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    How to evolve your digital marketing strategy during COVID-19

    The world is facing some very unprecedented challenges with COVID-19 spreading at an exponential rate. While regulations have made operations difficult for many businesses, others are thriving off of stay-at-home orders. So, if your business hasn’t managed to do better amid lockdown measures, perhaps you need to evolve how you’re conducting your digital marketing strategies and double down by making some adjustments? Below are some ways we suggest that you can strengthen your commitment to your brand and the needs of your customers moving forward.  

    Keep up with your online presence 

    Since we’re all back to spending more time at home amid the second wave, the number of hours the average person is allocating online has drastically increased once again, and so has your opportunity to connect with your target audience!

    While consumers are partially glued to their phones and computers out of routine, they are also spending more time with their devices out of boredom, which means that there’s a higher chance of them connecting to your business through your online efforts. As much as most people don’t want to be reminded about the pandemic, you can use COVID-19 to leverage your content; for example, you can highlight products that help to make their home-bound stay a little better or promote services that can be enjoyed from the safety of their home. Also, while the goal of most digital marketing strategies is to brand, sell, and market your products, community support is crucial during these times. Thus, remember to use your social media platforms as a means to connect and bond with your customers in a meaningful way. 

    Adjust your content and digital marketing strategies to reflect growing trends

    Many aspects of our lives have shifted throughout the pandemic and it remains challenging for businesses to make amendments to their digital marketing strategies when customer’s needs are constantly changing. However, keeping up with societal trends doesn’t need to negatively impact consumer engagement or loyalty. For example, many businesses have revamped their advertising campaigns to spread awareness and understanding about the rules and regulations of our new reality, including illustrations and skits that emphasize handwashing, physical distancing, and masks. Even companies that have been sidelined by the virus (hotels, travel agencies, and airlines) are continuing to build brand awareness through their content! 

    Consider paid advertising 

    As mentioned above, 2020 has seen quite an influx in e-commerce browsing and shopping, leading many businesses to shift their focus digitally with the opportunity to invest more in their pay-per-click advertising strategy.

    When consumers input a key term into their chosen search engine, paid ads appear at the top of the search list, attracting shoppers to click through based on their higher placement. While businesses have to pay for the ad spot, the efforts it takes to achieve an organic ranking will undoubtedly take more time. Also, the best part about PPC is that the business is only charged when and if a consumer clicks on the ad. However, the cost of which is entirely dependent on the search engine traffic that steams from that said word or phrase. On the other hand, PPC ads are also popular on social media channels and can often be seen in advertisement placement sections when you scroll through your accounts. These ad holes work as a remarketing tool, popping up based on what you’ve searched for in the past, such as things that interest you or some previous purchases you’ve made. 

    With more people working at home and staying digital, there will be many more opportunities to rework your future digital marketing strategies to better appeal to your growing online audience. 

    Are there other ways in which you’ve changed up your digital marketing strategy throughout the pandemic? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

    Tapping into success: Which offers the best ROI? Google or Facebook ads?

    Google Ads and Facebook Ads have a longstanding rivalry and when it comes down to your return on investment (ROI), it’s essential to invest in the right platform that will generate ad revenue. A professional digital marketing agency would easily be able to determine which platform would work best for your business, but for those who have been in the game for a while, you may possess enough knowledge to kick things off yourself. Continue reading to learn the differences between these two advertising platforms.  

    Google Ads versus Facebook Ads

    While you were probably drawn to this blog submission looking for a definitive answer, we’re here to tell you that there really isn’t a “best” option, because both platforms perform differently from one another, bringing unique benefits to the table for online businesses. 

    Instead, try asking yourself the following questions before you invest money into either digital marketing effort: 

    • What is my budget for digital advertising?
    • Which platform would better reach my target audience?
    • What stage of the consumer’s buying journey am I trying to make a profit on?

