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    What are the benefits of integrating SEO with PPC?

    how to market an online business

    How to market an online business has evolved significantly over the last couple of decades, making it harder and harder every day to prove more advantageous than your competition. In fact, today search engine algorithms are faced with cut-throat competition between various brands who’re fighting amongst each other to reach a strong, organic reach as well as top in search rankings. However, not all hope is lost! We’re here to tell you that SEO and PPC is a match made in heaven for those seeking help with their digital marketing strategy. So, let’s learn how to market an online business by integrating SEO with PPC! 

    What are the benefits of this integration? 

    Since every business wants a prime location on Google Search, the best way you can beat out your competition in this vying world is to push them out by combining your SEO and PPC practices. Following strategic SEO practices means that you’re able to increase the quantity and quality of the traffic coming to your website through the use of organic keywords that are researched for your industry. Whereas PPC marketing practices follow an internet advertising model that only pays the publisher if the ad has been clicked on. Both digital marketing tactics increase your chance of conversions and when combined, have the ability to add value to each other.   

    How do the two intertwine?

    Let’s say that you’ve discovered some effective keywords based on researching your industry and you’ve taken the time to rewrite stronger content (using these keywords) within the product copy and pages of your e-commerce site, good job, you’ve been following vital SEO practices. Now, your target audience is able to find your website easier. So, now you can combine these efforts with PPC. To achieve that, PPC is able to offer you a form a remarketing that pre-occupies ad spaces in websites within Google’s network. This means that you’re able to reel in your audience using SEO strategies and re-target them later with PPC’s remarketing feature. It’s the perfect combination to encourage customers to complete their purchase. 

    Still asking yourself how to market an online business? Consider consulting with a professional digital marketing agency if you want to start utilizing SEO and PPC integration. BAM! Take that competition.

    How else do you boost your digital marketing efforts? Drop your ideas below to share with our readers. 


    Two effective ways to strategically market law firms

    marketing strategies for law firms

    Living in a world that is increasingly connected through the use of the internet has forced businesses to change their way of reaching their target audiences or simply disappear with the times. So, just like other marketable businesses, the legal profession is changing its advertising dynamics in order to resonate with the ongoing trends. This is why if you’re hoping to successfully boost your online campaigns you should take a look at these marketing strategies for law firms.

    Use pay-per-click marketing

    Pay-per-click marketing (PPC) is a business model that allows you to create innovative ads and place them on various webpages and platforms with the hopes of directing the traffic towards your business. Whenever a potential customer clicks on the displayed advertisement, the host website will then charge the business owner according to their agreed-upon budget limit. Google Ads, Facebook and LinkedIn are a few host platforms that are able to extend business popularity by attracting a new, attentive audience. The reason that PPC advertising should be one of the many marketing strategies for laws firms is that it allows you to reach the people out there that are searching for your service before they are reached by your competitors. Also, over time you’re able to analyze all of your campaigns and refine your approach based on the information that’s provided by the click-through rates and conversions.

    Use social media

    You probably hear this all the time, but social media is the powerhouse behind any digital marketing strategy and it would be silly not to use it to develop a relationship with your clients. We recommend starting your new social strategy by regularly posting content that you feel would interest people who enjoy all aspects of law, who have/are studying law and maybe even those seeking help with legalities. It’s best to do this through the use of a social media calendar in order to provide consistency with your page. Then, engage with your followers through conversations, comments and emojis, answering any questions they have promptly and efficiently. This will help you to gain trust with them on a professional level. The best part is your social media channels also offer you analytics which shares what times your audience is most active and which posts are gaining the most traction. Then you’re able to gather some notes and optimize your time so that you can dedicate a reasonable amount of it towards your social strategy. After all, marketing strategies for law firms should include the facets of many social media platforms in order to build an online presence and uncover new leads and clients.

    A digital marketing company can help you get started on either of the above state-of-the-art digital marketing strategies.

    Have you been successful in marketing your legal practice using other digital marketing strategies? Drop a comment below to share with our readership!