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    A few marketing books to add to your summer reading list

    marketing books

    marketing books

    With summer already in full swing, you’re probably looking forward to your leisure time on your days off. With the rise in temperature, naturally, comes more time spent enjoying the outdoors. Take a load off, relax and read your way through some of the most favored marketing books of the year.

    Here are a few reading suggestions for lovers of all things business and advertising to take with them anywhere their summer vacation leads.

    John Hall’s, “Top of Mind”

    This marketing book is about exploring opportunities. Hall examines the notion that opportunities are more likely to appear before people that create meaningful relationships in both their professional and personal life. He also speaks about consumer needs and how those have shifted over time. It’s important to build trustworthy, strong relationships with your clients so that in turn you will earn space at the top of your customer’s mind.

    Robert Glazer’s, “Performance Partnerships”

    Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing that involves the affiliate website, the affiliate network, the advertiser and the buyer. Not as common of a marketing avenue to take, affiliate marketing allows the business to reward other parties for their marketing efforts. Glazer explains the concept more in-depth in his marketing book and examines the evolution and ongoing transition “into one of the most important forms of direct-to-consumer digital marketing.”

    Jay Baer’s, “Hug Your Haters”

    In this marketing book, Baer explains that you don’t possess the ability to please everyone and that you need to learn to ignore the complaints if they begin to bother you. Although most companies boast about their customer service skills, most consumers will have a thing or two to say about that. Baer’s customer service novel describes what you as a business owner need to do to regain your consumer-focus and how to properly handle those people with attitude.

    Do you know any other marketing books that our fellow business owners might enjoy? Tell us in the comments section below.

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