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    Owned, earned or paid social media tactics

    social media marketing

     social media marketing

    When was the last time that you revamped your social media marketing strategy? While maintaining a regular posting schedule might create a small amount of traction for your brand, an intuitive update to the tactics you’re using within your social channels, especially in today’s fiercely competitive world, could help beat out your online competitors. So, before you fork over the money to have your social strategy managed, it’s important to discuss the options that you have.

    Social media tactics to consider

    Regardless of whether you’re new to the world of business or you’ve been in it for quite some time, it’s important to know the wide selection of social media tactics that you have available when you’re trying to reach your target audience. Here are a few that you may have already tried:

    • Posting at an optimal time (9 a.m. on weekdays, noon on weekdays).
    • Sharing engaging content (articles, blogs or fun facts about your industry niche).
    • Creating a conversation (asking your followers to comment or start a debate).
    • Sharing visuals (videos, memes or cartoons).
    • Creating a poll (followers like that this feature is interactive).

    Although all of the above social media tactics are a good start to get the word out about your products or services, there are some more in-depth approaches that you can also test out.

    • Social media customer service: This allows you to combat any issues a customer may be having or to promptly answer questions.
    • Utilize your photo upload sections: Whether it’s your cover photo or profile image, you can use these sections to promote sales, upgrades or discounts that are available.
    • Posting surveys: They’re easy to conduct and organize and provide you with a lot of relevant, valuable feedback.

    What’s the difference between owned, earned and paid social media tactics?

    Now that you’ve got some innovative, new social media marketing tactics, it’s time to put your ideas to good use. As a business owner, you will need to analyze your owned and earned tactics and determine if you have a budget to allow for a certain amount of paid posts as well.

    • Owned: This category of social media tactics refers to the messages that appear organically. This means that the people who follow your page will only be able to see what you post to your channels.
    • Earned: If you have established a popular following, your customers and followers may choose to share your social posts simply because they enjoy the content or because they feel the need to promote a product. You can also reach out to devoted customers and ask them to become a social influencer in exchange for some exclusive perks.
    • Paid: If it’s in your budget you can pay to boost your social posts or written content. You’re also able to pay people to influence your brand on social media if you want to gain access to their widespread following.

    Which social media tactics have worked well for your company? Share your lessons with our readers in the comments section below.

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