It wasn’t long ago that the concept of ordering groceries digitally was considered to be absurd. After all, how did we expect that the supplier would ensure high-quality products? Needless to say, with ever-growing e-commerce technologies working alongside large grocery chains, this absurd concept evolved into a graciously developed idea with an online platform that included a shopping cart, promotional discounts codes and even a section where customer reviews could be written about products and services. While brick-and-mortar grocery shopping will probably never fully disappear, as our lives become busier and more career-oriented, the convenience of online grocery shopping can only become more appealing. And just like how the world of reading newspapers and cutting out magazine clippings has become far less common; grocery digital marketing may strive to replace the tradition of word-of-mouth advertising.
How has the influence of grocery digital marketing grown?
Digital technology has the power to expand multiple types of shopping experiences, including the grocery industry. In fact, 51% of grocery sales in 2016 were influenced digitally according to this study.
Just as the number of online shoppers and mobile users has skyrocketed in the past decade, so too has their trust for making their purchases online. And with other sectors, such as electronics, home, health and apparel having maintained a high frequency when it comes to digital shopping, grocery has proven its worth with advantages like the promotion of convenience and a clear way to assist with every day time management.
There has been an increase in online revenue
The most tangible evidence to support the benefit of online marketing is noticing an increase in business revenue. While grocery digital marketing has just started to hit the tipping point in regards to digital influence, over the past few years the industry has seen a shift with customers researching potential purchases online before heading to a brick-and-mortar shop to buy. While 9% more likely to carry out a purchase, customers are seemingly increasing their spending by 19% through the use of digital resources.
There has been an increase in online reviews
Past customer reviews harness power over future customer purchases. In fact, 29% of customers try out products based on a review that they read online. That’s why authentic reviews should be a part of your grocery digital marketing strategy. After all, credibility is essential if a business hopes to see more online sales.
Foster their trust
Digital marketing is a great way to foster the trust of new and potential shoppers. Even in the grocery industry, reaching out to your customers to find out how their experience was is essential, so, businesses hoping to maintain their confidence in buying should accommodate their interests by asking them to rate their purchase. They should even consider offering them a loyalty coupon in exchange for their time. This method will encourage familiarity and will also establish them as their main grocery supplier when life gets too busy to head to the store.
How else do you feel grocery digital advertising has evolved over the years? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.
Alex Wilks has been working as a copywriter and digital marketing strategist since 2018, with added specialties in social media and email marketing. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Communication, she is a natural content writer with the ability to connect well with her target audience.