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    Must-write topics to cover on your e-commerce blog

    e-commerce blog

    e-commerce blog

    A variety of content is incredibly important when you’re crafting an e-commerce blog aimed at enticing new customers and keeping your current ones interested. Although quality content is key, it’s equally as important to have a regular blogging schedule that you can maintain and carry out each week. The more you write, the more you may find that your once full page of ideas is now scarce and non-existent. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are always new topics to write about or subjects that can be re-written from a different angle. So, pick up that pen or get back to your computer with the help of these inspirational ideas.

    Write a post about your products

    Even though you probably have detailed product descriptions telling your customers what your products are all about, you can create a blog that specifically details how the products can be used. In a single blog post you can highlight multiple products that may possess a similar purchasing trend. This allows you to discuss their purpose further and even include some behind the scenes photos. It’s the perfect way to entice your customers to read your content without blatantly throwing an advertisement in their direction.

    Write a how-to post

    How-to blog posts are fun to write and best of all they are interesting to read as well. Often you may sell a product that has more than one practical use and this is a foolproof opportunity to show consumers what they are. For example, if you own an electronics company you may want to write about how-to troubleshoot outdated electronics. Obviously, you want to encourage them to click on your products, especially if they are having trouble with their current ones, but simply share your expertise with them and add a tagline at the end saying, “If you’re finally fed up, check out our line of…”.

    Write a post on industry trends and news

    It’s important to keep one eye open when it comes to trends or news that develop pertaining to your products. This asserts your position as a leader in your niche and is a good way to show your audience that you’re knowledgeable and up-to-date with your industry.

    Write a list post

    With Christmas just around the corner perhaps it would be beneficial to write about the top five items on your website that everyone would want to see if their Christmas stocking this year. This is an easy way to draw attention to your products, because often times people are scrambling around at Christmas to finish shopping for everyone on their lists. You’re just giving your customers a nudge in the right direction.

    Do you struggle with writing in general? Do you have a stressful schedule and need help with your blog? We’re happy to say you do have options. Many startup companies often seek outside help to manage their e-commerce blog in order to ensure the quality is kept consistent and the writing is professional.

    How do you come up with refreshing ideas for your e-commerce blog? Tell us in the comments section below.

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