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    Grow your business online with these digital marketing services

    The right digital marketing investment will help your e-commerce business grow and while all of the services that Trek Marketing provides are beneficial to an expanding company, depending on the industry, some offer better value to start. Read through the brief descriptions we’ve provided below and let us know which digital marketing agency services you’re interested in trying out. 

    Search engine optimization (SEO) 

    SEO is a digital marketing practice that’s designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results like Google and Bing. Because of how we discover content online, it’s important to rank high on search engines to increase traffic to a website and generate more conversions. This is a very common digital marketing agency service and is one of the first investments that growing e-commerce businesses make to gain heightened visibility on the web. That said with thousands of other pages doing the same thing, your content must be authoritative, targeted, and contain lots of searched key terms to ensure that your ranking is high and click-worthy. 

    Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

    PPC is an online marketing tool that strategizes when digital ads are based on the users (gender, age, location, job title, industry, education, interests, etc.). This internet advertising model encourages purchase-driven traffic to websites and only charges the business owner when the ad is clicked. What makes this digital marketing agency service worthwhile is that allows you to keep control over your campaign costs, specifically target an audience, and create a high engagement among those who would be most likely to use your product or service.  

    Email marketing 

    By sending out emails to a list of contacts who have been permitted to receive communication from you, your business can create and drive sales by tracking personalized or automated e-newsletters. Whether you have the experience to utilize the drag-and-drop editor feature or prefer to dig through real-time reports, email marketing is simple, effective, and a great way to connect with your customers. 

    Social media marketing (SMM)

    SMM allows businesses to use the power of multiple social media platforms to connect with their audience. By building brand awareness, companies can market products and services, increase sales, drive web traffic, or simply create a community that leverages popular channels to establish a brand following. Not only does SMM give businesses a great opportunity to follow consumer activities but it also helps them to give valuable insight into the likes, dislikes, and interests of their buyers so that they can create a better, more attractive marketing strategy. 

    Blogging and content creation

    While these two digital marketing agency services are very inter-connected, there are also some distinct differences between them. While a business blog is a section on a website that consists of informative, diary-style text entries that are typically published on an ongoing schedule, content creation is the process of generating other types of written and published text from topic ideas that appeal to your buying persona. Copy is then placed to bulk up website text and assist with driving traffic through SEO practices.

    Do you need help with any or all of the above digital marketing agency services? If you want immediate assistance, please drop a comment below and someone from our sales team will be in touch with you.

    How to use digital marketing to get leads for your real estate business

    Not so long ago, online real estate marketing was a nice-to-have asset for real estate professionals. However, times have changed and businesses that don’t invest in their digital portfolios risk falling behind their competitors. As technology continues to govern our lives, our reliance on it will only continue to grow. Thus, the best way to ensure that your leads continue to grow alongside your company is to work with a digital marketing agency that understands how important clicks can be. 

    Take advantage of geo-fencing 

    What’s geo-fencing you ask? It’s a virtual perimeter for a real-world geographic area. This location-based technology allows business owners, in this case, real estate agents and/or companies, to hone in on a target audience based on location. Since a huge majority of prospective home sellers and buyers use their mobile phones to search for real estate, “geo-fencing” is an effective way to deliver relevant messages to the right people. How your campaign works are by precisely targeting a radius around a specific location, which makes it easy for smartphone audiences to find you based on that defined region. The region could be a small neighbourhood or an entire city, and you can also specify types of real estate such as apartments, single-family homes, and office spaces. 

    Build out your SEO strategy 

    While this digital marketing service is best used in a wide variety of industries, real estate marketing greatly benefits from an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. That said, because location is such a key factor in selling something like real estate, local SEO is important when formulating your business goals. For example, it’s essential to rank for local search terms like “best real estate agent” and “homes for sale near me” as these are common phrases that clients type in search consoles to find their ideal agent and/or open houses. 

    Here are some other ways to utilize SEO in your real estate marketing:  

    • Create and optimize a Google Business Profile
    • Regularly write and publish content through that profile
    • Build backlinks from professional and general directories
    • Gain reviews on Google, Facebook, and Yelp

    Social media harnesses huge power 

    When it comes to online selling, social media platforms are a goldmine, especially for those looking to generate real estate leads. This is because many active homebuyers are from the generational group who regularly use social media. So, by leveraging the power of popular channels, your real estate marketing can easily reach the audience that currently dominates the market. 

