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    Social media marketing mistakes to avoid

    social media marketing tips

    social media marketing tips

    Social media is a terrific medium to develop and promote brand identity, but it’s different than how you maintain your personal pages.

    If you post inconsistently, post everything on your mind or even occasionally use colourful language, there are social media marketing tips you should adhere too for professional content. Learn which mistakes to avoid, so that consumers and fans continue to follow and share your stories and photos.

    Lack of direction

    It may take some time for you to find your voice and what types of posts result in the most engagement. Remember that’s okay. Followers like your company for a reason and they’re going to expect similar comfortability and familiarity with your online persona. First you need to determine your style (informative, fun, formal or casual) and themes (guest posts, news or behind the scenes videos). If it’s gaining attention then stick with it, but if it’s lacking try to keep at it until you find what helps define you.

    Absentee admins

    We’ve all seen pages that clearly have little to no administration. If any original content is posted, it’s usually because there is an autopilot setting and the rest of the time content is off-topic or offensive.

    When you’re reviewing ideas for how to use Twitter or how to use Pinterest for business keep in mind that you need someone to be in charge of those accounts. Whether it’s one person’s job or a rotating team, make sure that they are monitoring your content, skimming the comments and replying to any personal messages. These tasks will ensure your social media pages will not lose any following.

    Avoiding or erasing negative feedback

    No one likes negative reviews or comments, but they’re relatively impossible to avoid because you can’t please everyone. However, one of the most important social media marketing tips you can follow is to remember not to delete them this feedback or respond aggressively. An August 2017 report on the relationship between social media and customer service found that 65% of followers look towards social media channels for customer service and are more likely to continue patronising a company if there is timely communication.

    The most important thing you can do is respond to all comments maturely, professionally and civilly, regardless of how strong-minded the review or complaint is. If comments are harassing, threatening or abusive, then of course remove them – only after documenting and reporting them.

    Making it solely about you

    Social media is all about communicating, so treat it the same way that you would a face-to-face conversations. Don’t lose focus and remember you’re promoting your company on these pages. You should also be creating dialogue with consumers, rather than only concentrating on your products in a salesy way. Try to utilize interactive social media ideas (such as linking to posts) so that followers truly feel connected.

    You won’t have to worry about marketing mistakes with us in charge of your social media content. Let our social media marketing services help you produce memorable, shareable posts that lead to increased traffic and sales!

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