    Since most internet users regularly utilize both of the following platforms, it’s more important to channel your pay-per-click advertising services towards efforts that focus on the age, income range, and lifestyle of your audience. Thus, to increase your ROI it’s important to break down what makes each platform unique before you make your final decision towards rolling with one or both. 

    A breakdown of Google advertising

    As businesses grow and transition to the online realm, customers have more choices now than ever before on where to make their purchases. Although, to be a successful business owner, one must deliver and retain customer interest at every stage of their browsing experience. Thus, many e-commerce companies rely on Google!

    What types of campaigns can you run using the Google platform?

    • Search network campaigns
    • Display network campaigns
    • Google Shopping Ads 
    • Video campaigns 
    • App campaigns 

    Facilitating purchases is one of the many perks of the Google platform, and through pay-per-click advertising services, business owners have been able to approach their audience with the use of industry keywords within their content, only paying for the service when their ad is clicked by the consumer. This technique is an efficient method that’s super popular for those looking to expand their digital marketing efforts. 

    A breakdown of Facebook advertising

    While Google Ads focus on paid searching, Facebook Ads are all about paid social, targeting audience behaviors and patterns to make each advertisement effective and personal. 

    Below are some formats of ads that can be done through Facebook:

    • Video advertising
    • Photo advertising
    • Slideshow advertising
    • Carousel advertising
    • Dynamic product advertising
    • Lead form advertising

    What are the ROI benefits of each platform?

    While both platforms work as channels to utilize pay-per-click advertising services, they also offer different benefits to the business owner.

    Benefits of Google Ads:

    1. You can bid on a number of keywords and get your ads to rank higher, reach new people, and increase your exposure. 
    2. You’re able to earn higher SERP (search engine results page) rankings by creating relevant ads. 
    3. The search and display networks help you to create ads that will appear in search results and generate more leads.

    Benefits of Facebook Ads:

    1. Consumers are always sharing information about themselves on Facebook (interests, beliefs, hobbies, etc.) and you can use this to collect data on your target audience.
    2. Once you have collected a database of people that are likely to be interested in your products or services, you can import it into Facebook and target those people using your ad campaigns. 
    3. Earn sign-ups, sales, subscriptions, follows, and leads. 

    Which platform are you most excited about? Drop a comment below to compare with other readers. 

    Exceed your marketing goals with these digital strategies

    We all know that marketing is the process of communicating value to customers and many tools help to aid the development of your online strategy. As a savvy e-commerce business whose purpose is to always look for ways to connect products and services with consumers, the opportunities to boost your awareness and credibility are endless in the realm of digital marketing. That being said, here are some cost-effective ways to effectively engage with your target audience.   

    Invest in more time spent on social media engagement 

    If it isn’t already, social media should be an essential part of your business marketing strategy. The diverse world of social platforms helps you to reach out and stay connected with your customers, increase the awareness of your brand, as well as boost leads and sales. So, not only are you better able to improve your company’s image through social influence, but it also aligns with your desire to invest in some low-cost digital marketing strategies

    Customer satisfaction plays a vital role in the continued success of your business, which is why social selling has proven to be a great way to reach new and recurring customers by posting relevant content mixed up in between sales and other promotions. The best part is that you’re able to try out various social media channels to determine which platforms reach your target audience and which are disadvantageous for your brand’s demographic. 

    Are you well-versed in visual or auditory storytelling?

    People are drawn to different types of advertising, including magazines, radio, television, billboards, and social endorsements, however, one thing all of the following examples should share is the ability to create an expressive, meaningful story. Regardless of what product or service you’re trying to sell, audiences value content that’s entertaining, informative, and either audial or visually appealing. This means that you should be focusing your attention on low-cost digital marketing strategies that can meet the continual needs of your customers, and there are so many professional services that can you help. 