    Below are some ways we suggest;

    • Research relevant hashtags and use them to optimize your social content
    • Use your accounts to educate buyers
    • Chat with your followers and answer their comments
    • Promote amenities and neighbourhoods, not just the house
    • Share your real estate success stories
    • Consider utilizing video as part of your social strategy

    Real estate marketing is rapidly growing, how are you going to remain relevant in a heavily saturated industry? Drop a comment below to let us know.

    Cyber security concerns in the world of digital marketing

    The significance of cyber security is seemingly more notable in this ever-growing digital world we live in. Yet despite the surge in online shopping, many businesses and shoppers are unprepared to deal with vulnerabilities. As the world of e-commerce and digital marketing expand hand-in-hand, the opportunity for attacks becomes more prominent. Listed below are three prevalent concerns where businesses could greatly benefit from professional cyber security services

    #1: Malware and remote access to customer relationship management (CRM)

    Cyberattackers target CRM software to access personal and financial information about employees, customers, and vendors. Not only does this cause irreparable damage to a brand’s image, but it also exposes weakness in the system. A CRM is where businesses store the majority of their private data, which is why it’s essential to stay ahead of hackers by testing for security weaknesses before they’re exposed. This will help to build meaningful customer relationships and grow your company revenue. 

    While building a secure website should begin in the development stage, stricter security measures may be needed later as well. However, are there any things you can do to maintain cyber security in-house? Be sure that any software you download comes from trusted sources and partners and always log out of CRM when you’re not actively using it. 

    #2: Phishing and email marketing

    Email-based attacks have increased in frequency since the rise of this digital marketing service, but even more so since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, where businesses saw an increase in new, organic, online traffic. 

    For those who’re unfamiliar with the terminology, phishing is a word that’s used when hackers pose as real businesses and send malicious emails to people to trick them into revealing financial information, system credentials, or other sensitive data. In this regard, business owners must remain aware of email phishing tactics while email users avoid strange requests for information. 

    #3: Fraud and social media marketing

    Social media is one of the many elements that make up the bread and butter of the digital marketing industry. As such there are cyber security concerns around attacks where hackers are impersonating businesses or deploying ransomware—a type of malware that threatens to publish the victim’s personal data and block access to it unless a ransom is paid. 

    Businesses should aim to enhance their cyber security by opting for services that bolster incident response plans. This could include stronger, diverse passwords that differ from other programs and applications and the use of 2-factor authentication (2FA). 

    Have you been a victim of cybercrime? Drop a comment below to share your experience. 

    PPC vs. SEO: Which provides more value?

    While all digital marketing services have their purpose, there may be a route to take that’s more suited for your business. When it comes to PPC and SEO, more digital marketing services are strategic and possess the power to generate traffic and conversions. That said, before you decide whether one or both is more suited to your needs, you have to understand what they do and their pros and cons. 

    What’s Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)?

    Known most often as PPC, this digital marketing service uses targeted advertising to buy visits to your website. Business owners pay a fee every time someone clicks one of their ads—the cost varies depending on where the ad is placed (Google, Facebook, etc.) and your budgeted monthly ad spend—which is leveraged by search engine traffic or by bidding for keywords related to the products or services you’re selling. 

    What are some advantages of PPC?

    • This digital marketing service is known to produce quick results. Once your campaign is launched, you should see an uptick in traffic, clicks, and conversions. 
    • PPC is easily controlled. Business owners set a budget with a goal of how many leads they hope to get in return. 
    • You don’t need to worry about search engine algorithms when you use PPC because you aren’t trying to obtain an organic position. You bid for your spot!
    • PPC allows you to easily target potential customers based on keyword searches, their geography, and even the time of day. This cannot be done with organic traffic.
    • These types of campaigns allow visuals in addition to text. This can help a user to be more inclined to click on the advertisement, which increases the average click-through rate. 

    What are some disadvantages of PPC? 

