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    Why is email marketing so important for small businesses?

    While email marketing for small businesses differs from email marketing that’s used by large corporations, it’s equally strategic. You start by setting goals, picking the necessary tools to determine your target audience, building a list of tactics, optimizing, formating, creating, and scheduling your content. The only defining detail that separates each email marketing strategy is the tactics used to do all of the above and the scale at which it is done.

    How can small businesses take advantage of email marketing? 

    If you haven’t already, as a small e-commerce business, you need to start reaping the benefits of email marketing. This digital service allows companies to build trust with local customers and is a huge advantage that they can hold above larger corporations who fail to resonate within these smaller communities. That said, transparency and honesty with your clientele are key, which is why unsolicited or generic emails will easily lose ground in favour of more modern approaches. 

    Before you can plunge into sending emails, you must first get customers to subscribe and agree to be a part of your email list. Not only is this a requirement for legal purposes but it allows you to ensure that your list is filled with potential buyers that are interested in your products and brand. To capture lots of emails, be sure to make the signup easy to find with minimal steps involved. While growing your list might take time, this will allow you to prepare your digital marketing goals and speak with an agency that offers email marketing services. Professional email marketing will ensure that your newsletters are of higher quality and filled with exclusive, eye-catching content to promote your brand and assert you as a knowledgeable member of your industry. Instead of screaming for attention, you’re strategically generating a buzz that helps to cement strong customer relationships. 

    How do small businesses measure email marketing success?

    There are many ways that a small business measures the effectiveness of its campaigns. Success rates can be measured with several metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, time spent on pages, and conversion rates. You should keep track of the number of emails that get marked as spam and also those that are forwarded. Then, compare that with the number of emails that were deleted before or after they were opened. All of these metrics yield valuable insights for future emails and further develop your email marketing strategy. 

    How do you improve the efficiency of your email marketing?

    Many effective methods ensure email marketing success, including:

    • Optimize emails for good display on mobile phones
    • Create a schedule for sending emails and adjust it according to metrics 
    • Cater content to a targeted audience
    • Divide your mailing list into segments and build tactics to appeal to each audience
    • Test your emails before sending them
    • Monitor their performance reports and develop ongoing changes to your email marketing strategy

    Do you have any more questions about email marketing for your small business? Drop a comment below for a prompt response.

    Will you be trying these 3 digital marketing consumer trends?

    Every year we experience revolutionary digital marketing trends that help to lay a foundation for the future of online advertising. That said, after two groundbreaking years for online shopping, 2022 is only expected to continue the rise with social shopping adding to the momentum. With these new and exciting developments to the digital world, it has become more important than ever to ensure that your business is communicating with its audience. Listed below are three of the key digital marketing consumer trends to be mindful of in 2022. 

    Work on creating some short, punchy videos

    Whether you’re more familiar with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, it’s clear that the landscape of social media has shifted in favour of short and punchy video posts. Since it would be challenging to ensure that your business is relevant across all of the above platforms, we recommend selecting one or two to focus on. Short videos zero in on our fast-paced way of life, which is a direct reflection of the way we consume content. Digital content needs to possess a simple message while also presenting content that’s engaging by asking consumers to participate; examples include the start of a viral dance move, a challenge, or a survey, but at the very least, encourages them to leave a comment. The best thing about these types of social videos is that all business owners have access to creating content like this with the help of their smartphones. Start by filming a few candid videos of your business, some behind-the-scenes, DIY, and other unpolished videos by using the apps to crop, create, and add audio to make it more appealing to your target audience. 

    Ensure that your content is telling a story

    This recurring digital marketing trend is key for a brand looking to market new and existing products. E-commerce selling in the modern landscape requires business owners to dig deep, believe in their products and/or services, and continuously show why what they offer is between than the competition. Part of your delivery should involve some form of storytelling, whether it be debunking myths about your industry, explaining how the product solves consumer problems, or showcasing testimonials through your social stories. While these efforts might not result in direct sales, they’re a great way for brands to put consumer needs at the front and center! 