    At Trek Marketing, we tell your brand’s story in a variety of ways by servicing low-cost digital marketing strategies such as PPC Advertising, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, and Blogging. All of the above strategic digital elements involve carefully creating either content or visual elements to draw in your audience and boost conversions. So, if you’re looking for a service with a return-on-investment (ROI) that you can count on, let’s have a chat about getting you on board with some professional digital marketing services. 

    Looking for other ways to enhance your campaigns?

    If you’re a larger scale business, it’s possible that you already have the above services on-the-go, which is why we have a few more suggestions for those who’re furthering their company goals. 

    • Consider starting a hashtag campaign.
    • Look for new customers on search forums by proactively building relationships. 
    • Promote case studies to advertise on your business webpage. 

    Do you know of any other low-cost digital marketing strategies that may help prospective business owners amp up with advertising? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

    How does digital marketing increase your e-commerce sales?

    An effective digital marketing strategy accomplishes many goals — developing a better online ranking, increasing brand awareness, and building a bigger following — but none are as important as increasing your online sales. So, if you’re hoping to drive more customers to your website and achieve a higher conversion rate optimization, you need to understand what you should be doing to help out your business. 

    Understanding conversion rate optimization

    It’s the job of digital marketing professionals to show their worth by breaking down to business owners how conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps to increase traffic and online sales to their e-commerce websites. But first, they must understand what CRO is and how it works to benefit their online sales strategy. 

    It’s considered a conversion when a consumer visits your website and completes a desirable action. This could include purchasing a product or service, filling out an online request form, clicking through to the website to find out more information, or calling your business. Digital marketing professionals monitor these actions using Google Analytics and complete reports for their clients to determine how improvements can be made to improve sales. They use a simple formula: conversions/website visitors multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage. For example, if your e-commerce website has 17 conversions from 1,000 visitors to the page, your conversion rate is 1.7%. 

    How can you increase your digital marketing conversions? 

    Since the average consumer spends almost four hours a day using their smartphone, the potential to increase your online conversions is huge when you implement a digital marketing strategy. However, the first step towards a higher conversion optimization rate is to demonstrate a good first impression to your consumers. 

    The way you approach elements like customer service responses, website copy, and social media content gives an impression of the level of service and value your business brings to the table, and it’s always important to inspire confidence when you’re asserting your brand as a leader in your industry. 

    The next thing you can do is create an easy conversion point. This means that once a visitor is convinced to make a purchase, don’t rely on them to have to search high and low to find that conversion point. It’s important to include multiple ways for them to meet those conversion points, meaning that if you send out an e-newsletter, they can click on the product, on a button that says “buy now”, and even if the consumer clicks on the title of the product within the same area. This will make potential customers more likely to take action and create less confusion on how to buy. 

    Another consideration to increase your digital marketing conversions is quite simple, value all your callers, as picking up the phone to answer their questions or concerns may encourage them to carry out their online purchase. Online shoppers are conditioned to look for a telephone contact number rather than email and wait for a response, so if you’re fixated on improving your CRO, put your phone number where it can be easily found and consider measuring your call conversions (how many people call to ask about a sale or purchase) as well! 

    Lastly, if you or the professional digital marketing agency you hire is already doing all of the above to increase your e-commerce sales, considering leveraging digital ads as a way to increase your online conversion rate. Paid ad platforms such as Facebook and Instagram convert well and are worthwhile if you’re hoping to draw in a target audience demographic that spends ample time on these external social platforms. After all, not all digital marketing conversions require you to make changes to your website.

    What did you find most interesting about the above content? Drop a comment below to start a conversation with other readers. 

    Your simple guide to marketing ROI

    Whenever an e-commerce business is looking at which digital marketing efforts to invest in, the first thing they should determine is their return on investment (ROI). The ROI allows you to project which efforts are becoming profitable for the company and at the most basic level, concludes which transactions are making the most revenue. So, if this is the first time you’ve heard digital marketing and ROI in the same sentence, it’s worth carrying out the equations yourself to test which investments your business is most benefiting from. 

    What is marketing ROI? 