    • It usually costs more than SEO to get good results, as some keywords have higher price points than others. 
    • The research required to know which keywords to target is time-consuming, on top of managed ad spend and measuring returns.
    • PPC only remains effective while you’re paying for it. Unlike SEO which continues to draw in traffic as a long-lasting method, the minute you stop your PPC campaigns to divert the budget elsewhere, potential customers won’t be able to find your site the same way. 
    • Click fraud is a problem that occurs when companies use manual clicks or damaging software to simulate human clicks from various IP addresses. This will rapidly increase your cost. 

    The best way to maximize and manage your PPC campaigns is to hire a specialist whose primary responsibility is to research and implement money-generating ads.

    What’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

    As one of the most common digital marketing services, SEO is all about optimizing your web pages to get them to rank higher in search engine results. This enables search spiders to understand your web pages and rank them above your competitors. Keep in mind that search engines like Google are consistently changing their algorithm to provide more helpful content to their visitors, which can affect your rankings if you aren’t on top of these new requirements. While cultivating inbound links from other sites dictates your “link authority” elements like blogging, social media marketing, and videos are other ways to effectively use your quality links. 

    What are some advantages of SEO?

    • This digital marketing service is cost-effective and is incredibly budget-friendly to set up and manage. 
    • Organic SEO is completed with long-lasting intention, meaning that when it’s properly optimized with good link authority, your site can continue to rank even if you step away from it for a few weeks.
    • SEO helps to build credibility and trust.

    What are some disadvantages of SEO?

    • When compared with PPC, SEO is a much slower process, as it can take months to start seeing results.
    • SEO is ongoing. Your site will never be 100% optimized so it will require continued work to reap the rewards of higher rankings.
    • SEO is very time-consuming.

    The best way to maximize and manage your SEO campaigns is to hire a specialist whose primary responsibility is to research trending keywords, write authoritative copy, and gain valuable backlinks.

    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing, which is why the answer to the which provides more value depends on you. If you have the budget, a PPC campaign will offer you the fastest results. However, if a longer timeline is something you had in mind, SEO efforts achieve some of the best results and return over time. Either way, Trek Marketing can help get your digital campaigns launched! 

    Which of the two digital marketing services has proven better for your business? Let us know in the comments section below. 

    4 ways to measure digital marketing success

    Your website is part of the consumer journey, which means there’s a strong need to measure its efficiency. Digital marketing success relies heavily on a brand’s ability to sell online and maximize return-on-investment (ROI). While clicks do possess some power to provide companies with insight into how their efforts are being recognized in digital advertising, there are many more in-depth metrics that point to digital marketing effectiveness. 

    By the overall site traffic 

    While you can measure site traffic in a few ways, Google Analytics is a great free tool that helps business owners to monitor their site’s performance to know which digital marketing efforts are working best for their campaigns. Not only does examining overall traffic to a website give you an idea of how many visitors are stopping by, but Google Analytics also allows you to filter by day, time of day, click-through rates, conversions, session time, the source of the traffic, and even offers you insight into if the users are new or returning. This enables business owners to view a more complete picture of their web traffic allowing them to tweak website goals and the purchase cycle of the consumer. Understanding your campaigns better can also allow conversions, traffic, and sales to grow as you continue to target returning customers and better target the first-time consumer.

    By mobile traffic

    Much of your website’s digital traffic is likely coming from mobile devices. Because of this modern-day trend, it’s essential that you know the percentage of users accessing your site via mobile and whether or not it demands more attention. Mobile traffic metrics teach business owners how many users are accessing their sites via mobile and can even break down by demographics such as age, location, and gender. You must examine how long each user is active on the site and compare it with your non-mobile traffic to determine where users are most engaged and work towards enhancing those experiences. 

    By traffic sources

    All of your outgoing campaigns should be tagged to allow for easy examination by traffic sources to your site. This means that whether you’re sending an email, leaving a blog live on your website, or posting through your social channels, everything will be trackable back to its source. Things like keywords, what websites users are coming from, and search traffic percentage are all sources that can be highlighted by your marketing efforts, allowing you to know where to allocate future funds for digital marketing strategies.

    By time spent per visit

    With easy access to viewing the average time that each user spends on a site, businesses can learn more about their content’s engagement. The longer users spend on pages they’re viewing, the more likely they’re to enjoy the content and the experience offered on your website. Ultimately, taking the time to measure this metric will allow you to understand how your campaigns are performing and provide you with a deeper insight into how your digital marketing strategies are co-existing overall. 