    Exhibit privacy, transparency, and trust-building 

    Digital marketing trends are at an all-time high, which means that online advertising is also in overload. This means that more consumers than ever are concerned with the interaction that can happen with suspicious content. This is why it’s important to prepare your business for tighter privacy restrictions that may alter the way that they can track users’ behaviour. On that note, Google announced its curtailing of third-party cookies by 2023, which means that many marketers are going to be forced to reevaluate their strategies. While this is not the end of data-driven content, it could be the end of targeted advertising, with a new era springing forth in the trust and transparency between company and consumer. 

    Be sure that as a business you’re communicating with customers about the data that you collect and what it’s used for. This makes it easy for consumers to opt-out if they want which formulates a great foundation for a customer relationship. 

    Which of the above digital marketing trends would suit your business best? Drop a comment below to share.

    How to create attractive and engaging content

    Content marketing has quickly become a strategic approach for businesses looking to share valuable and relevant information with customers within their industry. While it may be easy to share content on your blog, social media accounts, and through email, developing great content that stands out on a consistent basis to your audience is the only way to develop your content marketing strategy. Listed below are some steps you can take to help your produce content that will reach and engage with your target consumer. 

    Know your audience

    Identifying your target audience allows you to look beyond the basics. Things like their demographics, psychographics, and behaviours help to understand the type of content that may interest them. Content creators visualize their audience before adapting marketing personas that help to establish a composite of the reader. Whether it’s the topic of a blog, a social media post, or an email, knowing your audience before creating the content will do wonders in attracting them to it. 

    Ensure that your headline is powerful 

    The headline of your blog, social media post, or email is the hook that catches and lures in the customer. While it needs to be consistent with the information that you want to present, it should also exhibit actionable keywords that help with your search engine optimization (SEO) while also utilizing language that’s attractive to the audience. 

    Tell a story

    Part of creating engaging content is using a series of words to tell a story. You shouldn’t just jump into your piece without first setting the stage nor should you simply stop writing because you’ve reached your minimum word count (unless it’s a social post, of course). All content should have a beginning, middle, and end if you’re hoping to attract and engage with your audience.  

    Provide useful information that’s quick to read

    Online shoppers are time-crunched and may have just come across your digital marketing efforts while aimlessly perusing the web. All that matters to them at that moment is what your content is doing to educate, inform, or entertain them. Many customers are consuming content while on the go, in short spurts of time between other activities. Be sure to use simple words, write direct sentences, and use an active voice in your content. 

    Are you in need of a content creator? Trek Marketing offers a wide range of digital marketing services that work to develop your business’s content. 

    What type of content attracts you as an online shopper? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

    3 steps to building successful digital marketing campaigns

    A successful digital marketing campaign involves the execution of a marketing strategy across a variety of digital channels where a brand’s consumers engage. Dynamic and conversion-focused, digital marketing campaigns are time-consuming and involve efforts where data is exchanged through social media, email marketing, and the process of search engine optimization (SEO). If you’re unfamiliar with launching and managing a digital marketing campaign, stick to the following steps below to ensure that your approach is efficient!  

    Start by defining your goals 

    Every great venture begins with goals in mind, however, eagerness to see results might lead some businesses to launch digital marketing campaigns without planning. Since success can be measured by sales, traffic, and improved conversion rates, depending on the specifics of your business, you must consider what you’re hoping to achieve at that moment and long term. 

    Here are some examples of goals for digital marketing campaigns: 

    • Brand awareness: While there are several ways that one can measure brand awareness, word-of-mouth, following, and knowledge of said brand are a great start. Engagement and searches are two ways to message brand awareness as both of these actions signify consumers are on the hunt for your products and/or services. 
    • Social media following: A branch of brand awareness, when a business has a strong social media following, it shows that consumers are interested in your business. While it’s worth tracking followers, we recommend measuring the rate of increase, rather than the raw number. This is because many people unfollow pages as they lose interest, which could be related to the content you’re sharing.  
    • SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex business process that relies on many factors to influence where your website appears when consumers are entering queries on search engines. One of these is the number of backlinks your website receives from other reputable sites.

    Know your target market

    While anyone and everyone have an opportunity to purchase from your e-commerce business, shoppers that have a use for or interest in your products and/or services are more likely to complete a transaction. This is why you need to use your resources wisely to ensure these types of customers can find your website. No matter your budget, crafting your marketing materials to appeal to the demographics of your business is an efficient way to build your online presence, versus simply throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Begin by establishing who’s currently buying your products and how they reach your marketing and eventually branch out via digital marketing campaigns to the customers you hope to reach. 

