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    How to market your website’s Cyber Monday sale

    cyber monday sale

    Every business wants to capitalize on holidays that have a crazy shopping demand, which is why the weeks leading up to Cyber Monday and the holiday season are where many e-commerce companies see an influx in purchases. While it’s never too late to re-work your holiday digital marketing strategy, the sooner you start making changes, the sooner you will be able to see the results. 

    Send out emails to create a buzz of interest 

    If your business is planning to host a Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday sale, we recommend sending a couple of emails for each of your outreach sequences. Often subscribers will see new promotions show up in their inboxes, but it may take some different type of copy to entice them to click over another potential shopper. So, if email one doesn’t do the trick, there’s further opportunity throughout your promotion to reach your target audience. 

    What are some ways that you can get a higher response to your sales email?

    • Write a strong subject line
    • Avoid using spammy words such as “final” or “reminder”
    • Include relevant copy in the body
    • Add a call-to-action (CTA) in the closing copy
    • Include a professional signature and/or logo 

    Update your social profiles to notify followers 

    While posting a custom image on your social feeds the week before your promotion is a good incentive for followers to engage, if you really want to notify your target audience that a big sale is approaching, consider developing a holiday digital marketing strategy which would include a lengthy countdown to the big event. So, in terms of BF, SBS, and CM, you should start advertising for this weekend-long sale by November 20th, but preparing your materials now. 

    Here are some effective ways to drive up your sales using social media: 

    • Use a variety of social channels
    • Create content that isn’t too salesy or pushy
    • Make it easy to purchase right from your social posts
    • Create a sense of brand awareness by pre-posting about your promotions
    • Utilize channel specialties (I.e. Instagram stories and shoppable posts)

    Strengthen your SEO to increase organic traffic 

    Search engine optimization (SEO) should be an essential element in your holiday digital marketing strategy. Since the majority of consumers are using search engines like Google to find new brands, products, and services, it’s very important for small business owners to invest in the tools that can improve their ranking. Since there are many different factors to consider when climbing the organic ladder, improving your ranking (especially in a short period of time) can be a challenging task. 

    Use the following tips to improve your reach online: 

    • Use clever keywords 
    • Write thought-provoking content
    • Grow your reach with social media
    • Utilize your local environment to gain traction
    • Optimize for mobile traffic
    • Professionally manage your reputation 
    • Develop and integrate a strategy that will keep you on track 

    Since there are only a few weeks left before the craze of holiday shopping commences, have a word with our team to see how we can help launch a holiday digital marketing strategy for your business. 

    Which of the above suggestions does your business need more help with? Compare it with other readers in the comments section below.  

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    1. SwiftChat Live Chat App

      Knowing how to effectively market sales is a great way to make the most out of your event.