    Are your digital marketing strategies measured by any of the above metrics? Do you know of some other resources that business owners can use? Please drop a comment below and tell us your thoughts.

    How to make your social campaigns more festive for St. Patrick’s Day

    While St. Patrick’s Day was first celebrated as a means of commemorating Christianity in Ireland, it has since evolved into a celebration of culture and heritage everywhere. Whether you enjoy grabbing a pint of Guinness, eating up some bangers and mash, or simply indulging in the traditional sound of Celtic music, the holiday is a great way to engage and entertain your audience with vibrant marketing ideas. Here are a few that we recommend if your social campaigns are lacking festive assets. 

    Run a promotion where customers can save some “green”  

    If you’ve been looking for a great way to segway into a sale, St. Patrick’s Day could be your business’s perfect opportunity. Not only is this festive occasion super lucky, but since it’s one where gifts aren’t needed, it’s a time where shoppers can reward themselves instead. One of the easiest ways to advertise an upcoming promotion is via social media. Whether you want to create and share a St. Patrick’s Day graphic or advertise a product that also happens to be green, there are many ways that your business can keep your audience engaged (and entertained!). 

    If you aren’t confident in your ability to shamrock-and-roll a brilliant St. Patrick’s Day campaign, Trek Marketing can assist you will your social media marketing management for this holiday and any upcoming events. 

    Host a St. Patrick’s Day giveaway or contest 

    Everyone loves a good freebie! As a business owner, contests are a great way to engage with your audience and gain train that will increase your following. While advertising your giveaway on your website is bound to create hype, we also recommend sending out an email and posting about it on your social channels for quicker and easier exposure.

    Your social media marketing management team will encourage you to include some rules that are directly beneficial for your business such as: must be following all social media accounts, must like and save social media posts, must comment and tag friends on social media posts to gain entries, and for additional entries, please share the post on stories. This creates the ultimate traction among all applicants and gives their friends an option to follow you as well. Be sure to also include contest dates and let followers know that unfollowing the account(s) will exclude them from future giveaways. 

    Post behind-the-scenes photos and videos

    Whether you take a few snaps of your team packaging post-promo orders or a couple of clips of your warehouse, these types of behind-the-scenes content give customers a better understanding of how you coordinate your business, helping to build strong relationships with customers and leads. This is especially important whenever there are holidays and you can show off your festive workspace! 

    Harness the power of “reactions” on Facebook

    There was a time when users could only select “like” on Facebook content, however, now there are six additional ways that they can respond: “love”, “angry”, “haha”, “wow”, “sad”, and more recently, “care”. These reaction buttons harness a lot of value for businesses as they allow brands to gauge the interest or feelings about how their followers are reacting to a particular topic. If you’re finding lots of “angry” or “haha” reactions to relevant, important content, perhaps it’s time to consider social media marketing management in your strategy budget. 

    Which of the following suggestions did you find most useful for the upcoming holidays? Drop a comment below and let us know.

    How to market for the travel industry

    Are you ready to get your digital marketing efforts recognized within the travel industry? If so, you aren’t alone. With spring quickly approaching people are starting to research and book their yearly travel plans. This means that you need to be ready for those searching for cheap travel deals, flights, and hotels. Here are some ideas on how you can win over consumers.

    Monitor search stats

    Leisure travellers go on a couple of trips per year, which means they must do regular research before those vacations can be booked. Each month, search engines such as Google and Bing see millions of searches using keyword varieties pertaining to many types of travel. 

    Here are some that have proven to be most popular:

    • Airline tickets
    • Airline reservations
    • Hotel and motel reservations
    • Vacation packages
    • Car Rentals
    • Cruises

    Since most customers plan ahead when booking a trip, it’s important that you plan your digital marketing strategies well in advance. Whether you manage an airline, a luggage company, or hotel digital marketing, all efforts should be catering to months ahead, while also considering last-minute travellers. 

    Understand the customer journey

    While it would be great if shoppers searched for a travel-related keyword, saw your paid search ad, clicked, and immediately purchased, the reality is that each customer journey is far more complex than that. In fact, one person may have hundreds of interactions with travel brands while researching a single trip. 