    Define your persona

    An extension of the step above, a persona is the detailed description of your ideal customer. This includes knowing their age, possible occupations, wealth and class status, family situation, and other variables that will determine how likely they are to spend money. 

    While your target demographic is broad, your persona is more defined and detailed and often includes more information about their hobbies, interests, and/or personal lives. You might be thinking why is this information important for you to know? Well, it helps you to grow your business safely utilizing the current market but to expand your demographic by knowing more in-depth about the people that you want to be shopping with you. 

    Is there any other dynamic or traditional methods that you’ve used or plan to use to build up your digital marketing campaigns? 

    Want to set digital marketing goals for your business?

    Do you need help setting actionable goals related to digital marketing for your small business? There’s a range of measures that can assist in the control of performance across all your digital efforts, growing your sales and engaging with your audience are essential elements of a dynamic online business, and they’re easier to implement when you know how to do so. 

    Grow your sales

    While revenue is an obvious goal among all e-commerce businesses, your online transactions must lead to profits. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can strategize digital marketing techniques to sell physical goods and services, increasing your online sales performance quicker. 

    Below are some ways that you can use digital marketing to grow your sales for your small business: 

    • Ensure that your content is written using SEO-friendly tactics and that it’s honest, straightforward, and approachable to build a foundation of trust with the consumer. 
    • Invest in click ads to assist with your click-through rates.
    • Create a sense of urgency such as a time-sensitive offer or access to a limited-edition product. Target consumers respond well to positive incentives, especially if they feel pressure to commit to purchasing. 
    • Appearance is important, which is why investing in high-quality product images over simple thumbnails helps people to envision their need for the product before buying. 

    Engage more with your audience

    Brick and mortar stores achieve face-to-face interactions with their clientele daily, whereas e-commerce businesses must utilize online communication channels to engage with their audience. If your digital marketing goal is to better engage with shoppers, you can build your brand and influence sales through an assortment of online channels like Facebook, Instagram, and e-newsletters. While conversions are always at the forefront, communication with no-strings attached is more inviting and likable for customers, giving them the freedom to ask questions and make comments with an expectation to buy. This creates a trusting relationship between business and buyer. 

    Below are some ways that you can engage more with your audience:

    • Respond to queries on social media services.
    • Respond to comments on social media services.
    • Accept blogging comments and ensure that you thank visitors for leaving their input.
    • Check direct messaging on social media for questions, feedback, or comments.
    • Scan through emails to see if any are customer-related.

    What other goals have you set for 2022? Drop them below to share with our readers.

    Tight marketing budget? We recommend starting with SEO

    There’s no denying that digital marketing is essential for e-commerce businesses, and in a deep sea of competition, the best way for your companies’ website to get noticed is by investing in your online presence. While there are a variety of ways to find success digitally, search engine optimization (SEO) is the best source of action for small business owners who’re on a tight budget and need to put all their eggs in one basket. 

    What is search engine optimization? It’s the process of sorting your website via search engines, which is the best way for consumers to find your brand. However, there needs to be a consistent effort into improving your SEO to ensure its lasting success. Here’s why SEO is the right choice for those operating with tight marketing budgets. 

    Digital marketing value is maximized

    We’re aren’t suggesting that you pour every penny of your rainy-day fund into SEO, but if you can only spend your marketing budget on one service, SEO is the way to go! 

    What is search engine optimization? SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy that’s great for tight budgets. While improving the quality and quantity of website traffic through popular search engines, SEO targets consumers with unpaid, direct traffic methods rather than paid traffic methods, meaning that through the use of searched key terms, content is formulated shifting your website up organically to be found when phrases are typed under the search bar. Although it can take time to start ranking, the results generated bring the best possible target audience to your shop front. 

    Another great element that makes SEO valuable is that it doesn’t require you to pay for advertising space or clicks. In fact, it can be free if you have the skills and time to do so. That said, if you’re skeptical about SEO strategy, you can work with an SEO strategist to make appealing changes to the website for a set budget. 