    Return-on-investment (ROI) is a performance measure that’s used to calculate the efficiency of marketing investments. The ROI is directly measured by the amount on return there is on a particular investment, after subtracting the initial investment cost. 

    How do you calculate your ROI? 

    If you’re looking to calculate your businesses’ ROI, you’ll need to input your numbers into a simple formula — the benefit (or the return) of the investment is subtracted by the cost of the investment. The result should be then expressed as a percentage or a ratio. 

    Understanding your ROI

    Once you complete your ROI calculation you will be able to use it as a rudimentary gauge to understand the profitability of your investment. So, whether your company is looking to start up some search engine optimization or invest more in pay-per-click advertising, the calculation will help you to interpret the opportunities available before you. This gives you a better understanding of how much you can afford to invest in marketing monthly and be able to calculate your return on that investment to know if you should be putting more money into your digital strategy. 

    For example, if an e-commerce business owner invests $250 in email marketing, to calculate their ROI, they would need to determine their profits of the investment. So, if one of their monthly newsletters made $1,000 and it cost $125 to create (two newsletters monthly are $250 total, $125 each), the calculation would be, $1,000 – $125 = $875, which means their ROI is 87.5%. 

    How to get in contact with a profitable ROI marketing agency

    When you’re on the hunt for an ROI marketing agency that’s dedicated to increasing your e-commerce conversions, it’s also a good idea to consider non-financial elements as well. These could include how the company is getting you likes and follows on your social channels, traffic to your website or even how well their copy is increasing the trust among your target audience. While all the above are not immediate returns on your initial investment, they do indirectly boost the potential for purchases and allow you to better develop your customer relationships long-term. 

    Do you have more questions about your marketing ROI and how to strategically use it to increase your conversions? Drop a comment below and we will do our best to answer your questions. 

    A breakdown of Per-Per-Click Advertising for eCommerce

    Arranging and coordinating your pay-per-click marketing (PPC) schemes can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if your campaigns are being formulated by inexperienced writers who are not enveloped in the trends of your industry. So, if you want to pave way for the best potential success and allow your advertising to grow and refine your e-commerce brand, you need to understand the breakdown of how relevant, exhaustive, and expansive this popular marketing tactic is and just how it can drive traffic to your amazing, e-commerce website. 

    What does professional pay-per-click marketing include?

    While many factors contribute to how successful your pay-per-click marketing campaigns will be, one of the best things you can do is hire a company to manage it professionally. Needless to say, it’s worth knowing how the following fundamentals contribute to your eCommerce business.

    Pay-per-click marketing is a way of buying visits to your website rather than attempting to earn those visits organically. There are also various forms of PPC, including search engine advertising, click-based adverts, and keyword campaigns. Search engine advertising allows e-commerce brands to bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links so that when someone is searching for something related to what your business is offering, your website pops up. On the other hand, click-based adverts can also appear in advertising spaces and each time they’re clicked, the brand pays the owner of that space for sending potential visitors to their site. The cost can vary on this particular form of PPC, but can also result in a hefty profit. Lastly, keyword campaigns include researching what terms are being used in the industry of the business and intelligently targeting them for clicks. All of the above are important and essential ways that you want to start using pay-per-click marketing successfully, however, it must be orchestrated the right way. 

    • Keywords: This refers to a collection of words or phrases that show a relation to your business, products or services. These keywords will help to bring you a higher quality of traffic and if selected uniquely, can easily knock out the competition.
    • Landing page quality: Once you’ve crafted your PPC ads through the use of tight, keyword groups, you must then create optimized landing pages using persuasive content with tailored copy and a clear call-to-action.
    • Quality score: The quality and relevance of your keywords and landing pages affect your PPC campaign, and advertisers with better scores will get more clicks at a lower cost. 
    • Creativity: Pay-per-click marketing is being competitively used by many companies everywhere, so enticing copy and designer-quality ads will demand the clicks that you deserve and ensure that you’re getting the best bang for your buck. 