    Here are four key moments where you should aim to win over your customers using your chosen digital marketing strategies:

    • The dream stage: This is where those who are thinking about planning a trip find ideas and inspiration on where to go and what to do. While it isn’t easy to capture conversions during the dream stage, you can make an impact that will help them to consider your product or service when it’s the booking stage. 
    • The organizing stage: Once people get past the dream stage, the organization stage is where they’re in deep consideration mode. The destination has been selected and the next steps are choosing a hotel or airline to book, often based on location, cost, and timing. While there’s not much you can do to change the cost and timing as an airline, with hotel digital marketing, you can amp up your creativeness to excite shoppers about your location. 
    • The booking stage: Now that customers have made their decision, they’re ready to make reservations. This would be a great time to upsell your other services. For example, if you operate a hotel, perhaps tour packages, room upgrades, dinner reservations, and/or massage packages would be options to market at this point. 
    • The experience stage: Tied into the booking stage, the experience stage is where you have an opportunity to offer further interactions with your customers. Whether this is a further chance to upsell a service, offering a discount for a later time, or waiting until the service has been performed and asking for a review, the experience should never go overlooked. 

    After two years of limited travel through a global pandemic, people are thinking more and more about how they will be using up their vacation time. By understanding the above key moments you can influence the customer journey and increase your digital marketing conversions.

    Target the right audience

    The demographics of your target audience should be a strong consideration in your digital marketing efforts. Whether your product and/or service caters to families, seniors, or women versus men, things like age and income are also very important. For example, if your hotel wants to promote family travel, we recommend targeting women between the ages of 35 to 49. This is because they’re often the ones doing most of the research and booking. Also, be sure to write your ads or other hotel digital marketing efforts from the perspective of the buyer person to create emotion that will encourage clicks and conversions. 

    Is your business ready to welcome travellers again? Drop a comment below to share your plan with us. 

    Why is email marketing so important for small businesses?

    While email marketing for small businesses differs from email marketing that’s used by large corporations, it’s equally strategic. You start by setting goals, picking the necessary tools to determine your target audience, building a list of tactics, optimizing, formating, creating, and scheduling your content. The only defining detail that separates each email marketing strategy is the tactics used to do all of the above and the scale at which it is done.

    How can small businesses take advantage of email marketing? 

    If you haven’t already, as a small e-commerce business, you need to start reaping the benefits of email marketing. This digital service allows companies to build trust with local customers and is a huge advantage that they can hold above larger corporations who fail to resonate within these smaller communities. That said, transparency and honesty with your clientele are key, which is why unsolicited or generic emails will easily lose ground in favour of more modern approaches. 

    Before you can plunge into sending emails, you must first get customers to subscribe and agree to be a part of your email list. Not only is this a requirement for legal purposes but it allows you to ensure that your list is filled with potential buyers that are interested in your products and brand. To capture lots of emails, be sure to make the signup easy to find with minimal steps involved. While growing your list might take time, this will allow you to prepare your digital marketing goals and speak with an agency that offers email marketing services. Professional email marketing will ensure that your newsletters are of higher quality and filled with exclusive, eye-catching content to promote your brand and assert you as a knowledgeable member of your industry. Instead of screaming for attention, you’re strategically generating a buzz that helps to cement strong customer relationships. 

    How do small businesses measure email marketing success?

    There are many ways that a small business measures the effectiveness of its campaigns. Success rates can be measured with several metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, time spent on pages, and conversion rates. You should keep track of the number of emails that get marked as spam and also those that are forwarded. Then, compare that with the number of emails that were deleted before or after they were opened. All of these metrics yield valuable insights for future emails and further develop your email marketing strategy. 

    How do you improve the efficiency of your email marketing?

    Many effective methods ensure email marketing success, including:

    • Optimize emails for good display on mobile phones
    • Create a schedule for sending emails and adjust it according to metrics 
    • Cater content to a targeted audience
    • Divide your mailing list into segments and build tactics to appeal to each audience
    • Test your emails before sending them
    • Monitor their performance reports and develop ongoing changes to your email marketing strategy

    Do you have any more questions about email marketing for your small business? Drop a comment below for a prompt response.

    Will you be trying these 3 digital marketing consumer trends?

