: 

    • Write SEO-friendly blog posts using keywords
    • Write SEO-friendly service pages using keywords
    • Handle SEO business content
    • PPC landing pages
    • Link-building content
    • Provide guests posts

    Choosing the right digital marketing team to work with is essential for the success of your online business, so be sure to read reviews of the company and look through the online portfolio

    Did you learn anything new after reading our blog above? Please share the information in the comment section below. 

    Your beginners guide to how search engines work

    When it comes to search engine optimization, not are search engines are equal, which leads many beginner entrepreneurs to wonder how their website will gain relative importance among the largest search engines on the web. While Google undoubtedly has the largest market share, it remains essential to optimize on other search platforms like Bing and Yahoo if you’re hoping to capture your audience. That said, here’s a beginner’s guide to how search engines work and why you might need to up your SEO game.

    How do search engines work?

    Search engines crawl billions of pages on the web by following the links to a variety of websites and downloading their content. This process works through the use of three stages: 

    1. Crawling: The search engine scours the internet for content based on the user’s search terms. During this process, the code and content are being looked over for each URL found. 
    2. Indexing: The content found during the crawling process is then stored and organized for future use. This indexing stage allows results to be displayed after relevant search queries. 
    3. Ranking: Pieces of content are provided that best answer the searcher’s query. This means that websites and ads are ordered by most relevant to least relevant based on the search terms provided. 

    What is search engine crawling?

    Search engine crawling is a process in which search engines appoint robots (aka crawlers) to find new or updated content. While the type of content varies depending on the user’s search query—a webpage, image, video, PDF, etc.—it’s discovered through links.

    Those wondering how search engines work likely think about the most popular search engine out, Google. Googlebots fetch web pages, follow the link it provides and hops on a path of links where the relevant content is now indexed to the search engine’s database. These links are later retrieved for the searcher who’s seeking information relating to that previously searched content. 

    What is the search engine index?

    The place where information is processed and stored is referred to as an index. This huge database holds the content deemed good enough to be found by the crawlers.

    What is search engine ranking? 

    When an internet user performs a search, their search engine responds to their inquiry by looking through their index for highly relevant content. It then orders that content to the frontlines of the search in the hopes that it will answer the searcher’s question or statement. The ordering of the displayed search results is then placed based on their relevance, which is known as ranking. In general, one can assume that the higher a website is ranked, the more relevant the search engine believes that link is to the search query. 

    While it is possible to block search engine crawlers from a small portion or the entirety of your website, it would never be advisable to do so, as indexing ensures that your business page remains accessible to the crawlers alongside potential customers.

    What did you find most interesting about our search engine guide? Drop a comment below if you have any further questions for our team. 

    Interested in learning about how Google Shopping can grow your business?

    Are your traffic and leads drying up? Our digital marketing team takes the time to understand what you do and how to make you money, which is why we are happy to manage your Google Shopping ads as part of your online advertising services with us. Google shopping allows vendors an opportunity to reach bottom-funnel customers, giving them an easy way to stand out in search results. For those who have more questions about the advantages of Google Shopping ads, read the information in the article below. 

    How does Google Shopping work for the consumer?

    When a person uses Google Shopping, they can easily browse products from sellers who have chosen to feature their goods on the platform. All offers are ranked based on relevance, the user’s Google activity, and the search terms they choose to use. There will also be some ads peppers in to improve the quality of the search results. However, these offers will have a “sponsored” label underneath, indicating that their spot is based on paying Google rather than the influence of the items displayed. Google will be compensated for any clicks to the ads as well as receiving a commission for each purchase that’s made. 

    Consumers can customize their Google Shopping results by sorting and filtering elements like the price, product category, or brand. This can be viewed under each shopper’s activity section of their Google account. They can also block specific advertisers and opt-out of personalized ads by visiting Google’s Ads Settings page. That way the products displayed on Google Shopping are tailored to each shopper’s experience. 

    When you find a product that you’re interested in on the Google Shopping platform, you’ll then see the item price along with applicable taxes. There is an exception on “Buy on Google” offers, which once clicked upon will take you directly to the seller’s site to make the purchase. Keep in mind that shipping costs vary depending on their final destination, along with shipping method and any applicable information about insurances or warranties. 

    How does Google Shopping work for the vendor?

    Sellers and advertisers who feature products on Google Shopping must comply with all policies to keep their place on this prominent platform. Those that chose to ignore any of the rules may be suspended or have their items removed. To ensure this doesn’t happen, vendors need to provide detailed information about their products and update their listings regularly. 

    To add your products, follow the instructions below:

    1. Log in to your Merchant Center account
    2. Select products from the navigation menu, then click all products
    3. Click the plus button to add the product
    4. Fill out the data fields for each product
    5. If your product has varying colors, sizes, or other attributes, you will want to add these values
    6. Click save

    Why do consumers and vendors alike enjoy the Google Shopping experience? 

    In a world where you can buy products anywhere you go, it’s important to make the experience memorable for the consumer and simplistic for the vendor.

    Google Shopping is a powerful technology that allows consumers to research the products before being pointed towards the vendors who sell them. The best part is that it’s known for its speediness and will instantly provide photos and information, including stores that sell said product, instantly after entering the search. Lastly, the experience is very comprehensive and allows shoppers to find both common and unusual varieties of their search terms. 

    Have you ever purchased a product or sold one using Google Shopping? Drop a comment below to share your experience.