    Pay-per-click marketing campaign suggestions

    Digital advertising can prove to be a complex endeavor when you’re looking for effective ways to thrive within your competitive industry, so, here are a few tips that we’ve gathered that’ll help you perform successful PPC marketing.  

    • Keep things simple: Your purchasing process on your e-commerce site should be straightforward and uncomplicated. How easily is this done? Well, a seamless product search and navigation are a great start to get your shoppers to their specific needs. 
    • High-resolution images: If your product photos or page banners are low-quality, chances are that shoppers will just bypass buying altogether. So, be sure that all of your images are bright, clear and taken from many angles. 
    • Great copy: Everyone loves to read about the products they’re perusing before committing to their purchase, likely because it’s important to make sure that a specific product meets their needs. That’s why thought-provoking, edited copy is another great way to better your chances of encouraging an e-commerce transaction. 
    • Upgrade your shopping cart: It should be easy for your customers to change their item quantity, remove an item and to calculate their shipping and tax costs.  
    • Offer multiple payment options: Whether you credit cards, PayPal or even newer technologies such as Google checkout to make your purchases, your customers will appreciate the options. 

    Once created, new PPC campaigns will need to be managed regularly to ensure that they’re still effective. New keywords should be added to expand the reach and landing pages should be refined to include modified content, so, if you’re not ready to be evaluating your performance and improve the activity, let a professional digital marketing company handle the upkeep for you. 

    What do you find most interesting about this method of digital marketing? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

    What are the best PPC strategies for your e-commerce website?

    If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your digital marketing strategy while keeping the costs down, we recommend driving shoppers to your website by using pay per click advertising. This form of online exhibition only charges business owners once prospective customers find the ad using various search engines and click upon it. This means that payment is processed after traffic is achieved, as opposed to using other organic, digital marketing methods such as SEO. It’s 2020 and about time that you increased your business conversion rates using the power and effectiveness of pay per click advertising! 

    Carefully choose your advertisement platform  

    Just like traditional advertising, part of orchestrating successful pay per click advertising lies with carefully selecting the right platforms to distribute your announcements. There are plenty of ad placement options such as Google Shopping, Bing, Amazon Advertising and Facebook. Thus, ensure that you understand the trends of your ever-growing, dynamic industry before allocating a budget to any of the above platforms. Keep in mind that Google and Facebook shared 58.5% of the total US digital ad spend in 2019

    Review and utilize industry keywords

    If boosting the awareness of your e-commerce business is a huge part of your PPC strategy, then it’s important to research, review, and utilize previously generated search queries that are relevant to consumer purchases from your business. Through this PPC optimization process, you’re able to profile them into high converting search queries and terms, which can later be merged and used among your branded terms, model names, part numbers, and even SKU codes. Also, when time permits, you must next make a list of negative keywords in your pay per click advertising campaigns. This is because when you bid high on PLAs (product listing ad), it exposes your products to a wider range of searches instead of just improving Google rankings. As a result, you get to bid higher while also averting a lot of unwanted search traffic.  

    Expand your PPC spend 

    It can be difficult for business owners to manage personalized user experiences, which is why when they’re navigating the hard terrain of pay per click advertising, they often seek help from industry experts. In terms of communication, every consumer responds to something different, so it can be challenging to grow and build your brand loyalty and create new, meaningful relationships with your customers. That being said, be sure to look for a super-flexible and responsive ad platform that will allow you to showcase your products and services using an easy-to-navigate layout. 

    Quality content is the key 

    A good way to get your customers excited about what your business has to offer is by providing them with high-quality, well-written content. Since creating some flashy PPC ad copy won’t be enough to get yourself noticed, you’ll need to compliment your intuitive text using enticing colours, engaging videos, graphics, seamless navigation, and descriptive product information.

    Do you have any other feedback for pay per click advertising? Drop a comment below to share.