    Every year we experience revolutionary digital marketing trends that help to lay a foundation for the future of online advertising. That said, after two groundbreaking years for online shopping, 2022 is only expected to continue the rise with social shopping adding to the momentum. With these new and exciting developments to the digital world, it has become more important than ever to ensure that your business is communicating with its audience. Listed below are three of the key digital marketing consumer trends to be mindful of in 2022. 

    Work on creating some short, punchy videos

    Whether you’re more familiar with YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, it’s clear that the landscape of social media has shifted in favour of short and punchy video posts. Since it would be challenging to ensure that your business is relevant across all of the above platforms, we recommend selecting one or two to focus on. Short videos zero in on our fast-paced way of life, which is a direct reflection of the way we consume content. Digital content needs to possess a simple message while also presenting content that’s engaging by asking consumers to participate; examples include the start of a viral dance move, a challenge, or a survey, but at the very least, encourages them to leave a comment. The best thing about these types of social videos is that all business owners have access to creating content like this with the help of their smartphones. Start by filming a few candid videos of your business, some behind-the-scenes, DIY, and other unpolished videos by using the apps to crop, create, and add audio to make it more appealing to your target audience. 

    Ensure that your content is telling a story

    This recurring digital marketing trend is key for a brand looking to market new and existing products. E-commerce selling in the modern landscape requires business owners to dig deep, believe in their products and/or services, and continuously show why what they offer is between than the competition. Part of your delivery should involve some form of storytelling, whether it be debunking myths about your industry, explaining how the product solves consumer problems, or showcasing testimonials through your social stories. While these efforts might not result in direct sales, they’re a great way for brands to put consumer needs at the front and center! 

    Exhibit privacy, transparency, and trust-building 

    Digital marketing trends are at an all-time high, which means that online advertising is also in overload. This means that more consumers than ever are concerned with the interaction that can happen with suspicious content. This is why it’s important to prepare your business for tighter privacy restrictions that may alter the way that they can track users’ behaviour. On that note, Google announced its curtailing of third-party cookies by 2023, which means that many marketers are going to be forced to reevaluate their strategies. While this is not the end of data-driven content, it could be the end of targeted advertising, with a new era springing forth in the trust and transparency between company and consumer. 

    Be sure that as a business you’re communicating with customers about the data that you collect and what it’s used for. This makes it easy for consumers to opt-out if they want which formulates a great foundation for a customer relationship. 

    Which of the above digital marketing trends would suit your business best? Drop a comment below to share.

    How to create attractive and engaging content

    Content marketing has quickly become a strategic approach for businesses looking to share valuable and relevant information with customers within their industry. While it may be easy to share content on your blog, social media accounts, and through email, developing great content that stands out on a consistent basis to your audience is the only way to develop your content marketing strategy. Listed below are some steps you can take to help your produce content that will reach and engage with your target consumer. 

    Know your audience

    Identifying your target audience allows you to look beyond the basics. Things like their demographics, psychographics, and behaviours help to understand the type of content that may interest them. Content creators visualize their audience before adapting marketing personas that help to establish a composite of the reader. Whether it’s the topic of a blog, a social media post, or an email, knowing your audience before creating the content will do wonders in attracting them to it. 

    Ensure that your headline is powerful 

    The headline of your blog, social media post, or email is the hook that catches and lures in the customer. While it needs to be consistent with the information that you want to present, it should also exhibit actionable keywords that help with your search engine optimization (SEO) while also utilizing language that’s attractive to the audience. 

    Tell a story

    Part of creating engaging content is using a series of words to tell a story. You shouldn’t just jump into your piece without first setting the stage nor should you simply stop writing because you’ve reached your minimum word count (unless it’s a social post, of course). All content should have a beginning, middle, and end if you’re hoping to attract and engage with your audience.  

    Provide useful information that’s quick to read

    Online shoppers are time-crunched and may have just come across your digital marketing efforts while aimlessly perusing the web. All that matters to them at that moment is what your content is doing to educate, inform, or entertain them. Many customers are consuming content while on the go, in short spurts of time between other activities. Be sure to use simple words, write direct sentences, and use an active voice in your content. 

    Are you in need of a content creator? Trek Marketing offers a wide range of digital marketing services that work to develop your business’s content. 

    What type of content attracts you as an online shopper? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.