    Want to look further into the benefits of SEO for business? 

    The beauty of SEO is that it’s accessible for all. Instead of paying for traditional advertising, time is taken to formulate content that follows SEO basics, which is a greater value for your business long-term. 

    Here are a few reasons why you should find room for SEO in your marketing budget: 

    • It offers a greater opportunity for customers to find your website organically
    • It helps to create a trustworthy web experience for all
    • It encourages businesses to place a greater focus on user experience
    • It helps to improve brand awareness
    • It’s easier to conduct with a wide range of budgets
    • It’s easy to track
    • It benefits a variety of other marketing initiatives

    Are you convinced yet? Drop a comment below if you have any SEO-related questions.

    How to promote your services online as a home contractor

    With the housing market booming these past few years the need for home improvement projects has skyrocketed, as has digital marketing for small businesses. With homeowners undertaking complete or partial renovations in place of having a holiday, home maintenance services such as HVAC, roofing, electrical, plumbing, and/or landscaping, need to be taking a more aggressive marketing approach to their promotion. After all, these projects need a professional home contractor and the best place for homeowners to search for reputable companies is online. 

    Update your website

    When promoting home contracting services, your website should be where you start first. After all, why rely on word-of-mouth representation when you’re living at the peak of a digital era? While there are potential customers that enjoy visiting a physical brick-and-mortar store to get the feel of a company and ask their face-to-face questions, most prefer websites as a hub for their first glance at a service. So, if you’re a home contractor who’s offering up your tradesmen services, consider creating a website or simply updating the one you have. We recommend going beyond an online portfolio to ensure that your site is equipped with the tools that allow you to promote your specialized skills. Added pages containing your mission statement, a bit about your team and how the company started, and an up-to-date blog with topics surrounding your industry are great ways to add content to your website and instill trust with consumers. Don’t forget to have a reviews page as well highlighted prominently on your website!

    In terms of digital marketing for small businesses, there’s a lot an agency can do for your website. A professional content writer and/or search engine optimization (SEO) expert can work together to ensure your website’s copy is engaging, click-worthy, and gaining traction and traffic with a variety of other services like email marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, which link back to your website. 

    Boost your online presence and traffic

    Although simply having a website is better than nothing, as a home contractor that is competing in a heavily saturated market, you need ways for your potential clients to pick you out of the vast competition. To stand out in your industry, digital marketing services like SEO and PPC campaign must come into play. While an SEO campaign optimizes your website by producing relevant content and important links, a PPC campaign allows you to display ads on search engines. Together these types of campaigns allow you to rank, and with every successful click comes an opportunity to get noticed and gain business. Ultimately, if coordinated professional, both digital marketing strategies will help to increase your online visibility and website traffic.  

    Employ email marketing and social media marketing

    Ask an e-commerce business and they will tell you that both email marketing and social media marketing have proven to be effective and beneficial to their businesses. That said, as a home contractor, you likely already have lists of past and current clients. As such, you can use them to create a list that can then be selected wherever you want to offer promotions, describe new services offered, or simply wish them a healthy and happy New Year! On the other hand, an up-to-date social media platform also has its perks. We recommend managing a Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn account and utilizing them for business all while showcasing the more edgy side of your company. Post ongoing or finished projects, highlight members of your team, and network with potential clients all with your smartphone in hand. 

    The key to promoting your tradesman services is through digital marketing for small businesses. Consider the marketing strategies recommended above or contact a member of our sales team to look at other means for boosting your profits.

    What type of home contracting business do you own and/or operate? Let’s compare in the comments section below. 

    How to write the ultimate email subject lines

    Professional writers and digital marketing professionals know the importance of email subject lines. However, for those that write dozens of emails as a method of daily communication, it can be easy to forget its importance before clicking send. Since the subject line determines how quickly a recipient responds, either by opening, reading, or purchasing, reaching out to potential clients needs to be approached with the utmost care. Continue reading for nine tips to writing email subject lines, whether for email marketing, customer service responses, or beyond. 

    Tip #1: Write your email subject lines first

    While attempting to articulate virtual communication, it’s super easy to forget the subject once the email is written and proofread. That said, when email subject lines are forgotten, those emails are much more likely to go unread or get lost in spam/promotions folders. When crafting a new email, from the moment you click create, you have an intention on what you’re writing, so before anything else is jotted down, consider the subject line as your first task. 

