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    Why E-Commerce Businesses Need a Blog

    ecommerce blog

    If you’re an ecommerce entrepreneur wondering whether your business needs a blog, the answer is a resounding yes. Posting relevant content frequently helps ecommerce businesses improve SEO (search engine optimization), drive traffic to their online stores, build an audience, engage with customers, and ultimately, drive sales.

    Ecommerce Blogs Improve SEO

    It is critical that your ecommerce business rank high on search engines so that customers can easily find your site organically. When you have a company blog, each post that you publish creates an additional page for search engines to index. In addition to valuable content, internal links and relevant keywords in your articles help search bots crawl your website more effectively. In addition, posting often signals to search engines that your site is active and updated, which also results in a more favorable ranking.

    Ecommerce Blogs Drive Traffic to Your Site

    When you have a blog and you update it often with helpful, high-quality content, not only do you give people a reason to visit your website, but you also entice them to return to your site regularly. Posting how-tos, tips and tricks, trends, etc. on your ecommerce blog can help your store attract regular traffic.

    Ecommerce Blogs Help You Build an Audience

    Having an ecommerce blog that features high-quality content can help you build a reputation as an industry expert, which in turns builds credibility and trust. As customers start trusting your blog, and company, they may come to you every time they have a question that they think you can answer.

    Ecommerce Blogs Enable You to Engage with Current and Potential Customers

    Blogging is an invaluable tool to connect with your current and potential customers. Keep your readers updated by sharing timely information about upcoming products, events you plan on hosting or attending, deals you’re offering, and tips that your audience may be interested in. Invite customers to comment after reading your blog post, and make sure to respond to them to maintain a dialogue and build rapport.

    Does your ecommerce business need help starting and maintaining a blog? Trek Marketing specializes in creating SEO friendly posts for small and medium-sized businesses. Contact us to get started!

    Email Marketing for Your Ecommerce Business

    ecommerce email marketing

    Digital marketers are always on the lookout for new, cost-effective ways to connect with customers, but one method that has stood the test of time and that continues to produce results is email marketing. It is a robust tool that enables businesses to acquire, engage, and retain customers. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur looking to integrate ecommerce email marketing into your broader digital marketing strategy, here are three ways you can do so.

    Acquisition Emails

    Companies send acquisition emails with the specific purpose of convincing a potential client who has expressed interest in a product to convert. Your email can encourage them to try out your products or include a compelling offer that will entice them to purchase your product, thus increasing your sales.

    Here is an example of an ecommerce email marketing email that urges the subscriber to start a free, three-month trial. The email has a clear call-to-action (CTA) and as the customer scrolls down, it outlines the benefits of becoming a paid client, such as receiving personalized music recommendations, getting access to the latest songs from around the world, and more. Since the trial is at no cost to the customer but still allows them to experience the paid service, if they like it, they are likely to convert.

    Apple Acquisition ecommerce email marketing

    Email Newsletters

    Email newsletters are an excellent way for companies to keep subscribers connected to and engaged with their brands. Whether you’re sending out a timely email about a recently-launched product that your customers would be interested in or you’re emailing a helpful list of gift ideas for the holidays, email newsletters keep your customers connected to your brand, which means that you are top of mind when they are ready to purchase.

    This Indigo newsletter, for instance, does not directly focused on selling to the customer, but rather provides them with valuable information that will help them pick books as gifts. It provides suggestions based on the personality of the person the subscriber is shopping for, such as thrill seeker, hockey lover, foodie, romantic, etc.

    Indigo ecommerce email marketing

    Promotional Emails

    Promotional emails can increase conversions by enticing the email recipient to make the purchase. By including a limited-time offer they cannot resist, not only can you increase the likelihood that a potential customer will convert, but you can also encourage customers who have previously purchased your products to order again or try out a new product. In other words, promotional emails help you retain customers, in addition to getting new ones.

    Take a look at this ecommerce email marketing example from Origins. It offers the subscriber a coupon code for 20 percent off almost everything that can be used during a short time-frame and features a clear CTA. By creating a sense of urgency, they tap into the client’s fear of missing out.

    Origins Promotional ecommerce email marketing

    How does your ecommerce business use email marketing to drive sales? Tell us in the comments section below. 

    How to Get More Customer Reviews

    How to Get More Customer Reviews

    Online reviews are an essential marketing component for both brick-and-mortar and ecommerce businesses. Since they provide potential customers with unbiased information about your products and services, online reviews help answer many of their questions and eliminate uncertainty about their intended purchase. Furthermore, in addition to boosting page rankings, reviews also help build customer confidence in your product and brand. However, when it’s their turn to do so, the same customers often fail to leave feedback, and so, businesses find themselves struggling to garner reviews. In today’s blog post, we’ll answer the question of how to get more customer reviews with three easy tips.

    Send a Follow-Up Email

    Although 70% of online shoppers consult reviews or ratings prior to buying, many of them don’t end up leaving a review, so how do you get them to write you one? By asking! Don’t be afraid to be direct. If you don’t have a physical location and can’t ask customers in person, send them an email a week or two after they have received their order asking them to review the products they just purchased.

    Have a Simple Review Submission Process

    Keep the review form and process simple, and avoid asking for unnecessary information. For instance, for most businesses, the customer’s name, rating, and review suffice. Some companies also ask for a title or the customer’s location. Only include those fields if they add value to the testimonial. The more straightforward the process, the more likely the customer is to complete it.

    Provide an Incentive

    Motivate your clients to review your products by offering them an incentive. Whether it’s a coupon code, discount on a future purchase, entry to a contest, or an exclusive sneak-peek of upcoming merchandise, it will provide them with that extra encouragement. Since the client is taking the time and energy to write a testimonial, the incentive can also serve as a token of appreciation.

    How do you garner customer reviews? Tell us in the comments section below!