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    How often should business owners update their blogs?

    professional blog writing

    If you’re looking for an answer to the question, “how often should business owners update their blogs?” we’re here to tell you that there’s no right answer. This is a contentious issue for e-commerce businesses everywhere and unfortunately, even as an experienced digital marketing company that handles professional copywriting, we can only provide you with feedback that has worked so far with our current clients. It’s to your companies’ advantage that you post at least once per week, however, the following things need to be considered for your submission to get noticed on the wide web.   

    Consistency is an important part of any blogging strategy

    Consistency is defined as the conformance in the application of something for the sake of logic, accuracy, and fairness. So, in terms of developing professional blogging content for your e-commerce website, it’s important for you to consider the publication of consistent blogs — same day/time each week — to show your readers and followers that you’re committed to your brand. Not only can your schedule content so that it automatically appears on your website, but you can take it one step further by sharing your blogs on social media. This is also something that should be consistent, for example, blogs are published Tuesdays and shared through social on Wednesdays. 

    Also, consistent blog updates allow visitors to see that your business is operating as usual, and in these uncertain times where many companies are struggling, you can continue to show potential customers that they’re good hands when they shop your collection of products and services. That being said, since leaving a long time frame between posting shows that your website is neglected, consider hiring a professional to handle the copywriting tasks for you. This will enable you to better organize your time for other tasks, while also ensuring that you always have fresh content that’s available to the consumer. 

    Short updates don’t serve a purpose on your blog

    Many business owners use blogs to provide customers with brief company updates and will write fewer than 100-word submissions to explain. What they don’t know is that short blog submissions lack the use of keywords, which is devaluing your website, leaving behind a layer of thin content that hinders search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and lowers the organic ranking. That being said, the best place for these types of updates is through your social media platforms, where short, punchy copy is always shared. Another way to ensure that your audience sees updates is by simply adding them to the bottom of long-form content as a way to increase your word count with something that provides value to your business. Keep in mind that while there’s no definitive word count for blogs, readers benefit most from submissions that avoid filler language and are 500 quality words or more.

    Relevance and quality are key 

    Whether you’re attempting to write your own submissions from scratch or have opted to hire a professional to handle all of your copywriting tasks, two of the most crucial factors to consider in your blogging posts are relevance and quality. Publishing content every day that’s irrelevant to your industry and riddled with typos and poorly constructed sentences are not beneficial to your website. In fact, low-quality blog content makes your site appear spammy to search engine algorithms. That’s why it’s worth investing time and money into the efforts that are needed to produce good quality content! 

    Is your business ready to develop a professional copywriting strategy? Get in touch with a member of the Trek Marketing team to get started. 

    What other elements need to be considered as part of a business blogging strategy? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

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