    Tip #2: Keep it short and to the point 

    Email is one of the modern forms of communication and its intention is to professionally pass along information quickly and concisely. That’s why it’s important to keep your email subject short and punchy. Since a typical email inbox will reveal about 60 characters, use this space to get right to the point in about six to eights words so that the receiver knows what the email is about without even having to click it. 

    Tip #3: Be sure to place the most important words at the beginning

    When receivers will glace at their inboxes some will read through every email, others will look for key phrases to catch their attention or pass up on opening emails until later. That’s why bold email subject lines are so important. Since many other e-commerce businesses are sending their emails at the same optimal open times, you can squash out competition for sales by working hard to create a compelling email header. 

    Tip #4: Tap out the filler words

    While we always encourage writers to take punctuation and grammar seriously, when it comes to writing email subject lines, don’t waste time by writing unnecessary filler words like “hello”, “thanks”, or “nice to meet you”. You can save that for the email if it absolutely must be there. 

    Tip #5: Be clear and specific about the topic

    Many business owners will attempt to draw in their audience by using misleading email subject lines, and we do not believe this practice demonstrates trust with the consumer. In fact, we think building a strong foundation relationship is far more important, which is why writing clear, specific headlines will draw the right attention from the right people. 

    Tip #6: Consider the keywords you’re using for search filtering

    People that readily use their emails may have filters and/or folders set up to manage their inboxes, which is why you can harness this narrative by including keywords related to your topic that can easily be searchable later on. After all, even if your sale or product alert isn’t applicable anymore if an email receiver wants a reminder or your business, whatever the reason, shouldn’t you make it as easy as possible for them to find you down the road?

    Tip #7: Mention deadlines 

    Whether you’re inviting your email list to take advantage of an upcoming sale or announcing an item in your online store that’s available for pre-order, if your message has any deadlines, be sure to consider them in the subject line. Not only does this express a sense of urgency but it will have to avoid the pitfall of a user thinking they’ve missed out simply because of your lack of communication. 

    Tip #8: Avoid using all caps

    Some e-commerce business owners think that capped words are a great means for getting the attention they deserve, but we’re here to explain why this method in email subject lines sends off the wrong impression. It’s the digital equivalent of yelling! Since no one enjoys being yelled at, we recommend that you utilize dashes, colons, and/or exclamation points to separate any thoughts and avoid using full capped words. 

    Tip #9: Reword your work

    Like anything you write, always remember to reread over your email subject lines before they’re sent out. One of the biggest, and avoidable, mistakes you can make is copying and pasting for a large group of receivers, but forgetting to change the same or tailor the copy for each reader on the other end. Do yourself a favor and don’t be in a rush or you risk looking unprofessional and careless.

    While we don’t currently offer a service to write email subject lines for every email that a client wants to send, we do offer an email marketing service, which aside from a great design filled with content, our team member also creates a header and/or subject line using all of the above tips. 

    Do you have any other email subject lines’ tips? Drop them in the comments section below to share with our readers. 

    Important digital marketing tips for promoting Boxing Day sales

    Since Boxing Day is just a few nights of sleep away, we recommend bookmarking this blog and reviewing it next summer so that you can sort through its contents, pull some ideas, and prepare your holiday digital marketing strategy a few months in advance. After all, the holiday season really starts at the beginning of November, which means that you need to find ways to attract shoppers early for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Boxing Day, and beyond. 

    Competition is high during the holiday season, making it challenging to promote your brand to stand out from the rest. However, with a well-developed digital marketing strategy, you’ll be well on your way to boosting traffic, conversions, and revenue using the following various channels and techniques

    Launch some shopping ads

    If your e-commerce business sells physical products it’s important to launch a shopping campaign as part of your digital strategy. Shopping ad campaigns help give customers a presentation of your products along with prices and offered discounts. These types of ads are also visible on search engine result pages, making it easier to attract targeted traffic to your website. That said, we recommend that you start your ad campaigns at least a few weeks before the holiday you’re targeting (for example, December 1 would be a good deadline to set if you want to launch a Boxing Day ad campaign). 

