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    Why Is It Important to Have a Blog on Your Company Website?

    importance of having a blog

    importance of having a blog

    Have you ever asked yourself, “what can blogging really do for my company?” A regular blogging calendar can give you the opportunity to create and share relevant content that your consumers may find interesting. It can also be used as strategic marketing tool that has the ability to drive traffic back to your website.

    Needless to say, if you think of a blog as a giant advertisement, then you are in the business of writing ads and not blogs. Crafting innovative blogging content allows you to research your niche and formulate topics that your audience is passionate about.

    Reasons you need to blog:

    • To drive traffic to your website
    • To increase your SEO/SERP
    • To position your brand/voice as a leader in your industry
    • To develop better customer relationships

    Blogging should be an integral part of your online content marketing strategy, regardless if you are a small business or multinational company.

    Issues that matter  

    Humanizing your brand is one of the most important ways to reach out to your community. For example, let’s say a local school is in danger of closing down and the public is outraged. Taking action by blogging about the news can help your business connect to what’s going on and possibly even boost your website traffic in the process. Since the topic would already be trending online, sharp coverage within all your social media channels would bring attention to your service or brand and show support within your community.

    Promote a product without actually promoting it

    Blogging is an amazing tool that allows companies to promote their products using a more indirect approach.

    If you are an instrument company that focuses your energy on selling guitars, it is important to be unique when you are formulating new content for your blog. Promoting sales and new inventory all the time can become boring and outdated quickly. Instead, focus your efforts on discussing famous musicians who use a specific brand or model of guitar that you are wanting to promote. Then you can organically place links to your products or comments about your product stock throughout the article.

    The strategy here is to not always make your post an advertisement. If you focus on putting together more engaging content, audiences are more likely to read and potentially share it across their social media channels.

    The goal is to use created content as a way to connect with your audience without always bombarding them with an expectation to purchase.

    Crafting the perfect blog post can be a time consuming is task. If you’re too busy managing your business, leaving little time to write engaging content, Trek Marketing can help launch your blog. To find out how we can help, contact us at [email protected].

    How has your company benefited from blogging? Tell us in the comments section below.

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