    Create engaging copy

    While there are a variety of ways to bring traffic to your website during the holiday season, festive copywriting is a great way to stand out when competition is high. Whether you choose to put new content right on your homepage, under the description of your products and/or services, or through your social accounts, it’s important to write copy that ties in with the holiday season, and if you can, include sales and discount information as well. 

    If you want to go the extra mile you can also take the time to design a landing page to match. Not only will this boost Boxing Day sales, but it will offer page users a place to click that leads them directly to the holiday hype. Plus, there are many ways to make the landing page appealing by opting to have promotional rewards and offers, a beautifully designed banner, and even a countdown clock to show urgency and prompt visitors to take advantage of a time-sensitive discount. 

    Set up remarketing campaigns

    It can be challenging to boost your sales during the holiday season when many other businesses are doing are attempting to do the same. That’s why you need to recapture the people who have shown interest in your products or services before. Remarketing campaigns allow you to easily advertise interested consumers while also retargeting existing customers who are likely to convert. Emails are also an effective channel to do this. Simply make a list segmentation filled with customers who have recently purchased and let them know about your Boxing Day offers! 

    *Before you run or schedule a campaign to promote holiday offers, be aware of the right time to achieve the best results from your target audience. If you need help using Google Analytics or social media insights and/or other tracking tools to promote your digital marketing strategy, Trek Marketing is here to help with your holiday planning!

    Are there any other ways that you prepare for the approaching holidays? Please drop them below to share with our readers. 

    How to create a holiday content strategy

    While it’s far too late to orchestrate a 2021 holiday season digital content strategy, there are many annual upcoming holidays where an equal amount of planning is required. That said, for this blog, we’re going to focus on the festivities to come. Between holiday baking and wrapping gifts, you should also be putting spirited cheer into your business’s content, jam-packing it full of consumer goodies that grab some of that holiday traffic. While having a digital content strategy months in advance ensures the best outcome, there are many ways that you can implement great content weeks or even days before the season begins. 

    Anticipate the season’s trends 

    The thing about holidays is that they return year after year, which means that data from previous seasons can help e-commerce business owners predict popular trends. For example, simple, accessible resources such as Google searches can tell you a lot about mobile shopping trends. With the buzz of popular holidays like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and Boxing Day, mobile traffic is likely to increase due to people trying to avoid the crowds. This means that your digital content strategy should be catering towards making shopping convenient. This could include sending out an email or social media message advertising a pre-holiday sale or an add-to-cart discount that encourages consumers to buy more to receive a larger deal. 

    That said, how else can analyzing past trends help you with your digital content strategy?

    • Allows you to prepare pages, blogs, or other types of content that’s optimized for mobile searches
    • Email marketing and social media marketing can take a bit of time to prepare which is why it’s important to launch your discounts with ample time to take advantage of them.
    • Cater to users that are searching for holiday gifts and be sure you advertise them taking into account shipping waits. 

    Ask your audience

    In some cases, there might not be enough data on your industry to plan a successful digital content strategy. If this is the case for you, we recommend asking your audience what they want. 

    Marketing research requires time and resources, which is why many small businesses opt to spend their time targeting what their audience wants based on what their audience has asked for. 

    The best way to grab hold of their answers is through surveys that ask indirect questions like:

    • What’s your #1 concern going into this holiday season?
    • How are you planning for the holidays this year?
    • What are you most looking forward to during this holiday season?
    • How could our brand make your holidays run smoother?
    • What’s your best holiday memory?

    The goal of these questions is to get a feel for your audience’s goals, concerns, interests, and struggles and find innovative ways for your product or service to solve them. 

    Audit existing content

    If you don’t have the resources to create new content, you can audit existing content by updating it. This is only possible if you’re a more established business that has published holiday-related content before and you simply want to update it so that it applies to a new shopping season. For example, if you wrote a blog that was entitled, “2020 gift guide” it would be easy enough to change it to “2021 gift guide” and simply add some new products and then hit publish. 

    We do recommend that new business owners write fresh content on their own or hire a professional copywriter to handle the challenge of creating engaging content with traffic potential.

    What other methods do you use when preparing your digital content strategy? Please drop feedback in the comments section below.